Shabu Shabu

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"Masumi, how was your first day of school?"

In celebration of Masumi's first day in the Academy, Namiko had prepared an array of side dishes in addition to the shabu shabu the family were enjoying that night. While Haruki and Shisui were busy cooking the twins' and Mamoru's meat so that they could eat, Namiko supervised Masumi as he sat up in his seat, deftly holding a thin piece of beef between his chopsticks as he ran it through the boiling broth water.

"Shabu... shabu!" he cheered, earning laughs from the adults. "It was fun. I made a friend. Her name is Sana, but she doesn't want to be a ninja. Her parents are making her do the Academy, but she wants to be a hairdresser. I showed her my eye and she said it's cool."

"Oh," said Haruki, blanching as she glanced over nervously at Shisui. "What about you, Sumi? Do you still want to be a ninja?"

"Yes! Like you and otou-san! I'm going to be the best ninja out there!" declared Masumi proudly, shoving his beef into his mouth. "I'm going to be stronger than you and otou-san, and Naruto-nii and Sasuke-nii and Itachi-nii and oba-san and other oba-san! And ojii-san, too!"

"Well, we're not surprised," mused Haruki, placing one last slice of pork on Sora's plate as she finished preparing his and Riku's dinner. "Quite personally, I'd love to see you beat your father's ass on the battlefield."

"Hey, hey, Haru-chan!" complained Shisui, still cooking Mamoru's beef and pork for him.

"So would I," added Namiko, picking up some vegetables from the broth and putting them on Masumi's plate. "But a strong ninja needs to eat his vegetables. If you want to beat your father, you have to eat all your greens."

Masumi's face contorted into one of distaste, but he nonetheless picked up a bean sprout and shoved it in his mouth.

"Gross," he complained, still munching away in protest.

"I want to be a ninja too!" piped up Riku, throwing his hand into the air.

"Me too!" seconded Sora, dipping his pork into the sauce bowl between himself and Riku.

"And me!" came Mamoru, happily eating away.

"Thank goodness," sighed Haruki in relief, rubbing her belly. "I wonder if your future siblings want to become shinobi as well."

"If they do, then they'll have the best teachers to help them," chuckled Namiko, looking at each and every one of her grandsons. "I'm very proud of you two, Haruki, Shisui."

"We did nothing," insisted Shisui, now going to boil his own meat. "We just lent them our genes, that's all."

"Your father was right, Haruki-chan," continued Namiko. "You two really have birthed a stronger generation."

"What do you mean, us two? Haru-chan does all the work around here, I just give her my... stuff."

"Very eloquently put, Shisui. Very eloquent."

"Okaa-san, what stuff did otou-san give you?" asked Riku innocently, looking at his mother. Shisui choked on his saliva, but Haruki smoothly replied, "His love, Riku. Your father gave me his love, and that's how all of you were born."

All four boys stuck their tongues out in disgust.


"What do you mean gross?!" exclaimed Shisui, going bright pink in the face. "I'm half of the reason you're all here!"

"Okaa-san, otou-san was talking about you in class today," brought up Masumi, making Haruki raise an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Oh, really?"

"It was nothing, we were just-"

"Otou-san got angry that I said you're my favourite parent, and he nearly cried," continued Masumi, cutting off his father as he sat upright in his chair. Haruki snorted as she looked over at Shisui, who was scowling as he fed Mamoru.

"Aww, was widdle Shisui sad?"

"Come on, Haru-chan!" whined the Uchiha.

"That's what happens when you're mean to Sumi," piped up Mamoru, earning a huff from his father.

"Do you want me to feed you or not?!"


"You're my favourite, otou-san," said Sora softly, picking up a piece of pork and holding it out to his father. "I like you the best."

Shisui softened as he leaned down and opened his mouth, letting Sora feed him.

"Thank you!"

"My favourite is obaa-san," said Riku, beaming at his grandmother with his mouth stuffed with meat and rice. Namiko chuckled and shook her head, saying, "Ahh, you lot!"

"I like okaa-san!" said Mamoru. "But tonight I like otou-san, because he's feeding me."

"I thought so," said Shisui, adding cooked slices of meat to Mamoru's plate. But even so, when he made eye contact with Haruki over the table, she smirked and mouthed, Two to one. I win.

Not everything is a competition! mouthed back Shisui, glaring at his wife as she victoriously fed the twins.

Whatever. With that, Haruki poked her tongue at the Uchiha.

"Now, now, you two," said Namiko warningly, watching the entire exchange. "Don't get worked up over this."

"The only one getting worked up around here is Shisui."

"I am not!"

"Are too."

"What does worked up mean, obaa-san?"

"Ask your father," snickered Haruki.

"I am not worked up."

"Your face is red."

"Because it's hot!"

"... whatever."

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