Girly Days

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"Coco you should buy this, you would look so cute in it!"

Willow and I are out with Court, Coco and Lisa for a much needed girls day. We're all shopping and I got the job of following Willow and Coco around to make sure they don't go too crazy.

"It makes me look like a child. I just need a big bow on my head and I'm five again." She quickly turns down the idea as we continue shopping "I need some actual clothing, stuff I can wear to school."

"You're no fun." I turn to Willow, who hates the idea just as much.

"Don't even think about it! Have a girl and then force her into it."

"Yeah well that's not happening anytime soon. That's why you're supposed to wear it. You two are the closest around here to little girls."

We walk through the store with them picking out a bunch of random outfits that I know they'll never end up wearing. They grab some matching dresses before running into the changing rooms and leaving me to sit on a random bench by myself.

"Jen!" Willow opens her door slightly to get my attention "Come in here." I quickly go over to see what she needs, only to see that she has way more picked out to try on than what I expected. There's a whole wardrobe worth of clothing in here.

"Honey your closet is already overflowing that you don't even have all your clothing here in California. Do you really need all of this?"

"No, I'm just trying to find the perfect outfit for my audition. I can't mess anything up or I won't even have a chance at the part."

I look around trying to pick out what I think will look best. She definitely needs to look prepared, and looking like the character is also a huge plus.

"What about the black lace blazer over the pink dress? Pink looks great on you and the blazer will help pull it together. You just need some cute shoes and you're all set."

She doesn't seem too sure of the idea.

"But what if the pink is too bright... or if it just isn't enough for what they want?"

"Let's have Court and Lisa come back. They have been on lots of auditions too, we can see what they think."

She agrees to that, so I text them and wait outside with Coco for Willow to finally try on the outfit. Court and Lisa show up just in time for Willow to walk out looking absolutely perfect in the outfit.

"I think it's great! What are you worried about?" Court looks around, inspecting it "It's not too much, but it looks like you spent time on it too."

"I don't know, maybe it's the pink?" Willow turns towards the mirror again for a better view, "I really like it, I just feel like it's a little too much."

Lisa walks into the changing room Willow was in and comes back out with a grey dress I didn't notice before. She holds it up to Willow to get a better look.

"Okay, well what about this grey dress with the blazer? That way it isn't as bright, and you can add in more accessories."

"Go try it on." I gently push Willow into the changing room "That sounds much better."

"She's perfect for this part," Lisa sits down next to me as we all wait "Julian was helping her go over lines the other day and she had everything memorized. It was like watching someone whose been in acting for years."

"She's so excited about it too. We've been texting about it nonstop." Coco adds quickly before Willow walks back out. We all look up to see what she thinks about the new outfit, and just from her look of excitement I can tell she loves it.

"This is so much better! And I can wear colorful heals or something with it." She spins around like a child, showing off everything "I love it. Thanks."

We help her pick out some shoes and accessories before heading out to our spa appointments. Willow and Coco go in one room for massages while Court, Lisa and I go into another.

"I can't believe how big they're all getting. It seems like just yesterday Willow was visiting the set and Julian showed her around." Court lays between us as the massages start "I hope someone has pictures of all that somewhere, they'll be perfect wedding decorations someday."

"I have a bunch. We even have some videos of her telling Brad and I all about it when we would get home. She was always so excited to tell us about Julian and their day together. Even her parents said that's mostly all she talked about."

"Julian loved it too. We used to joke all the time that they would end up together, but with Willow living so far away we never expected it to happen. This is so amazing that they're able to be together now."

It makes me happy just thinking about Willow being happy with everything she's been through. She deserves so much, and being in such a great relationship and getting auditions are just the start of her life out here.

"I'm so happy her and Coco get along so well, too. I always wanted the two of them to be good friends."

"Yeah, me too. I always wanted the three of us to have kids close in age so they could grow up together," Court admits surprising us "I love how it turned out though. We got practice with Julian and now we get to relive the baby years with Nol and Zane without needing to actually go through living with babies."

"Yeah, we're really lucky we aren't stuck going through all of that anymore, I like my sleep."

Our massage ends so we all meet up with the girls in the mud room for some more relaxation before we're stuck going home to our hectic lives.

"I think this is the most relaxed I've been since moving out here. Maybe we need one of these at the house." Willow suggests making all of us laugh "I think it would be useful."

"This is the most relaxing bath I've had since Nolan was born but just thinking about him or Brad getting in and the mess they would make ruins it for me."

"They would have so much fun though! And Zane too when he's older! Come on, Jen, you all need it."

Coco tries convincing me as if it'll be any help.

"I think it's good to just come here often. Time with my favorite girls is the best."

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