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"Izumo, Kotetsu. Haruki and I are here to log our departure."

Haruki followed Shisui as he approached the administration desk at the gate, earning nods from the two shinobi seated there.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the prodigy of the Uchiha clan and the heiress of the Hyūga," mused Kotetsu, wiggling his eyebrows as he looked towards Izumo. "Damn, you kids get more work than we do around here."

"Guarding the village gate is a big responsibility, Kotetsu," chastised Izumo, taking pride in the task that he and Kotetsu were assigned. "We're the first barrier enemies face when they try to enter the village."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Hey, Hyūga, when are you becoming a jōnin? I heard everyone's been rooting for you to become one soon," asked Kotetsu, glancing over Shisui's shoulder at the patiently waiting female. "I mean, you're no Shisui, but becoming a jōnin at your age is still a big deal."

"I may be no Shisui, but I'm still younger than you," shot back Haruki, not one to enjoy being compared to others. "How is your jōnin training going, huh?"

Izumo smirked as a look of annoyance crossed Kotetsu's face, prompting him to wave away Haruki's jibe with an air of apathy.

"It's going, just like you two should be. Get lost."

Haruki exchanged a smile with Shisui as they bowed at the chūnin and began heading off.

"So what's the plan, boss?"

Haruki blinked at Shisui's words, wondering if she had heard him correctly.


"I heard you're a pretty good tactician," explained the Uchiha, hands tucked away in his pockets as he strode alongside Haruki. "Consider this a part of your training. I'm in charge, so now I'm putting you in charge. What's the plan?"

"Shisui, is that really a good idea?" bemoaned Haruki, disliking the thought of having to tell her superior what to do. "You have more experience than I do in these recon missions! What do I know? All I've done up to now is catch stray animals and escort people places!"

"We all start somewhere. Come on, hit me with some ideas, and I'll back you up. Have some faith in yourself, Haru-chan!"


"Haru-chan rolls off the tongue much easier than Haruki. I like it. Haru-chan."

Shisui beamed at Haruki as she mulled over her new nickname, having never been referred to anything other than Haruki by her friends and family, or hime-sama by the members of the Hyūga clan branch house. 

"Haru-chan," she repeated softly, looking up at Shisui as they walked into the sunset. As the Uchiha was swathed in sunlight, perfectly accentuating the contrast of his jet-black hair against his fair skin, Haruki felt her heart skip a beat, but quickly pushed the sensation out of her mind. "I like it too. But what can I call you?"

"Well, no one else has been able to think of anything decent either, so Shisui will do," shrugged Shisui, arms folded as they continued walking.

"Hmm. Shisui it is."

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