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"Please guys take care of each other,"  I say as I'm getting Nolan's toys for the flight while Marie puts Zane's shoes on.

"Don't worry baby, I'll take care of her" "Actually she's the one who has to take care of you Brad, a week without me and you'll be eating burgers and god knows what"

Willows to laugh at him then hugs him "Don't worry Braddy I'll take of you haha" "Yeah right..." I pack our last bag then get downstairs "Mama pick me please!" I put the bags in the back of the car then pick him up.

"Okay love say bye to daddy and Willz" He gets down then Brad takes him then kisses him "I'm gonna miss you, buddy, be nice with mama okay?" he nods then hugs Willow too before getting in my arms.

They both approach Zane's car-seat then kiss him on the forehead "Bye Zany" Mary gets in the car with the boys while I say bye. I hug Willow, "Bye honey, take care and don't do stupid things please" "I won't, love ya" "love you too Willz"

"The chief will come every day. If you need more towels there are some in the guestroom and don't forget to check Willows homework please, and the dogs..." He kisses me stopping me from talking "Baby, we'll be fine, don't worry I'll take care of her"

"Okay, I love you, bye...and don't do stupid things either" I kiss him twice again then get in the car. As I get in the car, Zane is still asleep and Nolan is playing with Mary. "Are you okay Mary?" "Yeah, Jen thanks!"

"Didn't we go to Paris once with you?" "Yeah when Nolan was 6 months I think, it was with David and Courteney" I try to remember "Sure I remember, it was fun"

We finally get to the airport, then drive to the tarmac as I don't want to be bothered by paparazzi. My assistant Laura is already waiting for us so we get out of the car while people are putting our suitcases in the jet.

"Hi, Laura how are you? This is Mary you remember her?" "Hey Jen, I do remember, Hey!" I carry Zane who is still in his car seat, then I put him on the seat in front of me "Should I lay Nolan next to you or in the bed?"

"I think he'll be better in the bed, otherwise he'll wake up as soon as we'll take off and I really need to work while they're both asleep" We get in the back of the jet then put Nolan to bed before getting back to our seats.

"Do you need  anything Mary? Just tell me if you do" "No, I'm fine thanks I'm going to catch up on my show while they're asleep" I laugh knowing they are exhausting "Well enjoy sweetie" I send a text to Brad telling him we're about to take off.

*Okay baby text me when you get there*

I decide to work a little on my scripts with Laura, we work for about an hour then I see Zane starting to twist on himself, which means he'll soon get up. "Do you want me to feed him?" Mary asks as she gets up "No don't worry I'll do it, I love doing that when I can" Before I finish talking, Zane is now crying so I take him out of the car seat "It's okay baby, I know you're hungry" I sit back then situates him so he can start eating.

"I'm going to check on Nols" she gets up then I continue reading my scripts.

After eleven hours of trying to get Nolan from destroying everything and Zane crying because of the pressure in his ears, we finally land to Paris. "Look Nols we're here!" Mary points the town that we can already see as we're landing "Mama look!" "I can see my love, that's Paris"

"Paris?" "Yeah, you're going to have fun here" we land then a car is waiting for us down the airplane so we get in and leave for our hotel. As we pass in front of the Eiffel Tower Nolan gets all excited "Mama look it's big!" "Yeah it's the Eiffel Tower, see how big it is?" "Fefel tower?" I try not to laugh with what he says as he's dead serious. "Yeah baby"

We finally arrive to our hotel then a man takes us to our suite. Marie puts Zane in the bassinet we asked for, then Nolan starts running everywhere.

I pull the curtains looking at the view "Nolan calm down, look you can see the tower from here" He stops for a minute then runs again "Hey Nols stop! Otherwise you're not going out tomorrow"

We set up everything we need then it's already 7.30 p.m "Okay Mary, I have a dinner with the crew at 8.30, so we should order for you and Nolan now" "Okay"

"Nolan come in here, what do you want to eat?" "Nuggets!" "Baby I don't think they have it in the hotel" "Yes, I see it!" He runs in Mary's room then comes back with the menu he was playing with "See paper!" "Okay, we'll order you nuggets with potatoes, is it okay?"
He nods then continues to play.

"Marie feel free to order whatever you want Okay? I'm gonna get ready" I get in my room then put a pair of black jeans with a white t-shirt and tights high boots. "Mary white coat or beige coat?" "The beige one is better"

"Thanks!" I finish to get ready then get in the living room "You look stunning" "Oh thanks" Nolan comes then pulls his arms so I can pick him up "Mama pretty!"

"Thank you baby!" I cover him with kisses then put him down "Okay mama's gonna be late, I better go. Mary there are two bottles in the fridge in case he gets up, and sorry but I don't think Nolan is sleeping any soon with the jet lag"

"Yeah, don't worry I'm not sleeping either because of that so it should be okay" "Okay just call me if you need something, see you later"
I take my bag then leave. The driver takes me to the restaurant then I join the rest of the crew

"Hi guys!" "Jeeeen finally" Jack says. I hug the other producers and actors before sitting next to Leya one of the actresses. "So how was your flight, and the boys" "It was okay, Nols slept for awhile but Zane was crying because of the pressure" "Aww babies have that often"

"Yeah, it was so sad...but he's at the hotel now and he's way better" we talk for awhile then order our food. We then plan our next days and eventually where we could take our kids while we're in Paris. After a few drinks and eating a good French meal, I decide to go back to the hotel because I'm tired.

As I get back to the room I slowly open the door, hoping that they are all asleep. I get in the living room seeing Nolan watching TV in Marie's arms while Zane is asleep in his bassinet. Nolan turns then gently smiles as he sees me without running to me, which means he's about to fall asleep.

"Hey Mary..." I whisper as I approach them "Hi Jen, did you have a good night?" "Yeah, it was awesome thanks, go to bed I'll take care of Nolan" I pick Nolan then get to my room " it's okay honey you can sleep" I whisper in his ears, rubbing his back as he's slowly falling asleep.

He then falls asleep so I take a shower before getting in bed next to him. As he's completely sleeping I decide to call Brad to check on him and Willow

* Hey baby...
"Hi, honey how are you? How are the boys?"
"We're great... they just fell asleep"
"Isn't the jet lag too hard on you guys?"

"Well I don't know for Zane except that the flight was hard on him, he cried for like 3 hours"

"Oh God, I hope he won't have that on the way back, isn't Nolan too bad?"
"No he's okay, we're sleeping together, he's my little husband for the week" I say staring at Nols
"Well he better enjoy that cause I'm taking my place back"
"How is my Willow marshmallow?"
"She's okay, I'm actually on my way to pick her up at school, we're actually really bonding and she invited her girlfriends yesterday"
"Well that's great I'm happy. Homework ?"
"Done!" "Okay, I love you baby and I miss you"
" Love you too sweetie call me tomorrow so I can talk to Nols" "I will, bye"

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