'What law?'

"Yet the rogues are moving in packs, which is very uncommon, as well as the fact that they are entering known territories. Isn't it likely that they are working with the vampire since rogues easily follow strong power?" The Core Luna spoke this time.

'It's a minor law that helps to keep the peace between the packs.'

"But we have no information on the vampires that have been around and normal vampires wouldn't have the power to command a whole pack of rogues," Eve points out.

"Then isn't it obvious that your problem is bigger than you think?" the Core Alpha says.

I can tell things are getting a bit heated so I say, "Even if the problem is bigger than we believe currently, then that will be our own issue. To my understanding unless this issue affects you directly then you don't need to know more than the basics of the situation."

"Yes, we understand that," the Core Luna looks my way, "However our territory isn't that far from yours and we don't want the vampires or rogues to cause issues within our pack. We're much smaller than your and my people are at risk."

"They won't, we are more than capable of handling the situation which is what we are currently doing," Envy tells her firmly.

She blinks and lowers her head showing submission, I glance at Envy he wears his face carefully blank. I lean back against the chair, I place my elbow on to the arm of the chair and I place my cheek onto my closed fist watching everyone at the table.

"What my son means is that we understand your concerns but we are more than capable of handling the situation before it spreads that far," Liam coughs into his hand.

"Perhaps Alpha Hunter," The Archer Alpha speaks up this time, "You should allow your son and his mate to lead this meeting instead of yourself?"

Liam looks down, "So that is why you're here then, I understand."


'He's measuring my strength to lead, Wolves respect strength. Everyone believed even before I was born that my Father is too passive to be a good Alpha.'

"Is that the only reason for your visit Alpha Archer?" Envy questions him.

I glance at Envy, he sits like the others and it appears he belongs, a lot more than I do.

"I also wished to inform you that I believe the Witch Council," I flinch when a sharp pain pierces my eye, "is planning something."

"The Witch Council is always planning something, what makes you believe this time it's something worth reporting?" Luc inquires from the top of the staircase.

No one seems surprised at his appearance, he walks down the stairs and moves around to stand behind me. I glance up at him and give him a look, he shrugs at me in response.

"Not only I believe it's something to report but several other packs have been restless as well, I've never liked the fact the Council resides within Romania but it makes it easier to keep an eye on them."

"Just because the Council has become restless and it appears that they are planning something doesn't mean anything. The Council are always planning something but they never act upon those plans because they're lazy bastards," Luc tells him.



Everything suddenly goes black. I place my hands to my head and scream, I think I faintly hear someone call my name but all of my senses are being taken over. There isn't pain but I feel nothing, it's absolutely terrifying and all I feel is panic. But I know that I can't panic, panicking can kill you.

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