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*AN* Don't worry! This chapter is not angsty, you're welcome. :)

After the long conversation and reveal of Camila's harsh attempt scars, the two girls were exhausted. Camila had fallen asleep first, worn out from an unexpected anxiety attack after the stressful conversation, and Lauren fell asleep shortly after. It was now Wednesday morning, two nights after the younger girl's suicide attempt. She was exhausted and so was Lauren. Usually Lauren worked at the diner on Wednesday's, but someone offered to take her shift for her, leaving her with a free day. She had woken up in the morning with Camila still asleep on the couch next to her. The girls weren't super close, but they were getting there. After all, they were just friends, right? Whatever they were, Lauren wanted to be there for the girl. The green eyed girl checked the time on her phone and saw that it was 9:30 in the morning, that was later than she usually slept. Feeling hungry, the girl slowly slid off of the couch to find something to eat. She walked a couple steps when she was stopped by a hand gently grabbing her wrist. The girl looked down and saw Camila looking up at her, "Um. C-can you make me something? I don't know if I'll even be able to eat, but I wanna try, if that's okay?" Lauren nodded at her with a soft smile and helped the girl off the couch. The younger one slowly made her way to the kitchen to sit at the island while the other girl made eggs and toast. This was going to be difficult for the brown eyed girl, since she hadn't eaten a lot in the last few days. She knew her old habits were catching up to her. Part of her wanted to let the habits and thoughts creep back in, but the other part just wanted to be free and not care about calories.

Camila cringed and almost gagged at the smell of food, she tried to hide it, but it didn't go unnoticed by Lauren, "You alright?" The girl just nodded and started biting her lip. When the food was done, the older girl brought it over to where they were sitting and began eating. She tried not to look at Camila, knowing that it might make the girl more nervous about eating. She looked down and saw the younger girl's girl bouncing under the table, "Hey, don't do that." Lauren paused for a second, "I know you think doing that'll burn the calories off, but it isn't good for you to think like that. Just take your time, if you can't eat it, it's not a big deal." Camila nodded softly and picked up a forkful of eggs, quickly stuffing them into her mouth before she could change her mind. She squeezed her eyes shut, chewed quickly, and swallowed. As soon as she swallowed, she dropped the fork, and put her head in her hands, bouncing her leg quickly. She spoke up quietly, "I can't eat anymore. I know I only ate a forkful, but I can't. Sorry I wasted your food." Lauren shook her head, "It's okay. No one asks you to do anything but try, I know it's hard." The young girl thanked the other one and made her way back to the couch to watch tv.

After a couple hours of watching tv, Lauren got bored, "Hey, what are you doing today? It's really pretty outside and I could use some sun." Camila thought for a minute and replied, "I actually don't have anything to do today, what do you have in mind? I could use some sun too. I'm tired of being cooped up in rooms all day." She stood up and stretched, making her way to the window to look outside. It was a nice sunny day, perfect for going to the beach. Camila decided that would be fun, that was something she'd definitely be up for doing. She proposed the idea, hoping the other girl would agree, "What about the beach? I haven't been in forever and it's so nice out today." Lauren's face lit up as she smiled widely at the idea. Lauren's favorite place was the beach, she hadn't been in forever. "I was literally about to say the beach! You read my mind. There's no decision to make now, the beach it is!"

The girls both got ready, slipping clothes over their swimsuits and putting on sandals, so that they wouldn't get sand in their other shoes. After they were done getting dressed, Lauren grabbed her keys and ushered Camila out of the apartment, locking it on the way out. The two girls walked to the parking lot and got into Lauren's car, since she was the better driver, and started on their way to the beach. Camila and Lauren both stayed silent on the drive over, both concerned with the same thing. Lauren hadn't been to the beach since she had been diagnosed with depression, she was scared to show her scars. They were big and ugly, she didn't want people to stare. Camila, was also worried, especially about the two new scars she had gotten. She wondered if Lauren was thinking about the same thing.

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