Chapter 30: Chaos & Ricky (Pt.3)

Start from the beginning

"Do you need assistance, Tate? We don't have all day," A monotone voice said, which came from Jose.

Tate shot his sight over at him, "Not needed."

He started to bend down, sliding his arm under Alice's legs and one by her back, lifting her up bridal style. She yelped, staring incredulously at Tate's face as he whisked her away. She didn't even have time to object because he rushed out quickly.

Leaving me with not one, but three intimidating males.

"Now, which one of you wants to accept the consequences of forming this resistance that seems more like a support group?" Ricky asked, glancing between me and Brendon.

Brendon wobbles up to his feet, rising from his knees as he placed his hands up, stating to the rest that he had no bad intentions.

"It's all my fault. I came up with the idea, it should be me paying the price," he licks his lips. "Annalise barely had anything to do with this, honestly."

His words didn't register well with Ricky, instead the effect worsened our situation. The gun he had lowered to the ground was lifting up, now pressing under Brendon's jaw in an eye blinking second.

"No! What are you doing?! Stop! It's not his fault, it's mine! Hurt me!" I blurted protectively to stop the abuse on innocent Brendon, unable to silently watch any further.

Ricky's entire body went rigid at what I shouted, clearly taken off guard. His eyes practically dived head first into my own, as if he had an important quest to find some knowledge that would open his eyes.

He looked as if he was asking himself something, asking himself if I really meant what I said. I really do think this is the first he's seeing a different side of me than the one that cries, wishing to be saved instead of doing the saving.

I pushed myself away from the lecture stand I stood at, briskly going forward to where everything was occurring. However, my movements ceased as a human wall slid in front of me.

"Sorry, but we wouldn't want you getting injured more, would we?" Timothy's chocolate eyes abruptly meets my own, his tone neutral.

"Honestly? Honestly?" Ricky reiterated the word he used, snapping back to reality. "You lied when I first asked who started this by saying it was just you, no one else. I proved you wrong and then you said she had a little to do with it, now it's barely anything to do with it? If you're going to lie, at least memorize your fucking story. Liars aren't people I'm particularly fond of," he warns dangerously, making Brendon shake visibly all over.

And with that, the barrel of Ricky's gun collided with his temple. I stopped breathing.

Brendon's head whipped to the side as his body got thrown off balance, in slow motion did his eyes roll to the back of his head. A loud thump echoed in the class as his limp body hit the hard floor, and if he were a tree, someone would've definitely yelled timber at the way he went down.

I gasped loudly in shock, taking a step away from Timothy in the process.

Oh, my god.


"Well, I guess that only leaves you," Ricky says, probably staring at me, but I was too busy gaping at the sight of Brendon's unconscious body.

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