Field Trips

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"Honey do you have everything ready? We have to be at the school soon."

I run past Willow's room getting myself ready while feeding Zane quickly so they have enough bottles while we're away.

"Yeah! I'm so excited for this! My first field trip at this school and I get to be with you and my favorite classmates for two days. It's going to be so much fun!"

"I know, I just hope I have some sanity left after this. I'm just getting used to one teenage girl, 3 of you is really going to be fun."

We gather all our stuff to throw in the car so we won't be late. I hand Zane to Brad, kissing him and Nolan goodbye before we leave.

"Momma get toys?" Nolan reminds me of the promise I gave him when he first found out both Willow and I would be leaving.

"Yes baby, I promise. I would never forget your toys."

He quickly hugs Willow goodbye, reminding her of the same to make sure he gets all of the toys promised. We get in the car before we can be stopped again, driving to her school to meet up with everyone that will be with us.

Willow runs up to all her friends as soon as we get into the classroom and I go over to the teacher expecting a long lecture of everything we need to do.

"So your room has two king size beds and a couch. Nothing fancy, but I figured this was the chaperone can sleep in the bed with their child and the other two on the other bed or if anyone wants the couch. We won't be in the room a whole lot so I hope this isn't an issue."

"Not at all. I'd rather be with her than one of my kids. At least she won't kick me in the back all night."

We eventually get on a bus that's going to take us up to Northern California for the next few days so the girls can see a Broadway show and get out of LA for a little. Willow is beyond excited since she hasn't been to once since the last time Brad and I took her to one was before I was even pregnant with Nolan. She's even more excited to be going with me, which feels great. I love our bond.

"Jen how long until we're there? I have to pee."

"There's a bathroom like 5 seats behind us. Just don't touch too much of anything."

"But I can't pee when there's people around. That's scary." I can tell she's dead serious just by the fact that she won't budge from her seat "I can never pee with people around."

"Oh my God. Do you want me to go with you and make it seem like I'm the one peeing?"

"Yeah that would help."

We walk into the tiny, gross bathroom, both wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. I make her use some of the baby wipes I have with because of how gross it looks, then turn to face the mirror so I can checkup on my makeup while she pees.

"You're lucky I'm used to this with Nolan. I never thought I would have to follow my 14 year old niece into the bathroom because she couldn't pee alone."

"You're the best." She hugs me after standing back up "I'll do the same for you if you need to pee."

"Thanks, honey but I know how to pee alone. You can't be too pee shy after having kids."

We go back out, her to all her friends, talking about anything they can think of while I continue to read over my script and go over any last minute changes I need to make before we start filming in Paris.

It kills me some time and I also have no idea what else to do since I don't know any other parents with me. I continue working on that while checking up on Brad and the boys occasionally to make sure they're all still alive.

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