Chapter 16

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A knock at the door stirs me and Envy from our sleep, we turn and look at the door to see Eve standing in the doorway smiling softly at us.

"Afternoon sleepyheads, you guys want to come down and have some lunch, it's already three."

Envy groans and I tell her, "Thank you, we'll come down in a minute."

She smiles and closes the door.

Envy stretches and looks at me, "Hey."

"Hey, yourself," I reply getting up from the bed.

"I see you're feeling better."

"I am, how's your head?"

"It's fine now, don't' worry about me."

I look around, I'm in Envy's room it has pictures of him when he was younger and some band posters. I look down at my shirt, since it already had spots torn by sleeping in, it's not wearable anymore. So I grab a shirt off his dresser and sniff it, it doesn't stink so I pull off my tattered shirt and slip Envy's shirt on. I turn around to him still on the bed watching me.

"Are you going to get up?" I ask.

"In a minute I'm enjoying you in my shirt."

I roll my eyes and head to the door, I open it and walk out as he gets up and follows behind me. I yawn and sit down at the table, I kind of blank out and I simply eat what's put in front of me. I stare out the window, we don't have snow here, but we have a lot of the wildlife in our forest which is actually imported, from what Adrian told me. There's a little rainfall happening outside. It's just Envy, Fang, Scalia, Eve and I at the table and for once, there isn't any talking.

I look down at my plate, it's empty I can't even recall what I ate, I lean back in my chair.

"Alex, are you alright?" Eve asks me.

"Yeah, sorry just spacing out."

"Could you tell me what happened with the rogues?" Envy grabs a hold of my hand.

I look down at his hand tightly holding onto mine, it's not reassuring which is what I guess he's going for. I feel calm, which is how I usually feel, I must be pretty empty inside to not feel anything.

"I was injected with something, I blacked out..." I pause for a second debating on whether or not to tell them about my Dad, "I woke up in chains, a rogue came in, he was filthy, he didn't tell me anything and then left. After a couple of minutes, Lasagna came and then I got some books from my grandma's house and then we went to Tabitha's car. That's pretty much all that happened."

"Alright, it's good nothing happened to you."


I glance at Envy, he's watching me, I don't feel guilty for lying, I'm very calm. It's taken me a while but I've realised they're keeping things from me, I get important information much later than I should. They're always watching me, waiting for me to lose it or something, that's understandable, I'm not exactly safe. I look over to Scalia she absently chews away at a salad. We make eye contact and I try to convey something through my eyes, she gives a slight nod and pushes away her plate.

"I think Alex and I should look through the books she brought from her Grandmother's." Scalia states.

"I'll join you." Envy says getting up.

"No, this is witches stuff, we'll be fine on our own." She says.

He looks at me and I nod, he sits back down but I can tell he doesn't want to. I let out a breath and stand as well.

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