It's a show

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"Kiss mama, baby" I pull Nolan closer to me so he can kiss me before we leave for the show. I kiss Zane as he's sleeping in his crib then whisper "bye my love" "Bye Willz !" I get in the car then we leave.

" You guys can wait here and...we'll you've been here before so you know how it works" Our pre-interviewer says as I'm having my makeup done and Brad is on the phone with someone. "Yeah don't worry Eddy" He comes back ten minutes later then we get ready to go.

"Please welcome, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston!" As we get on stage everybody applause and whistles as we're hugging Ellen. "Hi Ellen!" "Hey guys!" We finally sit and wait for the applause to stop. "Woow the energy here is crazy, I love that!"

Brad says as he's looking at the people in front of us and waving "Well it's because of you guys" they finally stop "So how have you two been lately? Well I know cause we were on vacation together but they don't" We laugh looking at the public

"Well we're fine," Brad and I look at each other, looking satisfied with our life "We're back from a little vacation so we have much more energy for the boys"

"Right, you welcomed another baby last month.." A picture of Zane appears on the big screen, making everybody melt, even myself. "Yes our baby Zane" "And he is the cutest thing I've ever seen, I mean Nolan was too but this one is...really cute"

She says to the public "So is he sleeping all night already?" "We don't know what is that word, night you said? No Zane made us forget what night means" Brad answers as I'm laughing like crazy.

"Yeah, he doesn't sleep all night yet so we're really zombies right now, and it's really surprising because Nolan slept after 3 weeks, but started to come in our bed for like a whole year, and just when he finally sleeps alone, here comes Zane."

"I'm sorry for you guys. How's Nolan with him? Is he jealous cause I see that a lot on toddlers"

"Well the day he came to the hospital, he didn't care, I mean the guy didn't give a shit about the baby" I say as I laugh with Brad Ellen and the people " Yeah, we were all like, oh honey don't you want to see Zane? And he said ,later, he didn't even looked at him" Brad continues

"But now it's okay, he's still jealous on some things, like if I'm feeding the baby and he's watching TV I'll ask him to turn it down and he'll freak out, he sometimes feel replaced which is normal" "He'll enjoy him when he gets bigger" Ellen responds

"Exactly when he'll be like six months because for now he doesn't do anything, a real sleeper" "Well I think you guys are doing great with the two of them!" "Yeah two babies and a teenager that's hard but so much joy"

Brad says as he pulls me closer. "Oh right your niece Brad is with you" "Yeah to be closer to the acting world , this girl is all about acting, it's amazing"

"Well she's in the good family obviously" we smile "Well, the best would've been an aunt like Meryl Streep but it's okay" Brad says as we all laugh "Well that's great, and do you want another child?" We look at each other as we never thought about it "Honestly we haven't been thinking about that, since Zane just arrived"

"I mean if it happens we'll be thrilled but for now it's not something we plan," Brad nods agreeing with me "Zane's pregnancy was also a little complicated so...I don't know, I want maybe another one but we'll see" "Jen do you feel like it's different having two babies? Like if the love is different?"

"The amount of love I had for Nolan is still the same, just that now I have the same thing for Zane. Actually I feel like I'm attached to Zane in a particular way, maybe because of my pregnancy complications, but I'm just addicted to him, like I miss him right now, I can't wait to finish and go back cuddling him "

"She said the same thing for Nolan people" Brad says as they all laugh and I do too.

" But Yeah, same amount of love for both" "Well  that's amazing, so tell me about your new movie Jen, and by the way congrats Brad on your Emmy!" "Thanks a lot!" "Enough of Brad Ellen now me" I joke " Yeah sorry haha"

"So yeah I 'm directing a new movie, it doesn't have a name yet but we're pretty far" "And can you tell us what it is about?" "Yeah it's a woman named Jade and she finds out she has cancer, but decides to tell nobody till she's a really hard movie to do, you go through so much emotions I mean even me, the director I'll be like 'Cut' then bust in tears"

"Actually I'm really proud of you for this one," he says looking at me "I've been on set a couple times and this woman works damn hard on the movie" "Aww thanks honey" "Well I can't wait to see the final result, you know me, I'll be the first to go watch it" "Don't worry Ellen I'll send it to you"

"Well thanks guys, it's was a pleasure to have you with us" "It was great Ellen, thanks!" "Oh, by the way I have a gift for the boys" She hands us two blazers with Pitt-1 and Pitt-2 written on it "Oh my god that's so nice, thanks Ellen we'll send you a picture of them wearing this. Thanks a lot!" I say as I hug her.

We thank everybody then leave. "That was awesome" "Yeah it was actually really fun, I love her"

"Look she just sent me a message *Thanks guys that was awesome*" "That's sweet, do you want to go home now?" I sigh thinking "should we go have lunch first?" "Sounds good, let's go to Craig's" I decide to call Mary to tell her we're coming later.

We get in the back of the restaurant where a man is waiting for us. He takes us to our seats and gives us our menus "So how are your parents? We haven't seen them in a while, actually I texted your mom but it's been a long time" I ask as I'm stroking his cheek "They're okay, right now they're in Alabama and they're coming back  next week"

"We should do something with them with my father and Sherry, like a barbecue or something" "Yeah, sure... hey what about your mother? Any news from her?" I hesitate saying anything "Humm...she's sick...actually. Her doctor called me because she didn't want me to know"

"What's going on with her?" "She...hum...had a stroke..." As I speak tears start filling my eyes but I keep them from from falling "...and she's been in L.A for over a year now, and I didn't know so..." Brad grabs my hands," We have to go see her, no matter what argue you guys had, cause she's your mother"

"Honey...I don't feel like talking about that, not today" He nods then tries to cheer me up "You know what Nolan told me yesterday when I was bathing him?"

I shake my head trying to smile "he looked at me, then his penis and was like 'dada mine not big'" I start laughing so hard that people around us notice me immediately.

"What ?! Oh my god" I continue laughing "I swear and I couldn't laugh cause he was so serious and sad" "And what did you answer haha?" "Enjoy this for now, later it'll get bigger" "No you didn't say that"

I look at him thinking he's lying "I really told him not to worry" he starts laughing, then I kiss him softly before whispering "Well... let's say if he gets from you, then he's saved" I smile, biting my tongue, which makes him feel proud "Well thanks my love" He kisses me back.

The writers
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