❉ϟ Fortnite? ϟ❉

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I couldn't help it, i let out a loud laugh and turned to look at him. "What the fuckkk," I whine. 

He just laughed and apologized, i leaned close to the mic almost on-top of Ezra. "Howdy, Im birdie," I said as i examined the screen, looking at the cartoonist desert background of fortnite. 

Ezra leaned close to the mic when i moved away," I met her at McDonalds, she was hanging out with Swag," 

"Wait, so your Swaggers bitch?!" The icon next the the name 'Zuckles' indicated that he was the one that asked. 

I let out a snort and reply to his dumb comment, "No! We are just friends who met over an apple pie. 

"Have yall fucked yet?" Zuckles yelled into the mic. I could feel my face heat up but before i could say anything someone else did. 

"Mason you and i both know they didnt, now leave the girl alone before you drive her away," 

Zuckles, well i guess now known as mason, let out a groan in protest, "You dont know that," 

"Can we start the game now?" A guy asked, his voice was kinda like gravel, smooth but nothing like Ezra's voice. Kinda sounded like a grizzly bear would sound like if they could talk. 

"Alright boys, Yall ready to get FUCKED?!" 'xd Fitzy' exclaimed. It was followed by some whoops and yeahs. Ezra hit the ready button and the loading screen showed up, showing characters from the new season thats coming out.

They played for an hour or so and i sat there and watched, not going to lie, it was abit boring. I mainly texted Laura and Eric throughout the hour. After about 15 minutes of him playing i made my way to his bed and laid down on my stomach. Now playing some games  on my phone since Eric went to bed and Laura had to go to work. It wasnt long till Ezra screamed fuck and banged on the desk. 

I look up at him, thanks to his idiotic outburst, and squint my eyes. The screen showed him and his team died, making second place. i let out a chuckle causing him to turn and playfully glare at me. 

"Its just a game Ezra," I hum. I sat up, now sitting criss cross on his bed. 

He turned on his seat fully his cheeks hiding a shade of pink. "Its harder then you think," He said, sounding offended.

"Can i try?" i ask kinda giving him puppy dog eyes as i do so. He nodded basically giving me permission to stand up and walk over to his seat. I motion him to move and he shook his head. 

"i Guess you gotta stand," He said, a smug look of his face. 

I just smiled and pinched his cheek, he winced at this. I sat on his lap, wiggling slightly making myself comfy. "Lets get this game started," I said into the mic. I could feel Ezra shift under me and then him mumble. 

"You didn't have to sit on me,," I turned to look at him.

"Well, you could have moved," 

"Youre playing?" Fitz asked, i just hummed in response and went through Ezras locker to pick stuff i like to go with my character. I go for an all white girl with white hair and an all black outfit. She gave me good vibes so i just had to pick her. 

I picked a matching pick thingie and some other small things to decorate the look. When i got back to the lobby everyone was ready except me and this guy named 'Grizzy'. 

"Why is your name Grizzy?" I asked, cringing at my weird outburst. 

"Uh, well you see alot of people call me grizzy," He said, hesitating through some of his words. 

"No they dont!" Mason said, "Youre the only one that calls yourself that, you said it yourself"

"Zuckles you fuck, shut up," 

"Anyways," I cut them off before they continued on their conversation," Lets get this going," 

Zuckles character did a dance, me wanting to do one to i turn around to look at Ezra. "Hey, uhm how do you dance in this?" I asked as if i was in elementary school again, pointing at the screen and talking in a hushed whisper. 

He let out a deep chuckle and leaned forward, pressing his chest aqainst my back. A blush made its way to my cheeks but i played it off and looked at the screen. He he guided my hand to a key and pressed it, making a circle with the dance icons show on my screen. 

It took Ezra saying 'here you go in my ear for me to realize he did it for me i quickly pressed on a random danced causing my character to do a dance move on the ground. I let out a cheerful giggle as this happened. 

"Aw that was so cute," Fitz said. 

"Go away,' I said as i just pressed the ready button, getting ready for the game. 

The game was alot more fun than i thought it would be. Ezra gladly helped me when it was needed and tease me about how excited i got when i found a hover board.

The game went by fast and it consisted of offense funny jokes and the boys teasing me for my behavior in the game. I didn't mind though, i loved the attention they were giving me. I was soaking that shit up like i was a sponge or something.

We got victory royal thanks to Mason blocking the guy from getting in the safe zone, causing him to die. I was in the game until the end, just riding around in a golf cart i found. Being shot at by the other team, on the blink of the eye to dying.

I let out a small cheer when we won," I did it!" i exclaimed 

"Nah you didnt, you mainly just rode around in that car thing!" Mason said offended. 

"Its called a golf cart you fuck, and i distracted them making them easy targets. Without me you wouldnt have been able to do it," I retorted back playfully. 

"Ugh, whatEVER," Mason yelled. i giggled before finally getting off of Ezra lap and sitting back on his bed. Ezra stretched and let out a yawn. 

"Hey guys ima go," Ezra said. That was followed by some goodbyes and Mason saying 'i love you'. Ezra exited out and shut down his computer, he turned to look at me, "So how did you like the game?" 

"I liked it, it was uhm, different. I liked how colorful it was," I said truthfully, shrugging. 

"Well maybe you can come over more often and play," He said, his voice lowering as he said this. It was cheesy but cute, so i took it. 

"Do i get to sit in your lap?"


Hey ladies and gents, sorry for the shit and late update. i was up all night plYING SIMS. i legit just bought get famous and now they like hears something else its called STRANGERVILLE so yeah. bitch is brome and this shit comes out. hehyfgufodsvbisduvdhh anyays i plan on updating again today cause i got a plot twist coming cause you know why the fuck not. Im that BItch. IDk wjat im saying 

love u my berries 

see you soon

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