That's a lot of surprise

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"Morning baby" I whisper as I kiss Brad "Hey honey...what time is it?" He pulls me closer to him "It's almost 8, I actually have no idea how it's possible that I'm already awake" "Well maybe we can try to sleep just a little bit more"

"Nah uh I don't think so, cause one of your sons will be jumping on our bed in less then 5 minutes" I gently slap him "Come on they slept late last night, they might sleep a little bit-"

"Mamaaaaa, I go to school open! Dadaaaaa" I hear Nols little voice "Jen, Zane's awake and he only wants you!" Willow's voice follows

"How do you do that?" Brad whispers to me as we don't want them thinking we're awake "They're my babies, I made them haha"

"Okay well let's just shut up, maybe they'll go away"
"Momyyyy!" "Are you guys having sex? That's gross! but seriously Zane needs you Jen"

"Come on Brad, we have no choice now" I laugh getting up. I open the door to see Zane in his diaper sitting on the floor

"Morning bunny, what are you doing on the floor?" I take him then walk to Nols room "Hi mommy!" He jumps out of his bed "Hi munchkin! Oh you're ready for school?" "Yeah Willz dress me"

I kiss him on the forehead "You're welcome, and morning by the way" "Good morning Willz, Thanks for getting him ready"

"Do you want me to take him to school?" She asks getting downstairs "Yeah if you can, thanks!" Nolan follows her downstairs "Mama down!"

Zane pulls my hair letting me know it's time to have breakfast "Okay Zane but you don't need to pull my hair" he smiles thinking this is actually funny

I get him ready for the day then take him downstairs where Willz and Nols are having breakfast "Do you want pancakes or you want a bottle baby?"

I put Zane in his high chair "That!" He points Nols cereals all excited "Alright, cereals it is" Brad joins us later, kissing everybody then sitting at the table

"Mommy I saw Zane jump in the water yesterday!" Nolan says out of nowhere "Wh-What do you mean? Where?" I ask worried that my son might have end up in the pool or something

"In the sea and dolphins took him very far!!" He answers all excited. "Oh okay in one of your dreams honey?" I sigh relieved

"Yeah... he had superpowers!" "That sounds really cool!" Brad says making fun of him "Was I mean again in your dream?" Willow asks

"No you were not in it" "Wow, so either I'm mean, either I'm not in it" she gets up then grabs her bag "Get over it Willz" Brad and I both make fun of her

"Come on Nols, time for school, we don't want you to be late" she gets him out of his chair "Bye my love, I'll come take you at school" I kiss him then he kisses Brad "Bye Champ" "Bye daddy"

They leave, leaving Zane Brad and I alone "Do you have plans today?" Brad starts doing the dishes "Yeah I have to do some grocery shopping, then I have a hair appointment with Chris...and that's it, and you?"

"Nothing planned, maybe I should go do my hair too" "Yeah you need it baby" He gently pushes me "Heeey that's not nice Jen" "Haha you're not ugly you just need to make it fresher that's all"

I kiss him "Yeah nice try, go get ready I'm gonna play with Zane a little, the poor guy he must feel so lonely when his brother is not home"

"I know, breaks my heart, it'll be better when he'll start going too" I get upstairs then take a shower and get ready. "Baby do you know where Za-"

I get down to Zane who's asleep on Brad who is sleeping too. I quickly take a picture "Baby, I need to go"
I whisper not to wake Zane

"Okay do you want to take him?" "Yeah he might want me when he wakes up" he takes him in the car where he puts him in the car seat for me "Thanks, so see you later at Chris's?" I kiss him "Yeah just text me when you're on your way there" "Okay Bye"

I arrive to the supermarket, paparazzi are somehow here making things harder for me. I park the car then put Zane in the stroller trying my best not to wake him up. They ask me stupid questions as usual till I get in the supermarket

I start picking what I need in the breakfast area then head to the laundry soaps "You better take the white one" I hear a voice behind me.

I turn to see Andrea "So you're the reason why there are so many paps outside" I kiss her "I know, I told them you were coming" she rolls her eyes

"Hi Zany, he's so much cuter when he's asleep" "I know, he's been sleeping like crazy, well now that you're here, you can help me get what I need quickly"

"What if I have something to do now?" She stops walking "Uhm Dre you're my best friend, whatever you have to do you're helping me before"

We end up buying all we need then she walks me outside to my car "I can't believe you kept me here for an hour, I was supposed to buy just mac&cheese Jen" "Yeah that's why you love me" "Yeah unfortunately, by the way we have to book the cruise so I'll text you and the girls"

"Alright sweetie, see you later" I get in the car then quickly text Brad before heading to Chris's "Moma I hungry" Zane mumbles "Heeey, you're finally awake baby, what would you like to eat?"

"I eat nug and fries and burger and cookies" "Haha honey you can't have it all, we'll stop and buy nuggets before going to Chris's alright?" "Yeah"

We finally arrive at Chris and of course Zane has ketchup all over his mouth "I eat all" he shows me his hands "I know baby, good job" I clean him completely then get him out of the car. He runs inside the hair shop without waiting

"Hey monster" Chris lifts him up "Hiiiii Chrif" "Hi Chris...sorry he's a real bulldozer, if you leave him alone he's really gonna break all your stuff"
"Don't worry I got him," I give Zane all his games then sit so Chris can start

"Dadaaaa" He runs to Brad who just got inside "Hey babe, oh you smell like chicken" "Well that's because he had nuggets with fries" "What? And you didn't leave me any?" He says in a baby voice "Noo dada" Zane starts laughing

"Hey Chris do you think I can do something with those?" Brad points his hair "God Brad What did you do to them they look...." "Did you agree with Jen to make fun of my hair??"

"Haha no I didn't, let me finish with her then I'll work on yours" we get our hair done just in time before Zane starts to run everywhere "Mama look!" He points the hairdryer "Dada!" "Yeah bunny look doesn't mean touch" I take him

"Thank you so much Chris, say bye Chris Zane" he waves at him then we leave. I quickly get to Nolan's school before we head back home.

"Mommy can I have some Nerds?" Nolan asks making his puppy face "Okay ask dad to give you one" I watch as Zane runs in the garden with Willow behind him. Those are the moments I'm in absolute awe of my family.

"Mommy look grandpa!" I turn to see Nolan in William's arms "Hi grandpa", Willow runs to say hi
"Hey guys, we thought it's been a while since we saw you" Jane comes and sit next to me "Where's Brad?" William asks

"He's upstairs apparently it's game's day" "Hell Yeah it is!" William quickly gets upstairs, with Jane and I following as the kids keep playing in the garden

"So Jen What are your plans for your birthday?" "Well I don't know what are Brad's plans for me but I know that I'm going on a cruise with my girls!"

I sit on Brad's laps all excited "That sounds funny!" Jane says "Well we talked with the guys an-" "What guys?" I ask not really understanding where this is going "Yeah with Jimmy and David we decided that we need a boys trip too, so we're conning with you girls-"

"No no no this our trip Brad you can't crash over like that" "Come on it's gonna be fun, we won't bother you girls, you'll have all you want to do and at night we can have dinner all together, and we'll celebrate you"

"Well good luck telling this to the other girls, especially Courtney. This was really supposed to be for us but..."

"I can't believe you guys are arguing over a cruise, you kids" William sighs "Haha don't worry dad, we're all going on that cruise"

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