♧❂ Anxiety v. Weed ❂♧

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The day went by fast, we won about 400 tickets in total and Eric got me one of the Pink inflatable hammers that costed 350, so all I could get him was that putty that farts when the press on it. He seemed to enjoy it though and that's all that matters. After the arcade we went to the beach and just walked around on the boardwalk, I showed him to my favorite place.

The Ocean High Wave.

The beautiful store that sells amazing things. And I mean this place is fucking amazing. I got a bong that was in the shape of a pink dragon and a weed pipe that had just a wide black base and a glow in the dark octopus on the side of it. Eric looked around and after debating on a few different things decided to just get a transparent green bong with spots all over it.

We gave them to the cashier and paid who then wrapped them up, put them in a box then in a 2 different paper bags. After leaving there we decided to keep walking and talking until the crowd on the boardwalk thinned and the sun started to go down. Somehow throughout the day my hammer was stolen and I was pretty bummed about that.

"Man I had a lot of fun," I said looking ahead of me smiling.

"Yeah, so did I, you're pretty fucking awesome," I couldn't help but chuckle at him and his excitement when he said that, "Can I see your phone, I wanna put my number in it," I gave him my phone without hesitating and stopped walking so he can do what he gotta do, he handed it back to me when he was done.

I thanked him and shoved it back in my pocket, "I'll text you later, I'm exhausted and I don't want to be out when the bars let out," He nodded understanding and asked if I wanted him to walk me home. Shaking my head, I said I'll be fine and we walked our separate ways.

It was about 10 minutes later into my walk back home when I felt my phone vibrate, I pulled it out and looked at the caller ID. It was Dimiond so I answered, wondering what she wanted.

___ Dimiond ___ Birdie ___


Where are you?! I've been calling you since 6 its 11 now, why wouldn't you answer your phone. I went to your apartment and you weren't there. Where are you?

I just went out with a friend, when the fuck did you become my parent?

You know its common courtesy to tell someone where you're going, I was worried sick about you, also why were you at the arcade. You said you hated it there, that's why you said you never wanted to go there whenever I ask you.

I could hear her voice begin to shake as I knew she was about to force herself to cry.

Like I said, I met a friend tod- wait a fucking second how the fuck did you know I went to the arcade?

I felt my face heat up as I felt my privacy being breached and I looked from around at my surroundings.

I went on find my iPhone and snapchat map, it's not hard to find you Bird. It's almost like I'm a hunter of some sort.

She let out a laugh and I cringed, my eye tearing up as I feel completely nude in the situation.

What is wrong with you?

I asked almost yelling into the phone

I just wanted to know where you were, that's all

She said this like it was completely normal for someone to do that.

Oh, suck my fucking ass Dimiond you fucking werido.

I hung up quickly and went to turn off find my iPhone and the map for snapchat, I then blocked her on everything I have. You can say I'm being over dramatic but this isn't the first time she has done something like this.

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