Daycare Blues

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"Haru-chan, it's time for us to go now..."

"Just a few more minutes, Shisui..."

Haruki clutched on relentlessly to Mamoru as Masumi, Riku, and Sora all skittled around their mother, playing a game of tag as their father waited patiently for his wife to release her children.

"Haru-chan, you're going to be late for your first day of work," reminded Shisui softly, moving forward and gently prying Mamoru from his mother's hold.

It was Haruki's first day as a teacher at the Academy, and as such, the time had come for her and Shisui to bring their children to the daycare to be looked after while their parents were at work.

"I should've waited until Mamoru was older," said Haruki mournfully, guilt ridden as she watched Shisui pass their youngest child to one of the daycare workers. "He's too young to be going to daycare. Maybe I should-"

"Haru-chan." Haruki sniffled as Shisui placed a hand on her shoulder, glancing around at the other children who were staring at them. "Look. Let's just remind the boys about what's happening, and get along. You don't want to be late."

"Alright, alright." Haruki let out a long, drawn out sigh as she dropped down to the ground, beckoning for her three older sons to come closer as she sat on her knees. "Boys, okaa-san and otou-san have to go to work. But while we're away, your new friends here will look after you for us. Do you think you can be good boys for Miho-chan, Yui-chan, and Azusa-chan?"

"Where are you going, okaa-san?" piped up Masumi. At four years old, he had grown very aware of his surroundings and the people in it, and the fact that both of his parents had carted himself and his brothers off to a new place full of strangers like this didn't seem to be processing in his mind.

"I have to go to work, baby," said Haruki regretfully, reaching out and patting Masumi on the head. "But I'll be back before you know it! Make sure you look after your little brothers, alright?"

Behind Masumi and the twins, Shisui also bent down so that he could hug them from behind.

"We'll see you tonight," said the Uchiha assuringly, glancing at his tearful wife. "But we have to go now. Be good boys, alright?"

Although appearing to be scared, Masumi put on a brave face and nodded with confidence.

"Come on, kiss and hug goodbye," said Haruki sadly, outstretching her arms. All at once, Masumi, Riku, and Sora tore out of their father's embrace to join their mother's, before their group hug was brought in from the back by Shisui.

"Okay, time for us to split. See you later, boys! Don't cry when we leave!"



Shisui let out an exasperated sigh as he walked away from the daycare with a sobbing Haruki in his arms, having had to yank her away from their children to get her out of the door.

"You know, after today, you can go back to the Hokage and tell him you've changed your mind," offered Shisui, consoling his wife as they headed towards the Academy. "I was worried about the boys not being ready to be put in daycare, but I guess I was worrying about the wrong babies."

"Ha ha, very f-funny!" choked Haruki, furiously wiping away her tears. "I'm fine!"

"Sure you are."

Shisui chuckled as he hugged Haruki tightly, rubbing her on the back.

"You get off for lunch at twelve, right?" he asked kindly. "Shall we come back then to see how they're doing?"

"Huh? Aren't you going on a m-mission?"

"Eh, I've got admin work to handle today. I can come and go as I please while I'm working."

"Ad-Admin work?!"

"The Hokage told me a lot of his work for the village is mostly paperwork," sighed Shisui, albeit with a small smile. "He says it's good practise for me in the long run. Who knew that being the village's best shinobi isn't just about how good you are at fighting? You've got to be smart, diplomatic, willing to spend hours on end in your office filling out forms and replying to letters, and care about the people you're looking after. Crazy, right?"

"... being the Hokage sounds like a whole lot of work. Rewarding, but... hard."

"It is. But it's not worth sacrificing time with my family over."

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 | shisui uchihaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt