Chapter 17

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After, two plane changes and many hours. We are two hours away from landing in San Antonio. I'm so close to having him face to face again. My nerves are killing me and I'm so anxious now. My hands are sweating already by just thinking about it.

"Hi, I'm Logan," I tell the guy with the sign with my name on it. He introduces himself and walks me towards a car. A car that Roger rented for me to drive back home.

He didn't have to do this, it must have cost him a lot. I've heard it's about two hundred or something. I'm so glad to have him in my life. I didn't even plan on how to get home when I landed here.

This drive happens to be the longest drive ever. I have never driven by myself. Someone always drove me here so it's really weird for me. And I only have driven once or twice, and once was because of Tyler. When he needed stitches and I drove him downtown.

These towns look so different to me, I'm so glad for this g.p.s. I wouldn't have been able to get out S.A. I'm finally getting close to my city just one more hour. Del Rio, Texas here I come for the millionth time.


My heart is beating as I'm driving towards my house. I'm somehow hungry but can't even eat. You know what fuck this, I'm going to his house. I step on the gas for once towards his house.

He's not home and neither is Zack but his uncle is. I rush out of the car quickly to go knock. When his uncle opens the door for me.

"Come in," he says quietly and I follow him to his kitchen. He grabs me a beer and takes a sit in front of me. "They're both gone," he says but what does he mean by, "they're both gone?."

"What do you mean by that," I ask him opening my beer. He stands up and hands me a lemon. "Tyler went in the army and Zack went back home." This has to be a joke right? I can't believe this.

"I gave you that beer because I thought you would need it. I'm sorry son but you are quite late. You left them both heart broken...but somehow you brought them close. Before they left, both of them spent a lot of time together. I don't know nor do I want to know, what happened but they love you. Tyler for sure and Zack might too," he says taking another sip of his beer.

My biggest fear came true after all. I came for him to tell him I love him. And he happens to be gone and not just gone for days. For a year or so, because he has entered the army. This all feels like a horrible joke but it all happens to be true.

With a "Goodbye sir," I leave their house broken in tears to my house. I'm driving so slow, that I'm glad they are no cars behind me. My home happens to be three or two blocks away from them. My tears are blurring my vision, I need to hurry up and get home.

"Logan," someone yells at me and it happens to be Jasmine from her house. I run towards her and give her a huge hug. We hug for the longest time before she asks why I'm crying:

"It's better if you don't know, let's talk about you." She closes the door and I sit on the carpet. We stay silent for a second, before both of us speak, at the same time.

"Zack spoke to me before he left. He wanted to know if you had called or something. I told him, no but then I saw your message," she says joining me sitting next to me on the carpet.

Zack didn't even want to talk to me before I left. And he came to Jasmine looking for me? it makes no sense. "Did you tell him that I was in New York," I ask quietly and she turns to look at me for a minute.

"Your mom kind of told him everything. She told them both how hurt you where. And told them you were not coming back." How could she tell them everything and not tell me anything about it? I wonder what she told them, I can't believe this.

Why did they wait so long until I was gone?.

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