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"What time are we supposed to be there?" I ask Brad as I'm dressing up "In an hour, Marie's already downstairs with the boys" Today we have an interview with Oprah, and we're both so stressed out.

It's been a while since we last did an interview on our personnal life, and last time we did Oprah was right after FRIENDS for the final episode. "Bye mama!" Nols huggs me "Bye sweetie, be nice with Marie and be sweet with you brother " "Okaaay!" He runs back to the TV

"Baba!" Zane says as Marie is feeding him "Bye bye baby, enjoy your meal" I kiss him on the cheek "Willow should be back around twelve Marie"

"Alright, have a nice day!"

We get in the car where the driver is waiting for us then we leave "Are you stressed out?" I gently stroke Brad's hair "No I'm okay, it's Oprah we know her she's our friend so there's nothing to be stressed about. Are you?"

"No not really, I was yesterday. Now I'm fine...we'll be talking about new movies, family life, and future projects"

"Sounds great"

We finally arrive at the hotel where she'll be interviewing us, we could've done it at home but it would've been impossible with the kids around "Hiii guys!" Oprah welcomes us, we both hug her then get to the room where we'll be doing the interview "So how are you guys? It's been such a long time, since FRIENDS I think"

"Yeah since FRIENDS, we're great and you??" "I'm doing just great!" The cameraman tells us we'll be shooting in five minutes so I quickly put some makeup back on while Brad gets ready. "You ready?" "Yep let's go"

Cameraman: 3....2....1....

The generic goes on, with Oprah introducing Brad and me and how our lives have changed through the past 4 years, and the projects and family we've built up

"So guys, where to start? Well, first congrats on that amazing life you guys have now, and those two amazing movies, coming really soon I believe?" She says as we both look at each other smiling "Well thank you so much, yes in three weeks, we're both excited about it" Brad says

"And they're both coming out on the same day right?" "No that was a made up rumor haha my movie is coming out in two weeks and Brad's coming out the week after" "Yeah we were really strict about that cause we both want to be there for each other at the premiere "

"Do you guys want to talk about your movies? What is yours about Jen?" I've never been great at explaining my movies so I search for my words "Oh God I'm so bad at this," I smile

"Basically it's a woman named Jane, she has a pretty simple and...well...some people will call an... uninteresting life, then comes in this man named John, and he literally becomes the light in her life. They accomplish an incredible thing together, I can't say what cause I'll be spoiling...but yeah it's a really beautiful movie and the writers Dylan and Mia are so talented, they did such a great job"

"Yeah she's great in it, an amazing actress" Brad says holding my hand "Aw thanks babe"

"Well it sounds great, trust me I'll be the first in theaters to watch it. Whatever you are in I watch," Oprah says

"Thank you! You're so sweet" "And you Brad? Tell us about that great movie of yours"

"Your masterpiece honey" I squeeze his hand as I'm so proud of him "haha, it's a man who's married, his wife is sick and ends up dying . He is depressed and looses any interest in life, then a few years later a young girl comes to his door saying she's his wife's daughter. He then discovers his wife had a child when she was a teen and gave the child to adoption. basically that girl named Leyah becomes the only thing he has left from his wife. So they build that amazing relationship, him finding his wife through Leyah and Leyah discovering who her mother was through Alek"

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