☹☹ Problems ☹☹

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Erics POV

We got to the movie theatres and bought our tickets. Nobody questioning Birdies Overstuffed bag.

When we got in there, there was about 10 people there as well. I looked over at Birdie as she let out a long sigh.

"Well fuck, I guess we cant cross off 'fucking in a movie theatre' on our bucket list now can we," She said it loud enough so the people closes to us stared over at up the girl with pure disgust on the face and the guy laughing.

"Well, I guess we just gotta enjoy the movie like everyone else," She motioned me and I followed her to the back of the theatre, we sat in the last row. She flopped down in the large red recliner and puched the button causing it to recline back. I sat next to her and did the same.

She went through her bag and handed me my stuff and grabbed herself a bag of crunch choclates. She held it up and looked at me. "These are my freaking favorites," she said, a huge smile on her face.

The girl from before turned around and hushed her and she flicked her off.

"Ah, shut up cunt, it's a preview," The girl glared at her as Birdie blew her a kiss. She turned back to me, "Anyways, she opened the bag and pulled one out placing it in her mouth. She let out a moan, "Love it," I laughed at her actions.

Birdies phone started ringing and her eyes widened, she quickly grabbed her phone to turn it off. Oce she did I saw her face drop. She mumbled she'll be right back and left. Leaving her stuff where she left it. After 10 minutes the movie was starting and I decided to go check on her.

I exited the room and saw didn't see her anywhere I looked around and asked the dude behind the counter. He pointed outside and I nodded. I walked out there and she sat on the bench, her cheeks red and looks like she was about to cry.

"Hey uh, are you okay?" I asked getting closer to her.

She looked up at me nodded quickly and wiped her face, "We have a movie to watch," She said quietly and walked back inside. We went back into the room and sat where we did before. I kept stealing glances at her at time to time. She just sat there chewing on her shirt sleeve.

After about 30 minutes I stood up, she looked at me with confusion in her eyes. I motioned her to scoot over and she did. I laid down next to her and wrapped my arms around her. I might not know whats going on but I know when someone needs a hug. She relaxed in my arms and laid my head on hers.

We laid back on the chair, Birdie cuddling into me. She grabbed her bag of candy again and started munching on it. It was like this throughout the whole movie. Birdie reluctantly Got up and took our trash to the bins. I started to pack everything up when her phone started to light up I looked at her phone noticing a number kept texting her.

Where are you

Don't think I wont fucking keep on my promise

If you don't answer me this instant Bird I swear to god.

Birdie walked over and snatched her phone quickly typing away at it. She shoved it in her pocket and looked up at me smiling. But it wasn't her genuine one she normally gives. She grabbed her bag and started to walk out the door.

"Hey wait up!" I called after her. "Who was that texting you?" I asked, a tad bit worried.

"What are you talking about?" She asked, she was a good actor. If it wasn't for what I saw, I would of thought that she really didn't know what I meant.

"I saw your phone Birdie, Are you okay?" She stayed silent as she stood at the passenger side door. I unlocked it and got inside as she did. The time was 10:12 p, Not wanting to pressure her anymore I asked, "You wanna go to mcdonalds or something. I haven't had dinner yet," She nodded and I started off towards Mcdonalds.

Birdie's POV

We arrived to Mcdonalds in a short period of time. I felt bad for ruining the day but I just didn't want to say anything about what happened. Before the movie Dimiond called me asking why I blocked her, I tried to play it off like I didn't know who she was but it just made the situation worse.

She brought up a touchy subject, my parents, and then proceeded to mock my brother. I tried to defend him but that didn't end well either. She promised that when I get home that she will be there, waiting for me. That she wanted me to remember that she was my best friend and I was nothing without her.

I had an anxiety attack when I hung up and with the perfect timing that was the same time Eric came out. I acted like everything was okay though and we went inside. I sat there in my recliner, trying to hide the tears that were streaming from my face. But to my surprise Eric got up and laid next to me, I felt my heart jump and my cheeks heat up. I happily laid into him the attention he was giving me made me feel warm inside.

The movie ended but I didn't want the cuddling to end, but when he broke away I decided that it was time. I threw away the trash and when I turned around I noticed Eric looking down at my now lit up phone. I ran over and snatched it seeing what he was looking at. It was Dimiond.

I replied to what she was saying and just shoved my phone deep in my pocket. We left there and went to his car, he kept asking me what's wrong but I didn't want to tell him so I just kept quiet. And now that leads us to here. Currently sitting in a round booth in the corner of the McDonalds. Where we can hardly be seen.

Oh what a cliché

I pulled at my sleeve as I waited for our number to be called. I just ordered a simple Mcflurry since I wasn't that hungry while Eric ordered A sandwich and some fries.

"So, tell me about yourself," Eric broke the silence between us and I looked up at him.

"Well, what do you want to know," I asked, placing my head in my hands.

"I don't know, like what do you like to do, your hobbies, where do you work..." He trailed off as he stared into my eyes I stared back into his brown ones. I nibbled at my lip nervously, I noticed his eyes trail from mine to my lips for a second before making it back up to my eyes again.

A smirk played on his lips, like he just did something when I just returned it. His smirk alterned when he saw mine as I got up and walked to the front. Our number being called at the same time. I grabbed our stuff and walked back placing the stuff in front of him.

"Okay well, I'm really into art," I started as I sat back in my seat. I brought a McFlurry filled spoon to my lips and placed it in my mouth. Slowly taking it out clean of what was once on it, I glanced at Eric as I was doing so to see him watching my mouth.

"That's kind of like my hobby, I do sell paintings but that not my official job," I shrugged as I played with my Mcflurry.

"So what's your actually job,'' He persisted, eating some fries.

"I'm a dancer," I say confidently. It was the truth, so I wasn't technically lying.

I could tell he was about to ask me another question, but before he could a boy with a hella fine voice and poufy brown hair stood next to the table.

"Eric! what's up cunt?" he messed Eric's hair, then pointed at me. "Who's the babe?"


Ugh big daddy is coming in, finally. Ive been wanting to bring him in for awhile I just didn't know how to and I thought why not. Its one of my top big clichés that I love and so why not include it in this.

Anyways thank you for the views and im sorry if this is lsoppy and boring like I said I wanted to get him in and start on the juicy shit. Im sure if I planned this out like any good writer it would be better but since this is for fun and off the top of my head I just thought why not.

It also gived me a reason to not deal with my parents. Not only that but doing this actually seems to bring up my mood. No matter how cringy it might be.

Love you always my lil berries, and I hope you have a wonderful day

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