☠☀ All Over Apple Pie ☀☠

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Last night I got home around four, sadly, and didn't fall asleep till around 5. Since Dimiond knows my schedule more than I know my own she realized I had off and didn't bother to wake me up. So I slept in until it was like 1 pm. It was nice to have a day off. My arms were killing me from swinging my body and just holding up my body all the time and I was just plain sore all over.

Since it was my day off, I decided to have a me day and to walk into the city, buy some new outfits and the works. Cause who doesn't love shopping.

I went to my room, it was the master of this 2 bedroom 3 bath apartment, the other room is my art studio. That room is a mess so,,, let's not talk about that right now. My room was set up as when you walk in the first thing you see is a big white circle canopy bed in the middle of the room. With a huge skylight right above it.

I had what I call a practice pole in the corner of the room with furry rug at the bottom and pillows and such around it. Around the room was just the basic and necessities like a dresser and a vanity. Even though I love my bed my favorite part of the room was the huge windows that looked out towards the city. They were beautiful and the sparkly white mesh curtains that were ceiling to flow made the room shine.

Walking over to my walk in closet, I switched on the light. Looking through my clothes I decided to just go simple today. I put on some dark green plaid pants, a black tank top with a red rose and some black fishnet socks. finishing off the look I grabbed my black heeled boots and a black leather book bag. I made my way downstairs grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, and my wallet and keys. When I got everything I needed I walked out the door locking it behind me and proceeded to walk to my favorite diner.

The diner was called grandma Lammies kitchen, and she served the best apple pie and milkshakes. Grandma Lammy actually died last year which was devastating to everyone but her grandchildren took over her place and is running the place just as well.

When I walked it was surprisingly packed. The workers were rushing around and the now new owner, Laura was at the register seeming to almost have a panic attack. I stood in the 6 person line and waited my turn. While waiting I put my hair up in a ponytail. It was about 10 minutes till it was my turn and when I got there Laura smiled at me.

"hey!" she said, her smile was contagious making me smile back at her.

"what's up, girl?" I ask pulling out my wallet. I look at the menu and just ordered what I normally do and gave her my card.

"Oh my god, it so busy and stressed like you don't even knowww,'' she dragged out 'know' and printed out my order and put it on the rotation string in the back so the chef could make my mini pie, "Your number will be #298."

"I'm sorry love, maybe we can do something later I'm off today and tomorrow," I smile at her and she smiled back a nodded.

"I'll try, if I can make time I'll text you later," she said before I gave her a small wave and found a booth next to a guy texting away on his phone with an apple pie in front of him.

"The apple pie is amazing isn't it," I said, trying to start a conversation in hopes for a new friend. The dude looked up at me and sat his phone down.

"Uh yeah, its pretty good," He looked at me as he said this then back at the pie taking a bite from it.

"Do you come here often," I cringed to myself as I realized I just did an unintentional pick up line.

He chuckled before shaking his head, "No, not normally, I just came here 'cause it had the highest ratings on google, so I thought why the fuck not," he looked at me fully now.

I point to the booth seat in-front of him, "Is that seat taken?" I ask, already picking up my bag before he shook his head no. I go over and take a seat.

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