Birthday plans

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"Mama wake up! wake up! daddy!" Nolan jumps on our bed screaming as if someone was dying "Okay okay Nols stop screaming"

I hear Brad whisper as he picks him up "Don't wake mom, she didn't really sleep last night" "whyyyy?" they walk out of the room "because Zane was a little sick" they get downstairs and everything is quiet for a while.

I get this hint to sleep a little more, but less than two hours later I'm woken by Zane who's crying like crazy, I turn to check on the bassinet, he's twisting letting me know his stomach still hurts. "Hey baby what's going on, your belly still hurts uh?" I pick him up then try to feed him but he won't take anything.

I decide to text Court, who tells me to lay him on his belly on my arm and to bounce him around "Oh my god it works" I whisper to myself as he slowly falls back asleep.

I lay him in the bassinet then take a shower before taking him downstairs "Morning guys" I whisper as I get in the living room "Hi mommy!" "Shh hi honey, did you have a good night?"

I lay Zane in the baby bouncer then take Nolan "Yess I eat cocolate chip pancake" we get in the kitchen where Brad and Willow are having breakfast "Morning guys!" "Morning honey" I kiss Brad then put Nolan back on his chair

"Hi, Jen!" I pour my coffee then take the pancake Brad made me before sitting down next to Willow "I took him downstairs so he won't wake you up, but it obviously didn't work"

I take a sip of my coffee then answer "Zane is still sick and I had to call Court for advice, Nolan never had that" "Yeah I don't get it, sorry I didn't wake up at night" "It's okay, for now, I just hope he doesn't wake up any soon and I know he will cause he hasn't eaten anything"

Willow is still on her phone staring and ignoring everybody "Willow your phone" I sigh. She looks at us "sorry...What are we doing today?" "I thought we could make a barbecue and just spend the day at home" Brad says as he cleans the dishes "Can I invite a friend?" she asks all excited

"Nope I don't want anybody in my house today, Zane is sick and I'm exhausted so let's just stay together" she rolls her eyes obviously annoyed then leaves to play with Nolan "Honey you know her birthday is really soon, we should start planning"

I wrap my arms around him "Yeah does she know what she wants?" "Yeah she wants a party in a park, you know something with her friends" we get on the deck with our morning juices to talk "We should schedule a day and book a park asap, want her to have something great"

"Yeah let's get her and plan this already....Willz get in here!" I scream, she comes then sits on Brad's laps "Yeaaah" "So we were talking with Brad and we have to start planning your birthday, sooooo" "Oh my god really?!"

she jumps out of Brad's laps then runs in her room before coming back with a notebook "So I already had ideas on themes we could do" Brad and I look at each other laughing on how excited she is about it

"So maybe at a laser game, or in a park...oh I know I know!!!  At Universal Studios no, Six Flags"

"Jeez calm down Willow haha!" he strokes  her back "I'm not sure for the park sweetie it's maybe too much, and I don't want people thinking that you're spoiled and stuff" she looks disappointed

"Pleasssee just a night, not even all the park" "No Willz, we can't do can have a themed party, whatever you want to do, but we won't rent a whole park for a day" Brad says

"Okay fine, well we can have a dancefloor where the swimming pool is..."

"Hey hey wait a minute, we're not making a party with hundred teenagers in my house, I don't  want anything to get destroyed...we'll rent a place" "Can we do it to The Sunset Tower?"

Brad and I look at each other then agree "Yeah we can do that, do you have a theme?" I take my phone then text Laura to ask her to book-in. "I'm so excited, I'm gonna tell it to my friends! Thanks, guys!!" she runs back inside

"Well I don't know what we just did, did you ever have a place filled with teens screaming ?" I laugh as I kiss Brad "Nope, we probably won't make it haha" we get up then start the barbecue with Willow and Nolan playing while I'm feeding Zane who has finally woken up

"It's crazy how fast she grew up, I can't believe she's turning sixteen  in three weeks, and Lauren is not even here to see the beautiful woman she became"

As I talk I get emotional"I's crazy it feels like yesterday she was the one jumping in our bed to wake us up and screaming like crazy" "Haha yeah, her and her brothers were hysterical"

"And now she's sixteen, tomorrow she'll get married and will have children" As I stare at them I think about how hard it may be sometimes for her not to have her mother

"You know sometimes I'm so scared...I can't imagine living without the boys and I sometimes tell myself I may not see them grow and become men"

He hugs me then comforts me "You will see them getting married honey, all three of them" he kisses me "Yeah..." we have lunch with of course Nolan having a bite of the food then running in the garden

"Nolan get on your chair NOW, you sit and finish eating then you move" he doesn't listen then keeps running till Brad gets up and take him back to the table

"Nolan you have to listen when dad and I talk otherwise you'll be grounded like last time" "No mama I stay nice" I smile then kiss him on the forehead "I love you buddy" "Yeah" he says without even saying me too, and causing Brad and Willow to make fun of me

"That's not nice Nols, well Zane loves me at least" "No mama I love you!!"


Hey guys we hope you like the chapter!!!!

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