☺☁ How many snacks are too many snacks ☁☺

638 16 8

[Not edited – sorry <3]

The day went by slowly, I laid staring up at the skylight about my bed, watching birds fly by and the clouds shaped as miscellaneous things dance away. I wasn't feeling like living today thanks to what happened the night before. I could still hear her yelling bounce around in my head while I tried to take my second nap of the day.

Right when I was about to drift off my phone dinged, looking at who texted me I saw that it was 'SwaggyBoy'. I smiled and opened the text to see what he said.

Do you wanna see the Happy Death Day 2?

I thought for a second before responding and replied sure.


when do you want me to pick you up

The movie starts at 8

How about around 6? So we can grab some snacks from the store?

He agreed and I sent him the name of the apartment complex. The time was currently almost 4 so I decided it's best to get up and get ready. I let out a loud groan as I threw the covers off of me and rolled out of bed. I walked to my dresser to grab my underwear.

When done that, I made my way to the closet and grabbed my outfit for the day, Something simple for a simple occasion. A black long sleeved shirt with white sleeves that had roses up and down it. Also, my favorite ripped skinny jeans and black fishnets.

When done picking out what I was going to wear I made my way to the bathroom and threw my clothes on a small stool I had in the corner of the it. I walked over to the shower and turned it on, letting it heat up. Looking at the percent on my phone I decided that I'll be fine and just placed it on the counter and stripped of my clothing.

When the hot water hit me it made my back arch and a soft moan escaped my lips. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the relaxation it gave. My once tensed shoulders relaxed and the weight on my shoulders washed down the drain.

Knowing I was limited on time I began to wash my hair. It took me about 25 minutes to shower and then another 30 to do my after shower routine. I dried my hair and washed my face. Satisfied by how I looked I got dressed and added my chain choker to finish the look.

Walking out on the bathroom I grabbed my bag from my ottoman in the mini living room area in my room and skip downstairs. The time now said 7:05, I decided since I had enough time ill make sure I have everything I need and clean up around the place.

I started with the living room I finally turned off the television and opened the curtains to the ceiling to floor windows. The room lit up instantly, I grabbed my bong and my weed and packed it away before putting it in my special hiding spot. In a push hideaway spot in the electronic fireplace.

I walked over to the sliding glass doors that lead to the balacany and open them. Letting fresh air in. I picked up trash and the pillows to the couchs and put the where they belong. Afterwards watering my many plants.

I smiled at the process I made when I got a text from 'Swaggy Boy'

Hey im here

Omw down

I grab my bag and keys off the counter and make my way to my front door. I lock it behind me and take the elevator down the the main floor, waving goodbye to Mr. Knox.

"Cya old man,' I called out exiting the building.

"Be careful," He called back. I smiled and started looking for him. I noticed him leaning against a black Porsche, texting on his phone once again. Making my way over there he noticed me and put his phone away.

"Hey!" he exclaimed, I return with a hello before hugging him, something I do with all of my friends. He hesitated before hugging me back, when we separated his cheeks were of a pink shade.

"Let's get going shall we?" I exclaimed as I walked over to the passanger side of his car. He nodded and got in. He was in the car before I was and when I got in I noticed he was hitting on a Juul. He looked at me, offering if I wanted to take a hit from it.

"Nah man, that's like 900 Nic," I said, mocking what someone else has said.

"Nah, bro its only 50 Nic," He played along and I laughed but shook my head no still, he shrugged and turned on his car. Going to the store we joked back and forth with one another. His phone dinging ever two minutes as well.

"I see youre famous," I joked with him while motioning to his phone.

"Oh you don't even know," He mumbled. I was about the question him on that when we pulled up to the store. We got out and walked inside.

Erics POV

I kept stealing glances at Birdie as we were driving to the store, she was absolutely gorgeous. Her voice was like honey and it was so satisfying listening to her talk. Just the thought of her making small jokes made me smile.

I remember where I saw her, it was at the club that I went to with Lucas and Ian. She was the girl that did the dance for everyone to see. I rember her body so vividly, my cheeks heated up at this but I don't think she noticed.

A minute later I pulled into the parking lot of the store and we got out, Birdie stood there waiting for me with a smile on her face. Surprising me she grabbed my hand and excitedly led the way to the store.

When we got in there we went straight for the candy isle and crossed her arms. Contiplating what she wanted to get. I looked at the choices and decided to just get my favorite bag of candy and drink. When I got done getting my stuff I noticed she was gone.

"Birdie?" I called out looking around, soon enough a short girl with long dyed hair came around the corner. In her hands were a pile of different snacks and drinks. She looked at me flustered and asked for help I just chuckled and took somethings so she could carry the rest of the stuff with no problem.

We made our way to the self checkout, paid and made out way to the car. Once in Birdie started packing her leather bag with the stuff we got.

"I thought you weren't allowed to bring snacks into the theatres?" I questioned her and she just shrugged.

"What are they gonna do, bite me?" she asked looking at me with her eyebrow cocked.

"I might," I teased with her and she gasped.

"Eric!" I love it when she says my name.


Hey babes

This update would have come out sooner but I my computer restarted and completely deleted everything I typed. I was livid bro, you don't even knowwww. Anyways, I was hoping to get 2 updates in but now I don't know. Cause I have a great idea for the next chapter but its already 10 and I have homework to do.

Till then, love you

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