Chapter 15

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My eyes blink open, I sit up and look at myself. I instantly know this is a dream when I see that I'm wearing a black flowy dress, I'm also in a meadow. I look around and see a man with his back to me. I get up and walk up to him, lightly tapping his shoulder he turns around and smiles at me and my breath catches.

"Dad?" I whisper.

"Hello, little Lexy." He says pulling me into a hug.

I hug him back tightly confused, I pull back and look at him, "What, what's going on?"

"You're in the shadow realm, it's a place few can enter but I brought you here."

"Why haven't you before?"

"I wasn't able to, something was blocking you from me and I hate to admit it but we don't have long."

"What? Why?"

He smiles sadly and looks down at me, I look down too and see that I'm already disappearing. He quickly grabs my shoulders and I look back up at him.

"Alex listen closely, I've sent your cousins to help you they'll tell you about our coven and they'll fix it, alright, just wait. They'll arrive as soon as they can but until then, be careful your pack has a traitor."

"Wait, what?" I start fading faster and I reach out to him, "Dad!"

I jerk awake, looking around, I'm no longer in that meadow with my Father but now in a dark, damp and rusted shed. My arms and legs are tied together with silver chains that glow faintly red. I pull at them but they cut into my skin, due to my rattling I bring someone in. I wrinkle my nose, he not only looks dirty but smells disgusting as well.

"So you're awake." His voice is gruff and scratchy.

"Yeah. I'm betting your one of the rogues."

"That I am."

"Would you mind getting who's ever in charge of you... guys?"

He doesn't say anything and simply walks out the door, leaving me alone again with a slam. I look around to get a better look at my surroundings, my bet is I'm in an old tool shed that's been left. The metal is rusted and bent, there are hooks on the walls but other than that it's completely empty other than me. I move my arms to get a bit more comfortable and I sniff the air, I can identify the rust and metal but also an overpowering amount of herbs.

Meaning we're near a herb garden, interesting, I know exactly where I am, I shake my head how stupid are these people, honestly. Next thing I know the door is opening, a man who actually looks like he showers and wears somewhat nice clothing walks in with a folded chair. He sets the chair down and sits down smiling at me, I'm instantly on guard he doesn't smell like a wolf but I can't make out his actual scent due to the herbs. I think that he was also in my dream but I can't remember it well enough to be sure.

"Alexandra, I've heard a lot about you."

"That's amazing I've heard absolutely nothing about you."

He laughs, his voice is smooth and deep, meant to coax you into relaxing but it instead makes me feel wary, "Oh you are interesting aren't you."

"Can we skip the chit-chat and you simply tell me why I'm here?"

"Impatient aren't we?" he chuckles.

"Yes, I'm hungry and the smell in the air makes my nose itchy," I reply.

"Well, then how about we fix one of those problems first."

Before I can react he has his fangs out and bites into his arm, the scent of blood overpowers the herbs and my own fangs extend. In the blink of an eye, he's in front of me and shoving his arm into my mouth. I have no choice but to swallow his blood. He smiles and moves away after I've had several mouthfuls of his blood. When he removes his arm I cough and glare at him, but I can't help but run my tongue over my lips to get more.

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