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"...roll her in. We need to pump her stomach, fast. Give her some meds and let the girl that brought her in know what we're doing please."

     That's all Camila could make out before she faded out again. It was silence until...white. Extremely bright light blocked her vision and the sound of her own heartbeat jolted her out of her sleep.

      The brown eyed girl jerked up in the bed, frantically looking around for answers. She looked down and saw wires attached to her and looked around the room. She was in the hospital. She looked at the ceiling, recalling the events of the night before. She had been in the hospital since 8:30pm, it was now 11pm.

     I tried to kill myself. She thought. Lauren helped me. Wait, Lauren! Did she leave me? Does she hate me now? Her thoughts ran wild as her heart sped up. She almost pressed the "call" button for the nurse, but stopped in her tracks when she heard a soft knock on the door.

     Lauren cracked the door open and looked inside to see if Camila had woken up, to her surprise, she had. Thank god, she's okay.

     The green eyed girl stepped in slowly, "Mind if I come in? It's okay..um...if you don't want me in here right now." The girl shifted her eyes to the floor, scared that the hospitalized girl would send her out of the room.

     "No no, come in please." The young girl turned to lay on her side, facing the chair that the other girl was now sitting in. They sat in silence for a while, neither of them knowing what to say. What do you say after someone tries to kill themself? Is there anything right to say?

"I'm sorry." Camila blurted out as she began crying. "I'm so sorry that you saw me like that. I'm so embarrassed." Sobs shook through her body as she stared blankly at the ceiling, her tears rolling down the sides of her face.

     Lauren could see the girl was exhausted and didn't want to upset her anymore. She rolled her chair over to Camila's side and intertwined their hands. The green eyed girl began rubbing her thumb on the back of the younger girl's hand to comfort her.

     "Hey." Lauren whispered. "Look at me." The brown haired girl slowly turned her face to look at the other girl and she covered her face, embarrassed of how much she was crying. She didn't even know her that well.

     Lauren continued, "Camila, listen to me. You don't have to apologize, you did nothing wrong. You can't control how you're feeling sometimes, and it's not your fault. It's okay. It's all going to be okay, I swear."

     The younger girl was confused. She barely knew Lauren, so why was she being so nice? She wasn't forced to visit her, why was she here?

     "Why do you care? You don't even know me." Camila asked in a hushed tone.

     Lauren thought about her words carefully before replying, "Because I know how you feel, Camila, I do. I know you need someone." She paused, trying to decide whether to continue with the next part or not.

     She'd never told anyone before, "You know, when I was 16, I tried to kill myself. I've never talked about it until now, but I wish I would've had somebody to talk to after it. I wish somebody would've cared, so I'm doing what I would've wanted. I wanted someone to care, so I'm showing you that I care, Camila. I care about you and I'm here for you."

     The brown eyed girl tried to process the words the other one had just said. She tried to kill herself too? She really does know how I feel. I can trust her. Maybe she can help me. Camila snapped out of her thoughts and turned back to the green eyed girl, whose eyes were now full of tears.

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