Chapter 7

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There's silence and the air feels heavy once again.

So I whisper into the silence, "Nine, nine, nine."

Everyone looks at me in confusion.

"It's six six six in disguise, bitches!" I shout.

With that, I proceed to jump out the window to escape from the intense atmosphere and immediately regret it since I land in a thicket of rose bushes. I roll out from the bush and start rolling around in the dirt while everyone stares at me from the window.

"Ow, the pain. Fuck! Why did I do that? Oh, fuck the thorns, the thorns."

Someone walks over in an attempt to help me but when they pull out one thorn I scream at them.

"But we have to pull it out," The random person says.

"No, it hurts, just leave them. Oh God take them out, take them out! No! Leave them." I start crying.

Eventually, everyone comes outside to hold me down and remove the thorns. All while I yell some choice words at them but they do it quickly and release me. It takes me a moment to realise that Lilith is still inside. I walk back into the house but not before glaring at them all and rubbing my arms. I find Lilith hugging her knees sitting in the corner facing the wall.

"Lil?" I say as I walk towards her.

She sniffles, "No one ever tells me anything."

"You're being dramatic." I roll my eyes.

She gives me a look over her shoulder before twisting around and stretching her legs out, she drops her hands into her lap and turns back to look at me.


"How are you doing, I mean this is a lot to deal with." She frowns.

I shrug, "I guess, but I feel fine. It's kinda cool, I mean as long as I don't die."

"Yeah death would be pretty shitty, so your not allowed to," She says as she rests her arm around my shoulders.

I snort, "Yes because I can total control that, anyway... are you guys like werewolves?"

She laughs, "Please don't call us that, werewolves are myths. It's something people came up with, there are no werewolves or any other type of were. We're all shifters, very simple it was taken from the word shape-shifter but that term is more for someone who can turn into multiple forms, so since we only change into one it was shortened to Shifter."

"Kay... but from what you guys said though it doesn't sound very much like how an actual wolf pack functions. Like Omegas are supposed to be the weakest and picked on in wolf packs. I'm pretty sure it isn't a good thing to be an Omega in a pack."

She nods, "Well yeah, that's because we're not wolves, well, I mean its complicated. Essentially yes, we turn into wolves, have their instincts and are given advanced sense and such but we're still human, at least most of us. All shifters are similar to their animal counter parts but ultimately different, it's what separates us from the actual animals. Like Lion shifters spend a large portion of their life asleep like their animal counter parts but a Shifter Pride is made up of several males and females."


"When shifters were first created I assume that most of them were more alike to their animal counterparts but over time we evolved, like all humans. Wolves kept the pack loyalty and heritage but unlike actual wolves, anyone can take a mate and have pups. Likewise to Omega's in an actual wolf pack, in Shifter packs Omega's were considered the weakest but as a human they didn't survive and refused to be reduced to that status, so they evolved to be to be the peacekeepers in the pack, to be more important than most believed."

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