[Half Edited] Chapter 1; Anime Girl Who-?

Start from the beginning

The adventurer pointed at the front counter, where key chains of Jojo and Demon Slayer characters were sold on small stands. There was also a teenage girl standing behind the counter, watching the group as she impatiently waited for them to finish gathering whatever they wanted to buy. They noticed how impatient she appeared so they quickly grabbed the desired item off the counter and walked up to the cashier. The exchange was made and they promptly left the store.

Before the both of them knew, the summer break had already finished.

•| ⊱✿⊰ |•

Waking up to the all too familiar sound of the alarm, Kokichi slammed his fist against the clock. In a way that not only it wouldn't surprisingly damage it, but also so he could get his "revenge". Moments later, he sat up, and got off his bed as he made his way towards the wardrobe. Opening it in a lazily manner, he searched for his school uniform; rather his organization's uniform that he so loved. Yet at the same time he loathed it because of how it seemed sometimes difficult to even put it on himself; the white jacket had the side buttons be made so overly complicated that it had almost drove him insane, the trousers (the colour was identical to the jacket) had loose part of fabric on both trouser legs, which was made to appear like a belt, also annoyed the boy as they didn't have any purpose of being there.

After getting dressed into his uniform,  the purple haired boy made his way to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, as well as combed his hair. He didn't bother combing his hair much, however, just as long as he didn't look like he had just woken up, then it's all good. Afterwards, he made his way towards the kitchen to grab a bottle of panta from his "secret sash", which was located in the mini fridge that was kept in a storage room next to the kitchen. While he was indeed aware that there was no point in keeping the sash as it wasn't really secret, he kept it anyway as he absolutely adored panta, his favourite being grape flavoured. As well as drinking the bottle of grape panta, he also decided to skip breakfast due to otherwise running out of time; he was going to be late to school.

With that, he grabbed another bottle of panta from the storage room and ran out of the front door, locking his apartment quickly before making a run for it.

By the time he left, it was 7:55 am

•| ⊱✿⊰ |•

Shuichi was standing in front of the school, waiting for his friends. He was waiting for these specific people, Kaede Akamatsu, Kaito Momota and Maki Harukawa. Kaede, the angel in his eyes, the person that helped him improve his confidence. The person... That he loved. He smiled at a thought of his as he imagined her smile, a smile that he adored so much. To others he might look like he's insane, but he didn't pay much attention to them as he couldn't care less about their opinion.

The detective was the type of person who would usually arrive early to school to either study for a test, or help out any teacher that may be in need of it. After he would finish doing so, he would stand outside, beside the double doors of the school's entrance and wait for his friends there. While he waited for them to arrive, he would either be on his phone playing a random game that he comes across or he would observe other people, analyzing them and predicting their personality traits and their reactions to certain situations. He knew that the students wouldn't notice him analyzing them due to the hat that he ALWAYS wears. The black, dull hat covers his soft amber eyes, due to a event in his past, which resulted in not wanting people to look at him in the eyes; a hat was the "perfect" solution.

After he had passed some time by playing a game on his phone, he decided to check the time, which was simply 7:58 am.

Maybe I should go inside now, I'll be late to class otherwise, and I don't want that...

Shuichi had thought to himself as he began to make his way in front of the double doors. The double doors were made mostly out of glass, though the glass was made out of specific materials which would mean that they wouldn't break as easily. The blunette grabbed onto the handle gently, and just as he was about to open it-


Before the poor detective could even process what was happening and who said those words, the taller male tripped and fell onto the floor (face first on the floor, letting go of the handle), with another figure, who was about ten to fifteen centimeters shorter than him, falling on top of him. Moments of silence was exchanged as the two processed what had happened. After what seemed like hours, but was only really a few minutes, the shorter figure quickly got off the taller male, who too stood up which was followed by turning round. The detective then discovered that the person who was responsible for his fall was none other than the purple-haired leader himself, Kokichi Ouma.

"Oh my god- I'm so sorry- Are you hurt?" The panta loving boy asked, using a genuine worried tone, as he found out the identity of person that he had bumped into on accident. Shuichi looked at Kokichi in surprise, as his other classmates had told him that the Supreme leader would tease others and bully others, without even caring on how they felt about it -- yet, he was acting much differently; Kokichi showed to have been genuinely worried about him, as he wasn't using his signature line or laugh. After realizing that he had been staring at Kokichi for a bit too long, he began to blush a soft red, and used his hat to cover his blush.

"Y-y-yeah I'm fin-" just as Shuichi was about to respond to Kokichi's question, the Supreme leader had received a punch to his face. The punch had come from none other than the astronaut himself, Kaito Momota, who (along with Maki and Kaede) had witnessed the incident. The short boy winced at the impact, but gave out a creepy grin to hide the fact that he was in great pain.

"Nishishishi~ Is that all you got idiot?" Kokichi questioned, in a mocking tone, which only angered Kaito more.

"Listen here you little shit! I swear if you had hurt Shuichi in anyway I'll make sure you suffer!" Kaito shouted at the boy, angry at how Kokichi could have hurt Shuichi just for the Supreme leader's amusement.

"K-K-Kaito... It was an accident, I-I-I'm sure that K-Kokichi didn't mean any harm." Shuichi told the astronaut, which resulted in him gaining surprised glances from everyone -- even from the Supreme leader himself. As in on cue, the bell had rang, indicating that it was time for class. Quickly, Kokichi had began to make another run for it, avoiding crashing into Shuichi this time, leaving the detective alone with his friends.

"Shuichi, what were you thinking? Defending HIM of all people, do you have any idea on the amount of trouble he had caused us all?" Maki questioned, in a rather harsh tone, with the addition to a cold expression.

Upon hearing Maki's remark as they quickly made their way to class, the detective had felt a sudden rush of anger, for reasons he wasn't too sure. Sure, Kokichi had been causing trouble, yet it didn't mean that he deserved to be treated this way.

"M-Maki, sure, Kokichi may be a pain in the ass, but unless he had actually caused harm, then you shouldn't really be that harsh on him." Kaede shot back at Maki, in a tone which had contradicted the meaning of the statement altogether. Shuichi couldn't help himself but replay the incident once more, thinking to himself that the shorter male's faint blush was rather adorable, in fact, he even went as far as mentally admit to himself that the Supreme leader was adorable.

Wait- Did I just think that Kokichi's adorable again?

Before he could mentally answer his own question, they had already made it to class, opening the classroom doors the moment that they did.

By the time they had made it to class, however, they were five minutes late.

"Kaede Akamatsu, Maki Harukawa, Kaito Momota and Shuichi Saihara, you're late!"

[EDITING] Truth or Dare // NDRV3 {Saiouma Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now