🦋🍀 Smooch 🍀🦋

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art i did when i cried ^ [not edited]
The tension between us thickened, as i pulled away from the awkward embrace and started to fudge with the edible in my hand. The crinkling on the wax paper around it noticeable, somehow, even with the music blaring. I avoided eye contact, looking everywhere but at Eric. I never did good in awkward situations.
Eric cleared his throat and once i finally looked at him he seemed shocked. As if what i just did was something he wasn't prepared for. He took a step back as well, his loose jeans almost making his trip in his drunken stage.
"Shit," Was all he said as he looked at me. What could you say in a situation like this. I know we have done things before, but for some reason this didn't feel right. The possibility of me feeling this way was probably because of the drunken stage he was in.
"You wanna like, hit the floor or something? The nights still young and i'm trying to get fucked up you know?" i tried to act like what just happened didn't. i grabbed his cold clamy hand and cringed slightly before pulling him to the floor. Once we reached the middle i removed my hand and wiped it on my dress, making sure Eric didn't notice.
Shoving the rest of the edible in my mouth i go and reach for another when i realized i had no more. In a haze of the night i already ate them all and the affect of the first one was starting to set in. Smiling to myself i started moving my body to the rhythm to everyone else. Letting the music enter my mind, taking over.
i noticed eric watching me and that just caused me to grab his hands once again, his hands warmer this time. i moves him with me, it took him a second before he started to move his body along but not long after i was laughing and he seemed to have a good time.
i licked my lips, now realizing how dry my mouth was and excused myself. Pushing past eric and many more, i made an escape to the kitchen where i rummaged through the cabinets for a cup and then the fridge for a drink.  I could have easily went to the bar where the bartender was sweating bullets to serve all the drink and high people, but it was easier this way.
noticing a Orange drink with things of fruit in it i pulled it out and poured myself a drink. Rule something of partying as a girl is to pour ur own drink. I remembered that rule be ignored the one that said don't drink anything that you don't know where t came from.
i places the drink down and downed the cup i filled with it. It was a sweet taste, like juice but i shivered as the taste of a strong alcohol decided to say hello. The drink was hand made, it was i a. pitcher with a humming bird sitting on a flower, something my grandma would have.
With it being home made i had no clue what was in it, and no clue if i just fucked myself over. In that phase of not being able to control my own actions i drank some more, until my face felt hot and my body was telling me to dance. So i did.
i threw my bag into a cabinet as i walked to the group of what seemed to be hundreds of people  and started moving once again. forgetting about eric as i felt hands all over me. One even lifting up my short black dress, but before anything could happen i was pulled more into the crowd by a familiar face. Richard, he was smiling and he now had blue hearts all over his body. some parts being purple where they mixed with the blue.
"Are you having fun?" Richard yelled, as he continued to dance his glow necklaces seeming so bright in the dark house.
I nodded i. response since it seemed as i have forgotten how to talk. Though when i tried to say yeah a squeal came out. 'what was in that drink?' was all i can think as Richard continued to talk, but what he was saying didn't process in my head. I just continued to nod and dance, acting as if i knew what was going on. It had the same energy as Jacob Sugartits on Tik Tok. After afew minutes of Richard talking he yelled "i'll catch you later" and moved deeper in the crowd. me stuck there in a mixture of drunk and sweaty people.
With how hot the room was and how hot i was i decided to move my ways to the stairs, the ines that went downstairs to the basement. It was wide open and a bright pink light radiated from it. i made my way down the wooden stairs. Afew people were down here, most were couples who decided this was the best place to make out. In the middle of the room was a huge sectional with an ottoman in the middle and a huge curved television in front of it. A game of Mario cart was going in between these two people.
I sat on the couch, sinking into it as i realized how soft it really was. My body felt like jelly, but yet it was an amazing feeling. my eyes heavy, i looked around. No face was familiar. Realizing i knew no one down here i just sunk into the couch, some how falling asleep shortly after.
Eric POV -
As the night went on i sobered up somehow some way, i guess in a fictional world anything can happen. I continued to dance with the crowd but once i noticed that i haven't seen Bird in awhile i started to look around. I snatched afew edibles and shoved them in my pocket as i shortly afterwards found the guy she called richard.
"Hey!" i yelled over the music, placing my hand on his shoulder. The tanned man turned to me, clearly not in his right mind.
"Heyyy~" His voice was slurred but a hint of flirtation was in it. I stepped back awkwardly as i continued on the conversation. "Have you seen Birdie?" i asked.
He chill his head and took a sink of his drink that was in his red solo cup. "Last time i saw her she was all sorts of fucked up. Maybe she went somewhere quiet," He shrugged as he drank from his cup again and turned back around.
For someone who runs the party he should be a bit worried when someone seems abit "fucked up". i roll my eyes as i ouch myself through the crowd once more and started to look around. I looked in the rooms downstairs and found nothing but an office, walk in food closet and a huge master that a couple decided to claim theirs for the night.
I slammed the door shut and continued to look around, passing the kitchen there was a gape in the group of people that revealed a door, A door with stairs that led downwards. The shift in color of lightening made me squirt as i examines the people down there. there were hardly anyone down here, only a couple and 3 people on the couch in the middle. Two of them playing Mario cart.
I walked over to the couch and noticed Birdie, covered up in a furry gray cover and drool hanging from her lips. Gross. I walked over and sat next to her shaking her awake. It didn't take long to hear her groaning and see her swatting at me.
"It's eric," i whispered to her continuing to try to wake her up, " I think we should get going," i continued. Standing up i grabbed the cover and yanking off, revealing that when she curled up her dress lifted and her underwear showed. Hurriedly i covered her up with her dress before throwing the cover to the side. Unknowns ontoo of one of the other people on the couch.
"Fuckin watch it man," i paid them no mind as i noticed birdie shiver and sit up her face flushed and her eyelids hanging down.
"What the fuck" she mumbled as she stood up, she looked around before looking at me and giving me a lopsided smile. i chuckled as i wrapped my arm around her waist and led her upstairs.
"Where are we going," she asked. I just told her we are going home as i carefully made her up the stairs, carefully not to lose my grip and make her fall. Once up she leaned her head against me arm and yawned loudly.
"Do you have to yawn that loud?" i asked as i made the way to the front door, "Do you always have to be on my dick," she remarked. I didn't know if she was joking or not but the fact her voice was slurrred and the breaks between the words were abit longer then normal i knew she was done for the night.
I patted my pockets as i made sure i had everything and exited the bust house, knowing i won't be able to drive i called an uber and waited outside sitting on a small stone wall for a garden with Birdie next to me.
"Eric.." Birdie let out a whisper as i turned to look at her, shoving my phone into my pocket.
"Wha-" i didn't finish my sentence before she planted her lips on mine, it took me back for a second before i returned it. It didn't get very deep before she pulled away that cute lopsided smile from before on her face once again.
"It's not too early nowww~" She slurred once more, referencing what happened earlier in the party. Before i could respond a car pulled up with an uber sticker and we got in.

this is how i imagine Samantha ^ y did i have to make a whole ass youtube video to post this. maybe i'm dumb cause idk what i'm doing. also this would have been uploaded sooner but my dad is the most amazing person in the world and everyone thinks he's fucking amazing so i can't talk to anyone. :)
xoxo love u berries

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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