The Overachiever

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"No fair!"

"It's completely fair!"

"Hokage-sama, don't you think putting Masumi in my class seems weird?!"

One day, after losing a game of rock, paper, scissors to the Academy's only other fifth grade teacher, Haruki fumed as they stood before the Hokage's desk. Shisui merely watched from his desk with a small smile as he continued his paperwork, leaving his superior to deal with the situation.

As Masumi continued to excel at the Academy, after thorough discussion between Haruki and Shisui, the Hokage, and all of Masumi's previous teachers, it had been decided that the best option would be to allow him to continue to progress to higher grade classes as his abilities saw fit. While his original leap had been from the first grade to the fourth grade, he had now reached the point where he was eligible to enter the fifth grade stream. Considering that the Academy currently only had two fifth grade classes- both of which were already pushing their quotas- it had been agreed that Haruki and the other teacher, Yui, would let fate decide which of them would take on the task of teaching Masumi. 

Through a very professional round of "rock, paper, scissors."

"Haruki-chan, we all agreed before that the loser would be the one to take Masumi into their class," sighed Minato, holding up the agreement that Haruki and Yui had signed just moments before. "Both of your classes are already at maximum capacity as it is. This was the fairest way to do it."

"You'll be fine," reassured Yui, patting Haruki on the shoulder. "Just pretend that he's not your son. Surely none of the children know."


"I'm sure."


"When we go in there, Sumi, you call me sensei. Alright?"

"But why?"

As Haruki stood outside her classroom with her son in tow, she let out a sigh as she crossed her arms.

"You can call me okaa-san outside of class, but when we're in there, you have to call me sensei like everyone else. And if I see you being naughty, you'll be punished just like any of your other classmates. Alright?"

"Yes, okaa-san," grumbled Masumi, clutching onto the straps of his backpack as he tapped his foot impatiently.

"Good." Haruki reached out and slid open the door, silencing the chatter that had been going on just moments before. "Good morning, class!"

"Good morning, Haruki-sensei," chanted the fifth graders, eyes glued on Masumi's small figure as he shut the door behind his mother and joined her at the front of the class.

"We have a new student joining us today," announced Haruki, indicating the little Uchiha boy beside her. "Masumi, introduce yourself."

Clearing his throat and puffing out his chest, Masumi proudly straightened up and declared, "My name is Uchiha Masumi, and I'm going to be one of the best shinobi who ever lived!"

Haruki internally facepalmed as her fifth graders merely looked at Masumi with confused faces, then looked up at their teacher to see if she was serious about this tiny runt joining their class.

"... right, thanks for that, Ma- yes?"

Haruki nodded at a student in the back whose hand had shot right up into the air.

"Isn't he your son?"

Haruki felt herself deflating as murmurs began spreading across the room like wildfire, and looked down to see if Masumi had been affected by the question at all. Judging by the way he merely pushed his glasses up and crossed his arms with a rather cool and unbothered look, she figured he was fine.

"Yes, he is," admitted Haruki, having not expected the cat to be out of the bag so early into Masumi's introduction. "But in this classroom, he will be treated just like anyone else, so don't think I'll be giving him any special treatment. Understood, Masumi?"

"Yes, sensei." A ripple of snickers ignited at Masumi's serious reply, with many students now seeing Masumi as nothing more than an annoyance who was going to ride his mother's coattails to breeze through the year.

"Don't you mean okaa-san?" called out a voice from the side, causing the entire class to burst into laughter. 

"How cute! Are you going to be coddling him at lunchtime too, sensei? Giving him his bottle? Changing his nappy?"

Haruki frowned, and crossed her arms as she addressed the students.

"I will not tolerate attitudes like that here," she stated, glaring at her class. "You all know what measures are taken against bullies in this class. And from you especially, Taro, I don't expect to hear any type of belittling speech against Masumi. Considering that this is your second year in fifth grade."

The class simultaneously "OOOOOO!"ed as Haruki called out the student who had made the second comment, making him scowl in disdain and look away.

"Maybe I wouldn't have to be doing fifth grade again if my mummy was my teacher," sneered Taro, earning even more "OOOO!"s from his classmates.

"What are you trying to say, Taro?"

"This system is bogus, and punks like this kid are only able to advance to higher classes because their parents have power!"

The class was silenced as Taro stood up, slamming his palms down on his desk as he glared at Haruki.

"I'm sorry that you feel that way, Taro, but it's far from the truth. Masumi, take a seat, and we'll start our lesson." Nudging Masumi to go sit down, Haruki raised an eyebrow at Taro. "Would you like to sit down too, Taro? Or would you like to walk out and skip this class, just like you normally do?"

More "OOOOOO!"s echoed throughout the classroom. With an acidic scowl, Taro merely sat back down, but not without making sure his displeasure was heard.

"Let's get started." Shooting Masumi a reassuring look, Haruki began the lesson for the day.

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 | shisui uchihaΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα