☺☻ Inside out ☻☺

519 11 1

∆ Birdies POV ∆ ('Bolds' being weird in this???)

After texting Eric for a bit I decided to just go to bed. That didn't go as I wanted it to though. I stayed awake thinking about everything, from what happened between Eric and I, all the way to what happened with Samantha.

The thought that she was playing a role in this life seemed so odd to me, especially for this long. What was going on inside of her head. What was happening to make her think everything she was doing was okay.

When I finally fell asleep though it was around 4 in the morning and I woke up feeling terrible. Not the feeling of being sick or anything, just as if a shit load of weight was on my shoulders. Knowing that it wouldn't disappear anytime soon I called Richard and told him I couldn't come in.

He understood because of the circumstances and let me have the rest of the week off. Which I was most certainly fine with. I planned to stay in bed all day but when 2 came around I got a text. Grabbing my phone seeing it was Ezra.


I squinted at the extremely bright screen as I was currently laying under my thick blanket.

Whats up?

Nothin, bored

You play any games

Uh I play sims, I like to kill people smaller then me

Sorry I meant control J

Lmao, you wanna come over to play some siege, it involves killing people

Im down, send me ur address

Ezra sends me his address and I got up out of bed. I do my daily richer but decided to just take a shower first. After that I walk into the closet and look around for an outfit.

I grab a pair of black baggy pants, a black "Hellish People" shirt and a light gray turtle neck. I threw it on my now moisturized and dry body. Holding up my pants I grabbed a thick black belt and some calve high sock with some leaves on it.

I looked around in my jewelry and decided to just get a chain and hook it to my belt hoops. I finished the looks with some high-top white filas and a heart large shaped necklace.

Finishing up, I brushed my hair, teeth and grabbed my needed items. Throwing my needed things in my bag I grabbed my phone and looked at the text where Ezra sent his address.

After putting that in maps my stomach grumbles loudly. Now remembering I haven't eaten since yesterday I walk to my kitchen and look through the cupboards. I took me about 10 minutes to just say fuck it and grab some nutrient bars.

As I walked to the elevator I ate the bars. Shoving the wrappers in the trash bin on the lobby floor once I got there. Waving goodbye to Mr. Knox like I do every time, I walked to the garage door and into the garage.

Twisting the keys around my finger I make my way to my car. I unlocked the doors, and got it. I put my phone on the stand and pressed the button to put me on route. When the thing popped up it said it would take about 20 minutes to get there.

"That's not that far," I mumble to myself.

The trip there was easily, and surprisingly very relaxful. I didn't feel as tensed as I did when I woke up, but I was still on edge. Getting to the destination I parked behind a black car. In front of me was a large suburban house.

Already texting Ezra that I was here I walked up a stone pathway and knocked on the bright green door. A few seconds later I heard the shuffling of footsteps and the sound of a lock click. When the door opened there stood the poufy brunette haired boy I met at McDonalds a few nights before.

"Damn, you just come back from a funeral or something?" Ezra asked, opening the door all the way. He stood in just a plain t-shirt and some jeans. I just laughed at what he said as he invited me in, I sung off my bag and asked where I should put this.

"You can just bring it to my room," He shrugged as he walked up a flight of stairs, I followed suit admiring the décor around the house.

He walked down a short hallway before stopping at a door. He opened the door and continued on. There was a whole computer set up, including one of those long mics.

"Woww," I said looking over everything. Ezra sat down in a chair as he motioned for me to sit as well. "On your lap?" I asked jokingly.

"No!" he said defensively. "I meant like the bed or something," His cheeks heated up but I couldn't help but let out a giggle. Bringing over a stool he had in his room and placed it down next to him. I dropped the bag down next to me and leaned against the desk.

"So you gonna teach me how to play or?" I ask turning to face him.

He shrugs in response before turning on the computer. He went on discord signed in and went to a chat. Pressing on it a loud sound of people talking rang through the speakers.

I jumped at the sound and I could hear Ezra letting out a deep chuckle. He turned the volume down before pulling the mic close to him.

"Hey cunts," I just sat there watching him talk to these unknown people.

"Racc, welcome back sweetie," A guy said. His voice was deep but smooth. And his comment caused an uproar of a guy's laughter who sounded like when u keep scrubbing an already clean granite surface.

I couldn't help but laugh at his laugh and that caused they guy who said something before to ask a question. "Ezra is that a Girl?"

Ezra looked over at me, like asking if it was okay for him to tell them and I just nodded. He turned back to the mic and sound loudly, "Yeah she's my bitch,"

Hey guys im sorry about the late update. My anxiety has been messing up real bad. Im going somewhere about 5 hours away as a class trip, and in that class I don't really have a lot of friends in it.

Well I have 3 but they have other friends so im not a complete loser. Anyways it's a place ive never been before and idk I feel weird about everything. I really wanna go tho so im not going to give up this opportunity of going somewhere I wouldn't be able to do without it.

You know what I mean. I hope my anxiety goes away soon cause thatnks to it I just wasn't in the mood to write but I promised you guys so here it is. Im sorry if it sucks I wasn't feeling it and its going to be 10x better next tme.

Love you my berries XOXO

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