Chpt 19 Rin~Sensei!

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I stifled a laugh at the sight before me. I never thought I'd say this but Kakashi's chakra control was worse than Naruto's. And he's a jinjuriki! I sighed and sent my gaze to my wrist. This was obviously too embarrassing for me to watch.


"I know right? Kakashi needs a lot of improvement." I said and Sasuke nodded in response. Naruto who was clearly enjoying this yelled out instructions to his teacher. Not everyone knew how to surf. So this obviously wasn't going to be easy. And doing it whiles providing your own wave made it ten times worse.

Kakashi wasn't water natured. But neither were Naruto and Sasuke. Yet they got it right. After two years of training though. But it still wasn't as perfect as mine. Considering the fact that I already knew how to surf and was water natured, this was simple ABC. But it took me six months to perfect it.

I didn't need jutsu for this. Simple chakra control could do it. I sighed again and got up. The two boys following after to leave our miserable teacher to train. We didn't force him to do anything. Naruto only teased him a little about how we could do it and he couldn't.

Once we reached the middle of the forest, I sat crisscrossed on the ground, Naruto and Sasuke doing the same. Taking a deep breath I focused my chakra to the ground. Blondie gasped in surprise as the earth beneath me rose into a pillar, taking me high into the sky.

"Focus on your chakra nature!" I yelled. It was a coincidence that team 7excluding Kakashi combined together hadnall five of the chakra natures. Sasuke with fire and lightening, Naruto with with wind and I with water and earth. I was wandering if I could make wood release by adding the two but so far couldn't. Maybe I could ask Yamato or should I say Tenzo.

But thinking through, na. It'd be too much of a trouble anyways. My name was already in the bingo book wanted alive for my room courtesy of Orochimaru. The last thing I needed was to be targeted for wood release.

"Woah!" Naruto yelled. I looked down in awe to see Sasuke coming at me with...lightening wings? Hmm. Never thought of that. It was amazing. But just as he reached the middle it disappeared making him fall. I shook my head and sat back up. Oh well.

I jumped down landing softly on the ground. "How did you do that Sasuke?" I asked calmly.
"Hn. You're not the only person training." He replied and smirked. Of course. From the look in his eyes he had probably been waiting a long time to show me that. And I must say, I was impressed. But there was no way I was gonna admit it to him.

"True. But have you been training enough?" I said as I gazed at my earth pillar that was still high in the sky. You couldn't even see the top from down here. Sasuke tsked and looked away. Glaring at the ground. Shit. I forgot how emotional he was when it came to that. His father always compared him to his brother and how he wasn't good at anything. "Oh come on Sasuke. Don't be mad. I betcha he couldn't do it. He'd be totally blown away." I encouraged.

"Hn." Sasuke said and gave me a ghost smile. "Teme! I swear I'd go higher than you. Believe it!" Naruto yelled and sat on the ground again. "Hn. Dobe" Sasuke said and went to join him. He had already acknowledged Naruto and realised how fast he learnt when he put his mind to it. He didn't want to lose to him.

I smiled and walked away, leaving them to it. I wandered though, how Naruto would reach the top.

~time skip cause it's time-to-kip~

I groaned in frustration and ran my hand through my hair. It was official. I totally sucked at ninjutsu. Everything was so complicated. I sighed and rolled back the scroll before tucking it away. A shadow loomed over me.

"Oh hi Kakashi." I said and smiled. "Hi." He answered nervously. "Um, Rin? Could you think you could give me some tips?" He asked looking at everything but me. I guess he was really embarrassed.

"Sure, but on one condition." His one eye looked at me confused. "That you address me as sensei until you complete the training." I said grinning. Kakashi sighed and looked away before !muttering something. "Huh? What did you say? I can't here you."

"Hai. Rin~sensei." He said louder with a tint of pink on his face. Huh. I guess it really was embarrassing.

"Good. Now listen to me. Since water is not your chakra nature, you believe you have to add more nakra but that's wrong. You have to lessing the amount of chakra you pit in the water so it does not trigger any other of your chakra natures." I said and dismissed him. He seemed really happy though. I guess my advice was really helpful because he was able to create a wave this time."

I took out my jutsu scroll and brushed through looking for any jutsu that was totally awesome. I thought with my complete chakra control I'd be able to do them but most of them reacquired little chakra. I only worked on controlling huge sums so reducing the amount would be extremely difficult.

By the time I got to the house, it was already dinnertime. I was the only person there though. Sigh. Guess I'd just have to wait for them.

I wrote this chap just to give you a hint on whatever training Rin had been doing with Naruto and Sasuke. Let me elaborate. By releasing your chakra nature out of a particular part of your body, you could form anything you wanted like Sasuke's wings and Rin's pillar.

Fanish fact
Shin Uchiha is presently in Orochimaru's hide out. And I think I'm gonna use that to my benefit~

Out she came in... Naruto *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now