It's official

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As I'm about to deepen my sleep in Brad's arms, I hear little foot steps walk to our room, then they continue till 'somebody' gets in the bed burying his head in my chest "Who's that?" I whisper kissing his forehead

"Zane..." he mumbles before going back to sleep I gently put him next to me as he's torturing my boobs now. It's crazy how my whole body feels sore and exhausted, this pregnancy will be interesting. Finally Brad wraps us in his arms then we all fall asleep again.

"Jen, it's 12 already are you waking up?" I hear Brad's voice as he covers me with kisses "Hmmm I'm tired baby, just let me sleep" He lifts me wrapping my legs around his thighs and my head on his shoulder "Haha Brad let me down" I moan exhausted

"Hey... look I love you" "Me too" he gives me a long and passionate kiss "But you're not gonna let this pregnancy suck all the life out of you okay?" I nod kissing him again "Okay now let's go get you ready" he takes me in the bathroom then puts me in the shower

As soon as the hot water rolls on my body I feel way better "Brad!" "Yep" he joins me

"Where are the kids?" "Downstairs" "And so calm? Really?"

"Well they're watching TV so yeah they're calm" I dry then get dress "Why am I even getting ready? I'm tired where are we going?" "We have to go to the new house, and you said you had to go your mom's right?"

"Oh yeah right...uhm okay let's go to the house now, maybe you take your car so when we leave I can directly go to my mom's" "Alright"

I take my bag then we get downstairs "Morning guys!" "Nolan and Zane both run to me "hi boys, where's Willow?" I bend down to kiss them "She go to theatre mommy" Nolan says "Hi Jen!" "Hey Marie how are you?"

"I'm pretty good, how are you?" "I'm okay thanks, actually we're going to our new house for a while are you okay with the boys?" "Sure don't worry"

"Alright see you later guys, I love you" "Mama where you go?" Zane runs to me "Uhm, I'm gonna visit something with dada and then I come back home" "I visit too mama" "No honey yo-" Brad holds my hand letting me know he has an idea

"Okay buddy then go get your shoes" he waits for Zane to run upstairs then looks at me "We have about 10 seconds to get in the car" he starts running outside "Haha wait for me! Bye Nols!" We finally get in the car "Your son's gonna hate us for sure Brad"

After 30 minutes of driving we finally arrive to our new house "wow this is going so fast, I feel like yesterday you were showing me different rooms with sticks" I say as we get in what will soon be our hall way"

"Yeah I've made some changes" "Wh-where?" I follow him to the first floor "Brad, where's the wall wh- Where's the damn wall? Hi George" George our architect is working on plans on the floor "Hey guys, so Brad did you tell her?"

"Tell her what? Guys come on"  "Okay so we destroyed the wall to make a deck for this room, I mean the view is way too nice not to have a deck" "Alright...and that's it?" "No no the real changes are upstairs"

"So we added a huge room in front of yours instead of your gym and the gym will be in the basement. It'll be beautiful with a view on the beach and you can do whatever you want in that room" Brad looks at me both knowing what the room is going to be for

"I like the idea, it's great George, do you think it'll be done in about 7 months?" "Well next week we have a meeting with the designer and he should start in two months we still need to build the gym and I wanted to know if you want to be able to see the bottom of the pool while you're in the gym?"

"Ooooh have the pool on top of the gym?" Brad says taking the house's map "Yeah, and by night it could be like natural light in the gym" "I love it perfect, actually I wanted to meet the ingénieur-"

"Okay Brad I'm gonna leave you guys I still need to go see my mom" "Alright honey, I'll call you later say hi to her" I kiss him then quickly get in the car as they walk back inside the house

"Hey mom!" I get inside the house Helena is not here this time, probably means that mom feels better "I'm in the backyard Jen" she screams so I join her there. She tries to pull away some branches which she really doesn't need to do

"Come on mom, let me help you with that" I take the branches then put into a pile in the corner "thanks but you know I could've done it myself" "I know mom, come on let's go back inside" we get in the living-room where I stare at all the different pictures of my brother and I back when dad and her were still together

"Do you want some tea?" "No thanks mom I'm very okay, come sit I don't want you to push too much on yourself" she comes then finally sit after trying to clean whatever she could

"So how are you, I didn't expect you to come back so soon after I crashed at your party last time, I know I wasn't-" "Mom...I'm really happy you came that day alright? I wasn't expecting you, but we all spent a great day together, plus the kids love you"

"I love them too, they're really adorable... a little bit filled with sugar but still they're cute haha" "Oh believe me mom the two times you saw them they didn't have any sugar in their body, but don't worry you'll see that very soon" I laugh

"Wow so they have a lot of energy, I'm wondering who they get that from" I roll my eyes knowing I'm the one she's talking about "Well why didn't you bring them with you, I want to see them"

"I wanted to spend time with you alone and talk to you, but I can ask Brad to bring them over if you want" "Well let's talk and then they can come over" I nod then send a text to Brad so he comes over later

"Remember when you used to climb on Pookie (our old dog) the poor dog was so miserable haha" "I know I loved him so much it's crazy...oh there's something I wanted to tell you-I"

"Honey....Are you pregnant" I freeze having no idea how my mother guessed that, since Brad and I are the only one knowing

"How did- wh- how did you guess that? That's what I was about to tell you mom"  she smiles "Well first because you keep touching your boobs meaning they're probably sore.." she touches my breast to confirm what she thinks ", yeah definitely sore and then I'm your mother, we know those things"

"Woow... Well Yeah I'm pregnant and you're the first person knowing after Brad" she hugs me, surprisingly happy "Congratulations honey... wow Brad and you aren't taking your time uh? Three babies in less then five years"

"I know, I think I'm done after this one" I sigh "Oh you think?" She says sarcastically "No no I'm done after this one" I confirm "Well we'll see that baby, how far are you?"

"Please don't judge but I haven't been to the gynecologist yet, I'm just exhausted but I need to go" "I'm not judging but you need to go Jo" I turn as she hasn't call me like that in years. She always preferred to call me Joanna or Jo, my dad was the Jennifer lover

"Nanaaa!" We turn to see Nolan and Zane running inside with Willz and Brad following "Hey babies" she hugs them "Hi Nancy," Willow hugs her "Hi Willz how are you, oh I've got something for you come"

The three kids follow her inside as Brad sits next to me "So how was it?" "It was great...I told her I was pregnant no, actually she find out" "How come?" "I keep touching my boobs haha, oh she said she's my mother and they feel"

"Oh wow, and was she excited?" "Yeah she really is, she loves the kids"

"Well maybe we've found another babysitter for them, let's hope she wants to"

Hollywood JourneyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora