Chapter 25

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It was very late afternoon when everyone returned, Lilith and I were in the kitchen cooking dinner. Since we didn't know how much to make we just kept cooking which turned out interesting since we have about fifteen dishes full of food. I made salad and steaks, Lilith made hamburgers and chips and together we cooked some pork chops and potato bake. Just as we were placing all the food on the table, they all piled in. Adrian, Fang and Lisanna had come in from the living room and were already at the table.

As soon as Envy enters the house he comes straight to me with Dean right behind but he goes to Lilith. Both of us were in the kitchen just putting away the unused stuff, Envy wraps his arms around my waist and places his chin on my shoulder Lilith, however, turns around and hugs Dean.

"Hey Red." He whispers in my ear.

"Hey, yourself. How did today go?" I ask placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Bad, we got nothing. I'll talk to you later 'bout it."

"Alright, well then go sit and eat all the delicious food Lil and I made."

He laughs and does as I said, I follow after him once everything's away and sit in between Envy and Fang. Liam and Eve hold hands and eat in silence, Stag and Logan sit on the other side of Fang and they chat quietly to each other.

"You did a good job, Alex." Adrian pipes up, "Although with the way you act I didn't believe you knew how to cook."

Everyone gives a small laugh and Envy snorts. I wrinkle my nose at him and ignore his comment.

"For your information, I am a brilliant cook, I just choose not to sometimes," I say airily.

"I thought we were having tacos," Fang says looking down at his burger.

I snort as Envy asks me, "So what did you guys get up to, it felt like you had a lot of fun."

"I guess, I unpacked my room with Lisanna's help and then we all played monopoly, Fang won and Lilith flipped the board. After that, we watched Seventh Son and Lilith and I made dinner." I reply picking at my steak.

"Doesn't surprise me, anytime there is a board game it usually ends up flipped since Lilith never wins." Logan chimes in.

"Hey! Fuck you, I am the fucking boss at board games!" Lilith snaps turning away from Dean.

He leans back and smirks, "Babe you've won once out of like a hundred."

"That's a lie, you guys cheat." She turns back to him.

"Bullshit, you're the only one who cheats and you still never win." Adrian pipes up again laughing.

"Yeah if it wasn't for Alex helping you, you would've lost after five minutes," Lisanna smirks.

"That's not true Alex and I teamed up so we could pool our power and minds together." She crosses her arms.

"Without you, Alex and Fang would've simply dominated the game," Adrian says winking at me.

Envy choose to ignore the wink but does wrap an arm around the back of my chair making me snort, Envy being Envious.

"Yeah and besides Alex is way smarter than you and if she hadn't been watching, you would've tried to cheat," Lisanna says

"That's rich from someone who said she hexed the dice." Lilith snaps offended but not denying.

"For all you know I could've hexed them but I might have fucked it up." I shrug.

Everyone forgets their argument to laugh at me, I feel Envy shake lightly from beside me and I smile happy to be the peacekeeper.

"Well fine then, how'd the hunt go?" Lilith sulks.

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