♢♢ Emotions ♢♢

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                Smut? Nah lml Smooch                                                                             [Non-Edited]                         


"Ezra, what's up cunt?" Eric said while he stood up and did that weird guy handshake. Eric motioned for him to sit down and he takes a seat next to me, a smirk plastered against his face. "So what the fuck are you doing here?"

Eric regarded the conversation we had before and started talking to this Ezra. I didn't really mind it though; I was interested on who the fuck this person was. I continued to eat my McFlurry watching as they talked back and forth.

"I'm here with my friends- "He pointed over to a table with a group of boys who were laughing and messing with one another. "We got high and hungry," He shrugged.

"You don't look high," I remark dumbly. He looked over at me, the whites of his eyes a tint of red. I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment, I looked down at my McFlurry taking another bite of it. "Uh, never mind,"

He just let out a deep chuckle and shook his head, "Nah, your fine. What's your name," He asked me, stealing a fry from Eric's tray, causing him to say what the fuck.

"It's Birdie, people call be bird, bitch whatever," I said my usual line whenever someone asks my name. Finishing off my McFlurry I place it on Eric's tray, not wanting to throw it away. He glanced at me, a hint of annoyance in his eyes, I just smile at him sweetly.

"Birdie? That's new, were your parents doing crack when they named you," He laughed out, clearly his high taking over his sense of humor. My smile altered but I put on a fake one and acted as if that question didn't affect me.

"Probably," I said putting out a fake laugh.

He continued on the conversation, adding me in here and there but I preferred to stay out of it. I was in my feelings and I didn't think I'll be able to keep talk without bursting into tears. After what seems to be 20 minutes a boy with brown hair and glasses came up to us. "Hey, John wants to go to Walmart," He pointed back to the group. Ezra nodded and looked at us.

"Well, I'll cya shits later," He slid out of the booth and stood up. He was about to walk away before he turned to me. "Can I get your number, so if you want to hang out later?" The same smirk from before was back and I smiled in return.

I told him my number, he put it in his phone before nodding. He told me he'll text me later and then left with the boys. When I looked back, Eric was staring at me but once he made eye contact he gripped the tray. "Uh let me go take this," He said as he got up to throw the trash away.

I scrunch my eyebrows up at him but shrug. I pull out my phone and try to turn it on. When the lovely empty battery showed up on the screen I groaned. The fact that my phone was dad was a pain itself but the thing that I didn't listen to Dimiond. I didn't return any of her messages nor calls.

The thought of calling the police has crossed my mind, but what if she finds out that I did and gets me before the police get her. The idea of such pressure it will cause me is already making my hands clammy. I wipe them on my jeans before putting my hands back on the table.

Eric came back, fixing his shirt. "You want to get going? So you can get home before it's too late" He asked me, not making eye contact


"Uh, yeah sure," I grab my bag, throwing it over my shoulder. I stand up, him leading the way to the door. We exited McDonalds and made our way to the car. The way was quiet and I began to pick at the self-made scars on the side of my wrists.

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