❖❅ LUI ❅❖

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[Not Edited]

After playing fortnite with Ezra we decided to just sit around and watch the TV. Nothing really happened, we just watched something on SYFY and when the movie was over i turned to look at Ezra, since he has been quiet for awhile. 

He was asleep, small snores came from his open mouth. I smiled at how adorable he looks before leaning over and placing a piece of popcorn in his mouth. I kept doing it until his eyes begin to flutter open. 

I smiled at him when he fully opened his eyes, "Hey sleeping beauty," I said, i placed the bowl of popcorn on the table. when i turned back to him he had spitted the popcorn in his hand and placing it on an empty plate that once held cookies. 

"Ew," i said as i watched him do it. He just shrugged an rubbed his eyes. 

"What time is it?" He asked searching for his phone. 

I pulled out mine and looked at the time," A little past 11," I stood up as i said this. "I should get going," I walked to the corner of the living room and grabbed my bag, shoving my charger in it in the process. 

"You could stay," I heard him say, i turned to look at him while i was bent down. I smiled at him once again when we made eye contact. I would of loved to stay the night but throughout the day Laura and i made plans for tomorrow.

Im most defiantly not trying to be tired or sore tomorrow 🤐

"Maybe next time Ezra," I threw my book bag over my shoulder, blowing him a kiss as i walked to the front door. I heard him get up and follow me, he watched as i walked to my car and got in. I waved goodbye as i pulled out of the drive way. He walked back inside when i made it halfway down his street. 

Leaving me alone on this dark street, hardly lit by the orange glowing street lamp.i turned on the music, turning it down low, allowing the base to be the only thing heard. I watched as the unfamiliar buildings turned into familiar ones and the once hardly lit street turned into busy light polluted one.

I felt relaxed, the feeling of being around people brought me joy, that was until i made it to a street, with hardly any cars. Just a bright Red light. Stopping i realized there was hardly anyone walking either. 

But there was this one man, he stood across the street on the phone, staring right at me. I made eye contact with him, my heat skipping a beat. I've read stories about situations like this, and they hardly end well. My gaze went from him to the light and repeat. The light felt like it was taking forever. 

He ignored the sign that says dont walk and did anyways walking straight to my car. I made sure my doors was locked and my windows were all the way up. He walked until he was next to my car but still on the sidewalk. He was now off the phone, but it was still in his hand. He brought it up, as if he was about to take a picture. 

Before he could the green light reflected in my dark car and i pressed down on the gas, Zooming past him and far away. I didnt know who the man was or why he wanted a picture all i know is i wanted to be far away from him as possible. 

For the rest of the trip my foot was on the gas and i didnt slow down till i made it to my complex. Where i swiped my card and swinging open the glass door. It shut with a click behind me telling me it locked. The lobby was empty, it normally was at this time, the only person was behind the counter and he was asleep. 

I went to the elevator swiped my pass again to open the doors and pressed the floor my apartment was on. once there i rushed past the other 3 doors on the floor and swiped my card once again opening my door. i locked both locks once in there, even though knowing that i was now in the safety of my own home, y heart was still racing. 

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