Meeting the baby

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"They're going to be here soon," Brad hands me Zane, who is looking around the room at everything "We should make sure there isn't anything he can break."

I laugh as he runs around the room, picking up and moving anything in Nolan's reach.  He even goes as far as pushing the machines all the way against the wall and putting chairs in front of them so he can't reach.

"Brad you should know your son by now.  If he thinks he can get it, he will.  We just can't leave him alone with anything.  He knows better than to be breaking things here."

I pull Zane closer to feed him as Brad continues to run around like an idiot.  Zane rests his little hand on my chest as he eats, looking up at me with the cutest little eyes ever.  It's so hard for me to believe I now finally have two perfect boys.

"You look so much like your brother," I gently stroke his face as he watches me "He's so excited to meet you!" 

Brad eventually calms down, sitting next to me in my bed, wrapping his arms around Zane and I as if he's protecting us.

"He's so mushy, I don't remember Nolan looking this big."

"That's because he hates me and weighed two pounds more than Nolan at birth.  He's going to seem bigger for a while now."

"He doesn't hate you... 10 or more pounds is hate.  9 is just dislike.  He seems to be getting over it now since he only seems to want you."

"Were we this tired after Nols was born? I purposely tried blocking out the first few weeks from my memory." I lean into Brad, resting my eyes while Zane is quiet for once since he's occupied with food

"I know it's only been a day but I'm so tired I feel like it's been weeks.  I knew two wouldn't be easy, but I expected it to be worse when we were at home."

"We'll just have to take advantage of everyone wanting to help this time.  We need the rest and we obviously wont get it without any help."

A nurse walks in to check up on us a few minutes later, taking Zane and giving Brad and I a little break.

"Maybe we'll be able to go home tonight.  I miss our bed."

"I miss not being in a hospital.  They creep me out.  Someone probably died the same second he shot out of you."

"You were there, right?  He didn't shoot out of me.  That would have been much easier though."

"I chose to black out all the talking of what was going on during those moments, so we're going to use the phrase shot out.  If you can block out the first few weeks of our child's life, I can block out a few moments of something very... messy.  Your view was very different from mine."

"Fair enough."

The nurse brings Zane back in, followed by Doctor Jones looking very excited.

"He's doing perfect!  You seem to be healing well yourself too."

"Do you think I can go home soon?  Tonight?"

"As long as you promise to rest, I don't see why not.  Just don't overdo yourself."

She hands Zane to Brad, hinting at me getting some rest right now before she walks out.  I turn over to face them, watching closely as Brad makes faces at Zane to see what he does.

"You're going to scare him.  He's going to be scared of his own dad!"

"Well he has a good reason to be scared of him..." I turn to see Will walking through the door with Nol, followed by Willow and Jane "I'd be scared too if he was my dad."

"Just like we were all scared of you," Brad rolls his eyes, handing Zane over to Will "Let's see if he likes you."

"Of course he'll like me."

I help Nolan climb up into my bed, resting his head on my chest while he plays with some toys, completely ignoring his new brother.

"Don't you want to see your brother?"  Jane comes over, directing his attention away from the toys "He's so cute."


"Well I wanna see him!" Willow nudges Will to hand Zane over "Oh my Gosh, he has so much hair.  I've never seen that on a baby."

She continues to hold him, stroking his head to calm him as he moves his head around looking for me. 

"I can't believe there's two of them to keep me up all night now."

"Yeah, at least you only have to deal with Nol.  We're stuck listening to them both."  Brad takes Zane eventually, handing him over to Jane, who completely freaks out at the sight of her newest grandchild "He's so perfect!  You weren't a cute baby at all, but him and Nolan really make up for that."

"Well thanks, mom.  I appreciate it."

"They must get it from me." I smirk, kissing Nol on his forehead as he has no clue what we're talking about "This is the first he's been away from me and not crying or sleeping."

"He really loves you." She lays him on my chest, hoping Nolan gets more excited about seeing his brother "They're going to be so much fun."

Nolan doesn't even flinch, just keeps playing with his toys.  He even runs a car across Zane's tiny body before we can stop him.

"Aren't you excited to see your new baby brother?" Brad comes closer, taking the toys "You were so excited before, why aren't you now?"

" nobody hold me." He mumbles, digging his tiny head into my side, trying to hide his tears.  We all look around at each other, not sure where to start.

"We're still going to be holding you, everyone just wants to see Zane right now.  We still want to be with you, too."

Bill scoops him up, resting Nol on his shoulder as he wraps his arms around Bill's neck.

"You're always going to be our favorite Nolan."

"Baby Zane stay here!"

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