3. South Bronx

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I woke up the next morning and I saw my mom sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee. I thought my mom at work because she usually leaves around 6am now it's 8am. I gave my mom a hug.
"Hola mamá, pensé que estabas en el trabajo. (Hey mom I thought you at work today?)" I said in Spainsh
"Oh me voy hoy (I'm off today)" She said making the pancake. I told her that I'll be with Shaun later today. She said okay.

I went to the living room ate my breakfast, washed out of the plate, did my hydren and put on my wife beaters and my jeans shorts since he going to be at South Bronx all day with Tyler. Tyler is originally from Philly but moved to South Bronx couple of years ago with his mom and his step dad. He mixed with Puerto Rican, Haitian and black and he speak 3 language.

I hope them females that he inviting is not ratchet this time because the last time he invited them, he wanted to choke Tina for acting retarded but you know his mom ain't raised no no hay malditos golpeadores (damn woman beaters),

While I'm watching "We Bare Bears" I felt my phone ringing and it's was Tyler.
Phone Convo
Raheem: sup hombre (Sup man)
Tyler: Sup Rah! You still coming over?
Raheem: Yeah! Ain't your mom at work?
Tyler: Yeah but don't worry my step dad is cool he ain't got to work until tonight anyways
Raheem: Alright I'll be there as soon I finish doing something
Tyler: Alright see you there nonm (man in Haitian)
Phone Convo

When I finished clean up the living room, I went in her room and let her know that I'm leaving.
"mamá me voy (Mom, I'm leaving). I said seeing her doing paintings
"esta bien no tomes drogas (okay don't do drugs)!" My mom said as she putting the paint brush in the water.
"no lo haré (I won't)" I said and left out the house.

My mom always said that whenever I hanging around with boys because he don't want me to be like my dad which is he was too stubborn to get the hell out of the drugs game. If he did hurry up and got out before feds gets on his ass, I would met him and he would probably have a joint custody of me.

I got on the subway train and I saw them bad ass kids acting up in public. That's my biggest pet peeve right there, I hate it I get on the subway train and them bad ass little kids acting up cussing and shit and the parents just sit there. I'm like control your damn kids and it's mainly black parents that do that shit.

You wonder why we got so many bad ass kids in this generation,it's because most of them parents don't control or discipline their kids enough. I'm glad that my mom raised me not to act the fool in public because she don't mind beating the hell out me when we get home. Hell you thought we was bad, look at kids nowadays they worst.

I finally got off the train which is the longest hour of my life because of them bad ass kids and they latinos. They cussed at the other latino lady while she keep telling them to watch their mouth watch their mouth. What pissed me off was the little boy who look about in 5th grade spits on me I'm like Oh diablos, no (oh hell no), i can't believe his bad ass spits on me.

The latino lady apologies to me and drugged them 2 bad ass boys out of the train. I can tell that she wanted to whooped their ass when they get home and I won't blame her. It's best if the parents whooped them at their own time and house unless you got the neighbor that going to snitch by calling the police or having DCF, CPS or whatever you want to called them involved.

About 3 block away from Tyler's house, I heard Tina yelling out my name. Tina is Shaun ex girlfriend that a huge pain in the ass. They broke up last year because she used him. She is the biggest hoe in NYC that sleep with everybody. Half of them are drug dealers.

"Hey papi" She said trying to kiss me so I pushed her off
"The hell do you want Tina?" I asked not trying to looking like a damn fool like Shaun did. He admitted that he was blinded by love but everything that them Brooklyn dude said about her is true.

Don't get me wrong, she the fine Trinidad chick but it's her personality that I don't like. She better tell me what the hell do she wants because I'm not going to stand around in the hot ass sun all day.
"Come on bae I know you want me" She said using that dumbass slang that mainly couple used.

She needs to quit calling me that because she knows I hated when female calls me that. I walked away from her hoe ass and walked the rest of my way to Tyler's house. When I walked in his house, I saw Shaun there. So I gave both of them a dap.
"Sup man!" Shaun said eating the egg roll from that Chinese restaurant down the street.
"Sup y'all" I said and sat down. We talking about them 3 fine ass girls that we saw at the pool party. One of them is Dominican.

"So what that Dominican girl named?" I asked
"Sammie we just talking this morning." Shaun said remember that he saw me with Anita. I hasn't talking to her yet but maybe tonight when I get home. We decide to watch the movie and most of them are comedies. I'm having a good time hanging around with my boys.

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