Alexander Ludwig Imagine

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"Happy birthday Alexis!" screams my family waking me up. "Thanks!" I say as I blow out the candles in the cake they made. "Since it's my birthday does that mean that I don't have to go to school?" I ask hopefully. "Nope, nice try." says my mom walking out of my bedroom door.

I get up and fix my hair and pic out an outfit, I pick out a navy blue skirt with little dots on it, a white top, I tuck the top into my skirt and tie a pink ribbon around my waist. I grab my bag, run downstairs, and on my way out the door I grab a piece of toast.

I get to school quickly because it's only 2 blocks away. I hop out of my car and go over to my friends. I see my best guy friend Jake and I run over to him. "Hey hun." he says and puts an arm around my shoulder. "Your grouse." I say taking his arm off my shoulder. "Why?" he asks laughing. "You act like we ate dating, and everyone thinks we are." I say to him. "That's not true." he says. "Oh ya, we were voted cutest couple in the year book." I say to him. "Well then I guess it meant to be." he says then we both laugh. We both go separate ways to our classes. Mine doesn't start for another 10 minutes so I just hang out. I'm walking by the lockers when I see this girl struggling to get her locker open. I go over to her "Need some help?" I ask her. "Sure." she says. I tell her to put in the combination then I hit it a few times and it opens. "Thanks!" she says. "Yup!" I say. "I'm Alexis." I say holding out my hand. "I'm Natalie." she says shaking my hand. "Are you knew here?" I ask. "Ya, today's my first day." she says. "What's your next class?" I ask her. "Um..... history room 27." she says. "Oh cool me too!" I say. "Can I see your class schedule?" I ask her. "Sure" she says handing it to me. "Well looks like we have all of our classes together." I say. "Really? That's great!" she says. "Ya!" I say in reply.

We make our way to our next class and it goes by quickly, followed by math, science, English, ten it's finally time for lunch. We sit down at an empty table but it isn't empty for long because all of my friends come.

Jake sits right next to me and my other friend Tyler sits across from Jake next to Natalie. "Guys this is my new friend Natalie." I say gesturing to her. "Hey!" she says in a perky voice to everyone. "She's kinda cute." Jake whispers in my ear and I laugh a little bit. We all talk but Natalie doesn't talk a lot because she is still a little shy.

Lunch ends quickly and we are off to our next class. It ends quickly followed by another class, another class, and Finally our elective Cooking! We get to cooking class and sit at a table together. We are really close just in the 6 hours we have known each other. We have to make some kind of dip, a main meal, and dessert. For the did we get salsa and cream cheese and mix it together which is really good! Then for the main dish we make lasagna and while it's cooking we make our dessert. We make a triple chocolate cake! It's chocolate cake with chocolate frosting with little chocolate chips in it. We make a huge mess while making the cake. We get flour all over us and chocolate all over fingers and aprons. We eat all of the bater that's left and soon our lasagna is done!

It's perfect! We get our cake frosted and our teacher tries it.

"These are all amazing girls!" she exclaims. "Thank you!" we say. "You know what? You girls don't even have to stay the rest of the class, you can leave now and take your amazing dishes with you!" she says. "Thanks!" we say and get our stuff.

We leave the room and go to the parking lot. "You need a ride home?" I ask. "No I'll just wait for my brother to come pick me up." she says. "Natalie that's not for another hour, now come on." I say gesturing towards the car. "Fine." she says and gets in.

She tell me her address and we get there very fast, it's actually only two streets down from mine! "You wanna come in?" she asks. "No it's ok." I say. "No, your coming in she says and drags me in the house.

We go to the living room and throw our bags on the floor. We don't have any home work so we just go in the kitchen and eat out food we made. "Is it just you who lives here?" I ask. "Me and my older brother." she says. "Cool." I respond. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. "Ooooo I smell food." says a guys voice. I turn around to see.........

Alexander Ludwig ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now