The Announcement

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Willow's POV

"Willz can you come for a minute?" I get in Jens room, she is watching TV with Nolan. "Come watch TV with us, I know it's paw patrol but I don't want you to stay alone in there"

"Sure!" I lay next to them then Nols gets on my laps "You like paw patrol Nols?" "Yees!"

"So when are you telling uncle Brad for the baby? Oh, you ARE pregnant, right?

" haha I am but I have no idea of how to announce that to him"

"It could be so cute if Nols was the one telling him, like giving him a box with the test or a picture of the ultrasound"

"Yeah we should do that let's invite your grandma and grandpa so they all know at the same time, would you come with me to my doctors' appointment?"

"I'll love that, for an ultrasound?"

"Yaas" We get ready then we drop Nols at Court's so we can get to the appointment. "Do you want to come inside with me?" I hesitate for awhile then follow her inside.

"Hi doctor Roman, that's my niece Willow she's with us for awhile" "Hi Willow you can sit on the chair next to Jen" I get next to Jen then she gives me her hand so I can hold it.

The doctor puts some gel on Jen's belly then turns on the ultrasound. Jen looks at the screen then gets emotional. "Hi see that Willz?" "Yeah...actually no, where is it?"

Jen starts to laugh then shows me a small bean on the screen. "That's it sweetie" I get closer to the screen then smile as I see it "Man that's crazy it's so small"

"You're about three weeks pregnant...any nausea yet?" Jen thinks for a while then answers "No, no nausea but some little cravings like burgers and actually...I like eating pickles in the morning"

"Yaks! That's gross!" "I know...yep that are my cravings" The doctor gives Jen some paper then tells us we can leave. We get in the car. "I didn't know you ate pickles in the morning Jen"

"Yeah it's been a while like two weeks but I need only one in the morning...weird, but now I know why haha" "Really weird...but now that we have the ultrasound what do we do?"

"We'll put it in the box, wrap it in a nice paper then after the dinner he'll bring it to Brad, what do you think?"  "I like the idea will we still invite grandma and grandpa?"

"No finally I want it to be just us and then we'll do something to announce it to family and friends" When we get home, Brad is already home.


"Where were you guys?" Brad pulls me on his laps then kisses me. Nolan gets off Willz arms then runs to us. "We went to buy some groceries" He looks around the kitchen "Where are the bags honey?" "We didn't find what we were searching for right Willz?"

"Yeah I wanted a type of Snapple but they don't have it in L.A so we came back home" " what are we eating tonight?" "I thought Alicia could come and make us a great meal" I get up then take my son whom I cover with kisses.

"Who's Alicia?"

"Our chief and friend. She's really great, her meals are amazing" "Yeah we only call her when we have something to celebrate, so what are we celebrating Jen?"

I stare at Willow not really knowing what to say then find something. "Willows arrival in our life!" "Uhm... fair enough okay then"

"Mommy I get down!" "No baby you stay with me and I'm gonna kiss you" I cover him with kisses as he screams laughing. "Mommy Stop!" He continues laughing and screaming "Daddy help !" "Say mommy I love you and I'll leave you alone baby"

"I love you ! Stoop mama!" I give him one last kiss then let him down, he runs in his playroom .  "It's so cute seeing you guys playing like that" "Aww thanks Willz, I can't believe how much I'm crazy about him"

Alicia comes then Willow and I help her cook while Brad watches soccer with Nols. "Yay! Daddy win??" "Yes buddy they won"

"Do you like soccer sweetie?" He nods at me then walks to the kitchen where Alicia is cooking with Willow. I get up to take him "Don't bother Alicia honey" "It's fine Jen don't worry, do you want to help me with the cake Nols?" "Yeah"

We finish cooking then set the table. "Aren't you eating with us Licia?" "No don't worry sweetie I have to meet some friends" "Aww too bad, Okay then we have to go dinner sometime, I miss you"

"I'll love that, see you later bye guys!" Alicia leaves then we all go to eat. " It's really good!"
" Yeah she's awesome, glad you like it Willz"

"So cheers to Willz!" I look at Willow then she signs me that we should do it now. "Actually honey Nols has something for you..." "Oh really ? What is it buddy?" I whisper in Nols ears to go get the box in the play room

He runs back with it then gives it to Brad "For you daddy" "Thanks sweetie, why am I the only one with a gift?" "Just shut up and open it!" He opens the box then as he looks at the picture. He doesn't say a word, then his eyes fill with tears.

"Honey don't cry you're gonna make me cry too" I get up and take him in my arms "We're really having another one? That's awesome honey" "Yeah, I wanted to make you the surprise, I'm three weeks pregnant"

"Surprise!" Willow screams then we all start to laugh "So you knew Willz?" "Yeah we saw it yesterday and went to the doctors this afternoon" "Wow that's amazing, you're going to have a brother or a sister Nols!"

"Yay shishter!" "Haha Yeah you want a sister?"
" Sishter!" I put him on my laps so he can finish eating "Haha Okay let's hope so" "I'll like a girl... little cousin" Brad agrees with Willz "Yeah I want a girl too, a little princesse"

"Well you know what? I love boys, I want a baby boy" I respond

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