"Are you hungry? What do you want for breakfast love?" I asked looking up to meet his eyes. It was nearly after ten in the morning and I knew we couldn't stay in bed all day, even if we wanted to.

"You." Austin mumbled grazing his pink lips along my jawline, making me shiver from the warmth of his breath along my body.

"Austin you had me twice last night and again early this morning. We've had sex three times in the last twelve hours alone." I giggled as his beard tickled my skin.

"I don't care, I will fuck you until we lose count of how many times we've done it. It's been so goddamn hard keeping my hands to myself all this time, living in the same apartment with you. I've been fighting the urge to be inside you since the day I moved in." He groaned pulling me on top of him, his bluntness earning a low chuckle from me.

"Well you haven't completely kept your hands to yourself. Finding every excuse in the book to touch me and fall asleep with me." I joked.

"I can't help it." He chuckled. "I mean look at you Amelia. Especially when you walk around the apartment wearing nothing but my t shirts, fucking teasing me every chance you get. Of course all I wanted to do was bend you over and have my way with you. I had to stop myself every fucking day."

"Well nothing is stopping you now." I replied, running my finger over his lips.

I balanced myself as I straddled him, while he lifted his t shirt I was wearing and immediately started kissing on my breasts. Just as my hands reached to grasp his hair, we heard loud cries from down the hall.

I laughed as Austin's face went from hopeful to disappointed within seconds.

"Guess I'm not getting any right now." He sighed, pulling the shirt back down over me and resting his forehead against my chest.

"Okay let's stop being lazy and get Ava up. I can cook breakfast for us. What does my girl want?" He asked.

My girl. I could have melted right there just hearing him call me that again.

I was his again and this time, it was going to be permanent.

I was going to make sure of that.

"Pancakes!" I excitedly squealed as I quickly got off of Austin and jumped down onto the floor and went to the door.

"Pancakes it is!" I heard Austin say as I left the room.

I walked to Ava's room and reached down into the crib.

"Hi sweetheart." I whispered to her.

She quieted down as soon I picked her up in my arms and held her close to me. I changed her before bringing her out of her nursery.

I walked into the kitchen to see Austin cutting up strawberries and starting breakfast. As soon as he saw me and Ava he wiped his hands off and left what he was doing to come over to us.

"There's my little princess. Daddy loves you so much." He cooed as she grabbed for a fistful of his curls.

"I'm going to make a bottle for her." I said as I yawned.

Austin nodded at me before kissing Ava's forehead and walking back over to the pancake mix.

"So.. tell me a little more about this Jake character." Austin said as he poured the batter onto the pan. His eyebrows were raised and a look of jealously flashed in his blue eyes.

"Jake? The guy I used to work with?" I questioned, acting dumb.

Austin nodded as he kept his eyes on the stove. "Yes the doctor you used to work with." He replied quietly, emphasizing the word doctor as he spoke. 

"Why are you curious about Jake all of a sudden?" I laughed as I struggled to balance holding Ava and scooping the milk into the bottle.

"Babe I've been dying to ask you more about him since he showed up here last month." Austin's cheeks slightly flushed.

I raised my eyebrows at him as I mixed the formula. "Hmm you sound a little jealous." I smirked.

"Well yeah. When he came here looking for you I was beyond pissed. I was tryna win your heart back and I thought you were dating him." He chuckled as he flipped the pancakes.

"He tried to kiss me that night but I stopped him because all I could think about was someone else." I rolled my eyes as I started feeding Ava.

Austin widely grinned at me as he put the pancakes onto a plate and turned off the stove.

Ava drank only half of the bottle before I placed her down in her play pen. I walked back over to the kitchen island where Austin was finishing plating our breakfast.

"Wow you must really love that person." He smirked as he came up to me and picked me up. He lifted me to sit onto the kitchen counter and placed himself between my legs.

"Just a little " I teased before kissing his soft lips.

"Well Jake and I only went on a few dates. He took me out to dinner and it's like I couldn't even get away from you if I tried because "Rich and Sad" started playing on his car radio before we even got to the restaurant." I laughed as I reminesced on the clear signs that Austin and I were meant to be together.

"Oh shit really!? I was hoping you'd hear that song." Austin gloated as he held onto my waist.

"Yes! I was almost in tears on that stupid date. And then he kissed me and I didn't feel anything compared to what I feel when you kiss me so I just ended things." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Damn so pretty boy never even had a chance. You were always mine huh?" Austin said smugly while he caressed his hands against my thighs.

I shook my head at his boyish attitude as I smiled up at him, just before he leaned in to kiss me. "Always." I replied.

"Wait a minute you're not off the hook, tell me more about Beth." I stopped him. "She apparently hates my guts and I know nothing about her."

Austin let out a sigh. "Amelia no. I hate talking about her, I just want to forget I ever dated her." He groaned.

"C'mon I'm curious, I told you about Jake." I pleaded as I poked his chest.

"She was a distraction. Nothing more." Austin hung his head. "I only started seeing her to forget about you. But it didn't work. I shouldn't have used her like that and I feel terrible about it. Honestly, I never felt anything for her. Every single day that went by, I wished that it was you by my side Amelia. I never moved on, I couldn't move on." He said quietly.

"Did you break up with her because of me?" I couldn't help but ask, even though I already knew the answer.

He nodded. "Yeah. Because I still loved you. Because I never stopped loving you."

I don't think my heart can take hearing those words leave his lips, I thought to myself.

"Anyway let's eat these pancakes before they get cold babe." Austin said changing the subject.

He softly kissed my lips before helping me down from the counter.

I held onto him tightly even after he put me down to the floor, refusing to let go of him.

"You okay baby?" He whispered as he hugged me back.

I nodded looking up at him. "You could have any girl in the entire world and you keep choosing me."

"I'm going to keep choosing you for the rest of my life Amelia." He muttered before he kissed my lips tenderly.

Tell Me That It's All Okay / Post Malone Where stories live. Discover now