⁎ ☽ Make Cash, not - well maybe cocaine ☾ ⁎

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Being goth is as trendy nowadays as Measles are at a daycare with un-vazzed kids

- M e    B i t c h <3


"I got about 450 in total tonight, that's not including what I had to give to Richard' Dimiond said as she took off her 6 inch sparkly heeled boots. "How much did you get?" she asked as she walked over now only wearing her fishnet body suit and underwear.

I leaned forward close to the mirror, wiping off the remainder of the makeup I had on my face. I threw away the wipe when I was done and started to unhook my spiked studded choker. "About 7 grand," I said softly not wanting the other girls to hear.

"What!" Dimiond exclaimed loudly, "How the fuck did you get so much?!" I glare at her for being so loud. I put the choker in my bag of accessories for dancing and turn to look at her. "First, lower your voice. I might be friends with these girls but that doesn't mean they aren't shady. Second, I've been doing this since I was 18, and I'm 21 now, so yeah like 3 years. And in those 3 years I've met some boys who like to spend money on a 'pretty lil lady like me'," while saying this I raised my voice into a preppy, snobby one while I quoted what they have said.

Dimiond laughed at this then flopped down on the stool next to me. She too, grabbed a makeup wipe and started to wipe her face off. Dimiond and I went way back before I worked here, we worked at the same pizza place where we bonded on hating our jobs.

When I graduated I had a solid 3.5 GPA but things were just not working out, I hated college, and everyone there. So I said fuck it and dropped out, of course my parents were disappointed but that wasn't new. Everything was doing fine until I started to struggle with money.

I needed a better paying job, and fast. I started to apply everywhere, I didn't care as long as if got more money than I did working at Russo's was all that mattered to me. As a joke Dimiond dared me to apply for Lookos Mookos strip club and well you can infer what happened from there.

Dimiond and I lost touch and about a few months ago she showed up here, wanting a job. It was weird but we needed her, this place was popular, and one girl got pregnant and basically told us to fuck off when we said she can't dance on the pole anymore. We didn't kick her out of the group, we tried to give her more options she can do around the club till she had the baby, but she wasn't having it. All we wanted was to keep her safe from these weirdos.

"Have you seen that guy in the helmet come in," Dimiond asked, she was now nude and changing into her comfortable clothes. What we call the after 'work clothes'. I hummed in response to her question, as I too began to take off my black mesh one piece and my studded panties. Slowly I started to peel the wire tape off my nipples. It didn't really hurt, if anything it felt good, I'm just paranoid if I rip it off my nipple will come off with it.

"Yeah, he comes in every like Friday with his friends and like gets about 100 dollars' worth of drinks and stuff. Isn't it weird he wears a helmet to a club?" she asked chuckling to herself. She threw on her backpack that acted as a purse.

"I mean you don't see it every day, sooo..." I trailed off opening my locker.

Dimiond began to speak before Richard came busting in, " Come on girls let's go, I'm trying to get home. We closed almost an hour ago. I rolled my eyes and put on my after work clothes quickly, my plan was to just take a shower when I got home.

Dimiond and I were the last ones there, making the normally loud strip club quiet and eerie. I quickly walked out with Dimiond following close behind. Dimiond and I lived in the same apartment complex, so we never really walked home alone. Except when the other has the night off.

We started the short walk to our apartment complex in the dark of night at 2 am, already tired for tomorrows shift.

I threw on my 5 inch black spiked heels and fishnets. I woke up late and now was in a rush to get out there before my 10 o' clock show. It was now 9 30 and I still needed to do my makeup get my props and make sure I smell like a fruit basket. Boys really dig it.

I forgot that Dimiond had off today so I didn't set an alarm for myself, she normally just came over and woke me up but this time she slept in. I don't blame her I would to.

It was around 8 when I woke up and basically panicked. I grabbed my bag that I luckily prepared the night before and basically ran all the way here in what I woke up in. Luckily for the bathroom here I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. As well as had a piece of gum I snagged off of Claire, or who we call Strawberry.

"you have 10 minutes hurry the fuck up," Richard barked at me and I flicked him off, in return he glared at me. I did the finishing touches and smiled at how well I work under pressure. I turn to my red carpet themed vanity and sprayed some perfume on me and lathered my exposed body with berry scented oils.

I was glossy.

Making my way to the full body mirror that was just before the door to the stage I looked at my outfit. I had on my black three piece 'cage' outfit, with a black flowery lace as a bralette. It gave off strong bondage vibes, but that's just what I like ya know.

Not to mention it was uhm, extremely revealing. Knowing these old men, I stitched in a crotch part so I wouldn't be fully exposed.

After adjusting myself and fixing my hair, I heard the sound of the lights changing and the girls who were dancing now coming in, their faces flushed. i knew it was the time for my little show. I normally get a show every Saturday night but we decided to change it to Friday since we seem to have more business then.

The crowd loves me for my pale skin and, what they call it?, oh yes, my goth ass. Don't get me wrong, I ain't complaining, I get more money than half these girls here in a day then they get in a week.

Time is money sweets.

I have plenty of both.

Richard came in and motioned me to c'mon. I looked in the mirror once again and smiled at myself before strutting my way to the stage, making my way from behind the curtain, to the long silver pole that was in the middle of the stage.


Ugh idk what im doing man please enjoy im desperate kmao

also the thing under the title  is just something i did as like a joke cause i think i might do jokes that kinda go with the chapter ya know idk. but yeah its 1:18 am rn and i died and snotted everywhere at it

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