🗡🔸Party Bitch 🔸🗡

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[ not edited cause Word is being a lil bitch ]

it has been has been afew weeks now. Time flew by and i went back to work, did my weekly dance and it all. Throughout the time i saw the helmet dude even more and once even had a small, drunk induced conversation. He was a sweet guy and he made me laugh, and the helmet just added to the mystery of who he was.

I got closer to Ezra and Eric, they were the funnest people ever together. As weel as with Laura, we became best friends. Actual true best friends, not what me and samantha had. Oh that reminds me, since that night i havent got any strange calls or text. Nor did i get any weid letters like you see in those movies.

YOu know? when they cut out pieces in a magazine and put them all together and stuff to make a threat or something weird.

The strangest thing that has happeed was seeing that guy from before, more often. I even saw him in the club once, but i hid before he could see me. He was always alone, but he always had his phone. Like once he saw me he was going to pull it out and snap a picture.

I told Richard about it and he just shrugged it off and said i probably had a weird admirer, but if it gets worse he'll take care of it. That didn't help my nerves at all but what can you do?.

The other day there was commotion outside my door and when i opened it to see what was going on, there were people taking things out of Samanthas apartment. There were police there and the other 2 tenets standing and watching.

I wrapped my long fuzzy jacket closer to me, feeling out of place as i walk closer to the blocked off scene. "Whats goign on here?" I asked, looking over a police womens shoulder. She turned to look at me, holding her hand up to tell me to step back.

"Just helping someone move out," She said calmly, professinaly.

"Not to be rude, but do i look like a dumb bitch to you," I said this, annoyance clear on my face.

Her face heated up as she cleared her thrat before saying, "Ma'am thats not appropriate, please go back to your room," She pointed her finger to my open door.

"we already know she got arrested, gossip spreads fast miss-" i looked at her name tag," Wilkerson ," She stood there for a second quietly. She was fairly young, probably new to the team. Inexperienced. Her face heated up, probably in embarassment while an older man came up to us, hands on his belt.

"Is everything okay here?" He asked, his voice was deep, but defiently not sexy. It sounded like once he popped out of th womb he was smoking 30 cigaettes at once for the 90 years of his life.

"Yeah everythings fine. On a serious note, she has stuff of mine in her apartment and im just wondering if i would like ever be able to get that. Cause i didnt leave it there expecting her to get locked away," I said rocking on my heel.

"Im sorry, the housing is currently under investigation," He said coldly.

"Why? All she did was stomp someones face," I heard a gasp from behind me and a soft murmer following.

The man coughed, "Thats none of your buisness," He said this bluntly and i lifted and eyebrow.

"Thats fine, i guess, will i ever be able to get my stuff though?" I asked this, i stared as someone pulled out a black bag full of weird chains and leather objects. Now that i thought about it did i really want my stuff back? What if she put cameras in it so when i took the stuff back she could watch me. What if she put posion in the stuff? so when i touch it, it could affect me?

"Actually," i said cutting him off before he could say anything," Nevermind," I turned on around, quickly walking back to my apartment and shutting the door. I locked it and just went to my room. It was like this for the whole week. Police came and looked through the room. Taking things out and then returning the next day repeating the process.

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