Day One

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"... so, on the first day the group will be staying together at a hotel to get some rest, and then our programme will officially begin the next day. What I'm thinking so far is that we gather them at the village hall, give them breakfast, and they can listen to a speech from the Hokage about what this programme is and what he hopes everyone gets out of it. Then, we get all their host families to come and divide them up accordingly, let them interact and get to know each other, and then ask that the host families take the children home, settle them in, and get them ready for the next day."

"That sounds good. What do you have in mind for the next day?"

"Well, I was kind of hoping you'd have an idea."

"Hmm..." Haruki leaned back in her seat as she tapped her chin, deep in thought. "How many of these children have host siblings in the Academy?"

"... around half of them."

"And you say that they're from fifth and sixth grade?"

"Yup. I've tried to pair up students according to their age and interests so that they have something in common with each other, but we haven't had enough Academy family volunteers so some families have volunteered to take on two students, and we've had to reach out to other shinobi families who don't have children in the Academy."

"Very nice. How about..."

Team Shiruki sat together at Shisui's desk, bouncing ideas off of one another as they tried to come up with a concrete plan for the delegation from Suna that they were due to receive. They had only received the assignment yesterday, yet they were both already throwing themselves into it head first so that they could get it out of the way.

Minato sat at his own desk, busy signing papers as he kept a keen ear tuned to the pair's conversation.

"... considering each year level has two classes, it should be relatively easy to split them up! Rather than teaching them separately from our students, why don't we just let them have an authentic, Konoha Academy experience?"

"... I'm listening."

"We get the kids with no host siblings to come to school, and give each of them a student to take care of them while they're at the Academy! So like a host sibling, but they won't be living together!"

Shisui nodded as he wrote down Haruki's ideas, pen whirring quickly as his hand attempted to keep up with his train of thought.

"Sounds good. Now, a schedule?"

As the pair advanced forward with their planning, the hours passed quickly. Soon, Minato glanced over at the clock, and raised an eyebrow at the young couple.

"... yes, we can do the first week with them here in the Academy and the things we've planned so far, then let them spend their first weekend with their host families, and then next week we can- oh damn, look at the time!"


Haruki shot up out of her seat, surprised that the clock had already struck 6 o'clock.

"I'm sorry, Hokage-sama, I'm going to have to dismiss myself here," said Haruki, bowing at the Namikaze. "Shisui, and you?"

Shisui looked over warily at the Hokage, doubtful about his next course of action.

"Off you go, Shisui," smiled Minato, waving away the Uchiha. "I'll see you tomorrow morning at nine."

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"


"O-tou-sa-n! My turn!"

Masumi cried out in complaint as Shisui balanced Riku on his shoulders and Sora in his arms, holding out his hands to be carried by his father as Haruki pushed Mamoru's pram alongside her family.

"Masumi, here!" Haruki stopped in her tracks, bending down and beckoning for her eldest to jump on her shoulders. "How was school?"

"Good!" Masumi cheered as he launched himself onto his mother's shoulders, before she tentatively stood up and continued pushing along Mamoru.

"Hold on tight to my- OUCH! Yeah, okay, like that!"

Shisui laughed at the sight of Masumi lacing his fingers in his mother's scalp, yanking at her hair in an attempt to keep himself steady on her shoulders.

"Do you have any meetings tomorrow afternoon, Haru-chan?"

"Hmm, I shouldn't have. We usually only have staff meetings on Mondays."

"Perfect. We can pick up where we left off today."

"Sounds good. Riku, Sora, how was school today?"


"I hope okaa-san's ready to have them all home," chuckled Haruki, pulling a face as Masumi roughly tore at her hair. "I'm bushed."

"Same. And all I did was sit at a desk all day!"

"You seem to have settled in well. How are you finding it?"

"Boring. But I feel for the Hokage. I swear his mountains of paperwork just grow taller every day."

"I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to keep you on permanently," said Haruki, adjusting her shoulders so that Masumi was comfortable. "Imagine that."

"Well, a job is a job, I suppose. And I get to stay in the village! No more missions!"

"Yay!" cheered Masumi, bouncing up and down as he gripped onto his mother's scalp. "Stay here, otou-san! Stay!"

"Gladly," chuckled Shisui. If there was one thing the Uchiha knew, it was that he didn't want to end up like his own father. He wanted to live to see his own grandchildren, and if that meant lessening his duties as a shinobi for his own health, then he would gladly do so.

In that sense, becoming Hokage didn't seem so much of a bad idea.

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