Chapter 10

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It was my Best Friends Birthday Yesterday so this Chapters dedicated to you @littleme188. <3


"What's your name sweetheart?" Envy grins at me.

"It's not sweetheart that's for sure," I reply.

He smirks, "Is that so, then what is your name, Kitten?"

"No, that's a nickname only Stag uses because he's an idiot."

"What? I'm not an idiot!" Stag says but looks back down when Envy looks at him.

"I'm a wolf shifter and you call me Kitten?"

"I called you that before you were a wolf shifter though." He whines.

"But you still call me that, probably due to your lack of creativity you haven't come up with something else." I yawn.

Evelyn chooses then to walk out, she looks at us all and smiles, "How'd today go?"

"It went well, you didn't tell us that Envy would be back today, I thought he wasn't coming home till next week?"

"Oh, I did say he was coming home early. I guess I forget to mention how early."

"What's wrong little bro, didn't you miss me?"

"You're only older than me by three minutes."

Envy just smirks as Evelyn speaks again, "Alex do you want food or do you want to just head to bed?"

"Please, I need food," I whine, still, on Fang's back, I guess I looked pretty tired.

"Well, we're having cooked steak for dinner." I get the hint.

"Yay!" I say.

She laughs and we all head inside, Fang and I walk past Envy and he watches me very closely. Fang helps me into the chair and sits next to me. Sitting to my right was Eve who gave me a bright smile. Beside Eve is Liam and the rest of the boy's file in for dinner, everyone else was heading back to their own homes. Lilith said she'd come get me in the morning and we'd actually go to school tomorrow.

"So did you have a fun day Alex?" Liam asks me.

"Yeah, I enjoy smacking Fang around and getting naked to turn into a big hairy dog," I mutter munching on my salad.

Everyone laughs, except Envy, he sits directly across from me and his staring makes me feel a little uneasy. It's nice to joke around while eating dinner, I like actually having dinner with other people. Usually, I just had something alone in my room due to Mum's busy work schedule.

"Envy did you bring anyone home with you this time?" Logan asks sitting between Dean and Fang.

"Yeah a good friend I made at boarding school, her name's Scalia." Envy glares at Logan.

"Why are you home in the middle of the year?" Dean asks.

"I got discharged due to good behaviour."

"That seems hard to believe."

"Well, you best believe it because it's true and I'm different from when you last saw me."

"It's only been three years, bit hard to change in that short amount of time."

I look down at my plate there's a bad tension in the air.

"I'm sure he just has layers," I say, and when everyone looks at me I finish, "Like an onion."

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