You look over at the guys to see they are surround by women and a couple of guys.

They all look like they're having a pleasant time. Your smile widens as Rumor catches your gaze and winks. 

He's always winking.

You look and see that Alex is even having a good time. Taking your whole drink at once, you decided you are going to ask Alex about that woman in your dreams.

Now that you think about it, that sounds crazy, for all you know she may not even exist; something inside makes you want to ask him. You excuse yourself from Hasten, who gives you a questioning look. 

"Why are you going to talk to Alex?" he asks "I have a question" You walk up to Alex and take a seat next to him.

He takes no notice of your presence causing you to roll your eyes "Hey, I have a question."

He takes a swig of his drink, annoyance plastered to his face. 

You feel annoyed over his annoyance. He needs to grow up.

"I seen a women, she had hair like mine, cut short, like "mom" hair. She had these beautiful reddish brown eyes. I seen her with you, in my dream... I know that sounds weird, but would you know who I'm talking about?" You seem to have caught Alex's attention as he's staring intensely. 

You must have hit the nail on the head for him to react in such a way. He quickly shakes his head no, not speaking. You try to press that matter further but Rumor has other ideas.

Your body is lifted away spinning as you come to a stop in Rumors arms.

"Let's dance!" You could feel daggers from Hasten as you're pulled away from the seating area to the dance floor. 

Rumor releases and quickly spins facing you, giving a mock serious face and starts performing ridiculous dance routines. 

He quickly pulls you in as tears form in your eyes from laughing so hard. He spins you around as he catches your hand, doing the tango. 

He spins you once again this time you're back pressing against his body. He has his hands on your hips, making them sway slowly as he presses his body closer, grinding against you.

You could practically hear Hasten losing his temper over this.

Rumor leans in close, his lips brushing lightly against your ear "I could take you away from him."

You turn your head sharply, almost giving yourself a kink, and stare questionably at Rumor. 

He turns you back around and presses your head into his chest "Hasten doesn't know a good thing when he sees it."

I'm Being Stalked By A Ghost & Hunted By A VampireWhere stories live. Discover now