Chapter 19

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I blink open my eyes, I see the sky, it's a deep purple colour. I turn my head I'm lying in the grass but it's so very soft, I sit up and look around. It's mostly grass everywhere, the grass is a very dark green, there isn't a light source but the area is filled with enough light that its possible to see, there also aren't any trees but there are faint figures of light that appear before they disappear. I scratch my head, looking over my shoulder I see a house, it's small more like a stone cottage and it has odd flowers around it.

I get up and dust off my hands, my clothing is gone and in its place a black flowy dress. I frown but shrug it off and walk over to the cottage, it takes less than a minute to reach the stairs and they creak under my weight. I walk slowly to the door and knock on the door, I step back as they door swings open almost immediately. A woman that has brown hair and many grey streaks stands in the doorway, her brown eyes look me up and down and she frowns.

"How did you get here?" She snaps at me.

"Um, I'm Alex and my Grandmother kind of sent me here." I inch back a little bit.

She sighs and moves back, "You might as well come in. We've got a lot to talk about and things to do."

I nod and move in carefully, she watches my every move. I look around, she gestures to her couch and I move and sit on it, she sits on the opposite couch and crosses her legs.

"So you're the daughter, you look a lot like Karma."

"My Grandma said the same thing, can you tell me why she sent me here or even who you are?" I look at her.

She stares at me for a long moment before shrugging, "I'm Laine, your Father's Mother. I was very close to your other Grandmother. We're both worried about your future I died several years ago by your time anyway, time here and there pass differently."

"So you're my Grandmother?" She nods, "Wait your saying time passes differently here, where are we?"

"This place doesn't really have a name but I guess you could call it the spirit world of sorts. Everyone from our coven comes here when they die and a scattering of other spirits but we tend to ignore them, they don't have solid forms. Most people go somewhere else, I'm not really sure where."

"Well, then how come you guys come here? You said the people in your coven come here when they die, so how come I could only see your little house?" I cross my arms.

"Well, this place is larger than any space you know of so to find others you need a map which can teleport you. Why we come here? It's just what our coven does, we're small but powerful, we deal with dimension jumping, time lapses and all sorts of similar magics. Most call it dark magic because people believe it to be doing the devils work or some stupid shit. But we don't ever change things, we just watch and record, we do this to ensure things aren't disrupted."

"So you're kind of like time protectors or something." I tilt my head.

"Or something. You've done it you know, time lapsed." Her eyes soften at me.

"What? I think you're mistaken."

"No I can see it you travel in your dreams, don't you have dreams where it's so realistic that when you wake up you wonder if it was a memory?"

"Yes but sometimes it's not what happened, it's like..." I drift off unsure of what to say.

"It's like a what if. Yes, we call that path taking, it's when we view our own memories and see the different paths we could've taken. It's actually pretty rare for us to do that especially in our dreams but you're not exactly a normal case now are you."

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