Kids Will Be Kids

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"Well, since you're asking, yes, they did fight."

After dismissing their respective families to return home with their guests from Suna, Haruki and Hiashi stood face to face in front of the restaurant they'd had dinner at. And, as expected, Haruki was far from pleased.

"Otou-san! Why would you do that?!"

"The elders pushed for it, and they were right."

"And you didn't think to notify me?!"

"What happens within the clan is no longer your business, Haruki. I thought we clarified that already."

"I don't care about the clan, I care about my sisters!"

Haruki's hands were balled into fists as she refrained from yelling at her father, keeping her composure so as to show the proper respect.

"If it makes you feel any better, the fight ended in a tie," explained Hiashi, looking relatively indifferent at his eldest daughter's outburst. "But since Hanabi performed better, she has ultimately been made the new clan heiress."

"You're kidding me!" gasped Haruki, slapping a palm against her forehead in exasperation. "Are you kidding me?!"

"It's just as Hanabi said when she was younger. All three of you were able to be heiresses, making it fair. Even though I'm sure this wasn't how she envisioned it, it happened."


"Haruki, what's done is done. There's nothing you can do about it. We should head off home now."

Haruki let out a groan of frustration as she pulled at her hair, not knowing what she was meant to do now.

"Come on, you have four children waiting for you."



"Nice of you to join us, Haru-chan!"


Catching up to her own family later, Haruki was astounded to see Shisui and Baki each balancing one child each on their shoulders, and another in their arms.

"Masumi!" called out Haruki warningly, watching as the little boy snorted and began playing with Baki's head wrappings. "No!"

"Where's Baka...? There he is!"

Haruki paled as Sora flapped the piece of cloth that obscured one half of Baki's face back and forth, earning a chuckle from the Suna nin.


"Okaa-san!" whined Mamoru from Shisui's arms, arms outstretched as he pined for his mother. Haruki quickly stepped forward and took him, glancing warily at the two children weighing down Baki.

"I'm so sorry," apologised Haruki profusely, earning roaring laughter from both Baki and Shisui.

"Haru-chan, relax," said her husband, winking at her with encouragement. "Kids will be kids, eh, Baki-san?"

"No doubt about it."

Still frowning as she placed Mamoru on her own shoulders, Haruki couldn't help but snort as he slipped and viciously yanked at her hair.

"Ouch! Mamoru!"

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