Genetically Predestined

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The Suna delegation's time in Konoha swiftly came to an end, and at the farewell party several goodbyes were exchanged.

"Masumi, let go of Gaara's gourd!"

"Okaa-san, what's in it?"


Haruki groaned and walked over to Masumi as he stood behind Gaara, relentlessly poking at the base of the gourd of sand he carried on his back.

"Here, I'll show you," chuckled Gaara. As soon as he spoke, a stream of sand slowly came pouring out of the gourd and entwined itself around Masumi, causing the little boy's eyes to widen in awe. As he did so, he unwittingly activated his Byakugan, raising alarm in Haruki. Since that first day when he had accidentally awakened it, he hadn't used it, or shown any signs of knowing how to freely activate and deactivate it at will.

"Masumi, look at me," instructed Haruki, squatting down so that she was at eye level with her son and activating her own Byakugan to check his out. "Masumi."

Masumi's gaze moved towards his mother as he reached out for the sand, running his fingers through it as he swirled around him in circles.

"Byakugan, huh?" asked Gaara, standing with his arms crossed as he watched an anxious Haruki coax Masumi her way.

"Yes. But I don't know if he knows how to use-"

Haruki was cut off as Masumi promptly turned around and punched a sneaking Shisui right in the face, provoking Gaara to remove his sand as the Uchiha let out a cry of surprise and stumbled backwards.

"What?! Hey!! No fair, you had your Byakugan on!"

Behind Shisui, the group of students he'd been talking to all murmured in surprise at the sight of the jōnin being floored by his own son, making Haruki sigh.

"Okaa-san, did you see that?!" cheered Masumi, bouncing up and down as he clapped in excitement. Still grumbling, Shisui got to his feet and dusted himself off, activating his Sharingan and bending down so that he and Masumi were looking each other directly in the eyes.

"My one is better," teased Shisui, earning a scowl and look of disdain from Masumi.

"Shisui!" exclaimed Haruki, walking over and smacking him on the arm.

"So these are the famed dōjutsu of the Konoha shinobi, huh?"

As Shisui and Haruki glared at each other with their respective dōjutsu activated, Pakura interrupted from behind as she analysed the pair.

"Afraid so," said Shisui, deactivating his Sharingan and playfully squeezing Haruki's hand.

"Your young one seems to be familiar with his," nodded Pakura, watching as Masumi giggled and ran towards his father with his arms outstretched. Letting out a loud laugh, Shisui reached down and scooped up Masumi before heading back to the group of students he'd been talking to before, saying, "Anyways, this is who I wanted you guys to meet!"

"Shisui, is it off?" called out Haruki, who only breathed a sigh of relief when Masumi peered over his father's shoulder with both his eyes back to normal. Deactivating her own Byakugan, Haruki replied to Pakura glumly, "Oh, he's far from familiar with it."

"Really? He seems to have good control over it."

"He can't be," insisted Haruki, waving away Pakura's words as she looked over to check on how the twins and Mamoru were doing with Baki and a bunch of other students. "We haven't taught him anything."

"May I say something, Haruki-san?"

"Yes, of course."

"It's obvious that all of your children have been genetically predestined to become great shinobi. And right now, it would appear that Masumi is a perfect example of that. While you and Shisui-san may not have introduced the concept of ninjutsu to your children yet, it is a part of Masumi that comes naturally to him, and therefore, it becomes somewhat of a second nature. That, and watching you and Shisui perform your duties as shinobi probably adds to his curiosity. You know, kids learn a lot just by watching someone.

"My suggestion is to analyse him properly to get a good gage as to where his abilities lie right now. I was watching him right from when Gaara released his sand, and judging from the way he quickly activated his Byakugan just as Shisui began sneaking up on him, something tells me that Masumi sensed his father's movements long before that."

"What are you trying to say?"

Pakura grinned and reached out, putting a hand on Haruki's shoulder.

"Why I'm trying to say is, don't ignore Masumi's potential. He's four freaking years old, and he was able to do that. Come on, Haruki-san."

Haruki sighed, glum at the thought of yet another prodigy child.

"I just want him to enjoy being a child."

"Some children grow up quicker than others, Haruki-san. And it's not up to us to decide when they are no longer children."

"... I guess you're right. Thank you, Pakura-san."

"It's no problem. We should get back to enjoying the festivities, you know!"

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 | shisui uchihaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat