The Audition

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"Oh my god, I'm so am I going to do this!?" Willow sits in front of my desk "'s going to be okay, this is not your first role so there's no reason for you to fail..." I get up to comfort her but my can't change her teenager mind

"Okay, let's start again Willow, come on go go go!" I try to cheer her up "Okay..." she gets up then takes her script before starting. I take my part of the script, get in my character then start

"What do you want from me, Rose?!" "The truth mom! All I want is the truth!...but you're incapable of proving it!!" I take a pause to correct her  "Honey it's incapable of telling it"

"Yeah right sorry...ugh" "Let's start again...okay...What do you want from me, Rose?!!" "The truth mom, all I want is the truth! But you're incapable of telling it!!!"

"Do you have any idea of why I do all this Rose?? I do it for you, I had to when your father left us without anything!!"  "Liar!! You're lying, dad never left us you kicked him out of the house!!"

"Willow that was great!" I say as I applause "You think so?" "That was awesome, really, bravo!" "Should we start again??" "No now we're having lunch somewhere, we've been working on this since this morning. You need a break, so what do you want to eat"

"I'm really craving sushi" "Then I guess we're going at Nobu" We take our stuff then get to the car "God I hope I won't mess this up, I mean it's my first big role and Cate Blanchett is the director! Can you imagine? Well, of course, you can she's your friend"

"Ahah yeah sweetie I know, but you'll be great. If you want, you can train with Brad tonight" she nods liking the idea of getting everything perfect before the audition. We arrive at the restaurant a waiter takes us to our table then we order

"So tell me, what's up? How's Julian?"  "Well, he's fine, pissing me off sometimes but we're alright..." "Hmm boys are like that sweetie they're annoying sometimes but we love them like that"

"I guess so..." "Did you guys ever fight yet?" As I ask the question, I can see she's hurt probably because the answer is Yeah "Do you want to talk about it?" She nods "He's sometimes possessive, like yesterday I was talking to Alex a friend from my old school and he was like 'who is it?' and 'why are you guys talking, he shouldn't talk to you if he knows you have a boyfriend' it pissed me off and I told him if he couldn't trust me then we had nothing to do together...he later apologized, but it's not the first time, you know what I mean?"

"Completly, he's jealous..." "Yeah, but he should trust me the way I trust him, Jen"

"And I agree with you sweetie, don't worry you're totally it the first time he reacts like that?" She nods before taking a sip of her drink "Well let's see how it goes then" As I know she's in a bad mood from all the stress of the audition and Julian I try to cheer her up

"Hey it's almost thanksgiving your dad is coming!" her eyes immediately start shinning as she's excited  "Yeah I'm so happy! Are we doing a party?" "Brad and I are talking about it and probably yes, I want something kind of big this year with families but also friends "

"That's so exciting oh my god, I can't wait" The waiter brings our food then we eat "I miss the boys right now," she says out of nowhere ", Zane and his little face I just want to kiss him everywhere and Nols with his crazy stories haha"

I start laughing as I remember how Nolan always creates all sorts of stories "Yeah, last time he said Zane jumped from the rooftop and ran in the swimming pool, but before that he had lunch on Marsh" we both start laughing on how crazy this baby is  "Oh my god and he's three already, I can't believe it, my babies are growing so fast"

" Yeah, It feels like yesterday when we found out you were pregnant with Zane" "Yeah and he's almost four months already!" "I love them so much...would you guys have another baby?"

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