Mommy's leaving

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" are you awake?" I whisper as I turn facing Brad who is obviously sleeping. I gently stroke his cheek then give him a peck before walking on our balcony. I check on my phone and it's only 3 a.m in the morning, everything is calm and the air is chilly.

I leave tomorrow and it's been very hard for me to be leaving the boys for the first time. What if something happens? What if my plane crashes? What if Brad has an accident? Or what if the boys get really sick?

"Jen, baby what are you doing it's 3 a.m" Brad surprises me by wrapping me in his arms "Nothing, I just can't sleep" he cups my face then kisses me "Are you crying?" he whispers staring at me

"No I'm not......yet" I smile trying not to cry "Come on baby we're gonna be fine" he walks me back to bed "I know...but you know me, I'm always thinking about what could be happening"

"Hey...don't worry about that, plus you're the one who'll be waking up whenever you want without toddlers jumping on your bed like crazy"

I laugh kissing him with him stroking my back "I don't like sleeping in an empty bed, I don't like when you're away, the smell of your perfume is everywhere, driving me crazy..."

"Wow you're being poetic baby" I smile "Well that's true, I know you're gonna mostly miss the boys and Willz but man I'm gonna miss you" "What? I'm gonna miss you so much honey, maybe more than the kids"

"I know... two weeks is way too long" "coming from the man who left his 3 months pregnant wife for about two months and a half," I say, making the both of us laugh "But you came to visit me and I came back three weeks earlier"

"True...maybe we should go to bed now honey" I get in his arms as he turns off the lights "good night baby" "Night hon"


"Mama!.....Mamaaaaa" Zane screams as I feel his little hands on my face "Morning my love" I pull him closer to me then cover him with kisses "Where's dada?"

I walk him to the bathroom with me so I can wash my face and get ready. He tries to reach and touch everything making it hard for me to finish what I'm doing.

"Hi mommy," Nolan says with his little voice "Hey sweetie! Why are you hiding behind the door, come in" he walks shyly to me.

I bend down to reach him "what's wrong papa, why are you so shy?" "You're leaving today?" "Aww yes honey, but I don't want you to be sad okay? I 'll come back in 13 night night"

"It's a lot mama?" I kiss him on the forehead "No honey, it goes by really quick, and I'll bring you a lot of toys" he starts smiling letting me know he's alright

"Come on Zane don't put your hand in the toilet!"

I lift him up then take them downstairs where Brad and Willow are talking to Court "Coouuurrrtey!" Nolan screams running to Courtney

"Hi sweetheart, how are you?" "Good! Come see my car daddy bought me" He takes her in his playroom

"Morning baby" I sit then kiss Brad. Willow then joins us holding Zane "Hey guys, why is Zane so into toilets?" She asks laughing "I don't know haha, he's so weird" Brad

"So what time are you leaving Jen...I'm gonna miss you" She sits next to me then wraps herself in my arm "In about three hours, since when are you guys so emotional? Nolan was all shy this morning, your uncle almost did a poem last night, actually, only Zane is the tough one in this house" I laugh stroking Willz hair

"I'm only really sad because you're leaving me with three boys here, I'm not gonna make it Jen," she says making me chuckle "Don't worry Court is here, you have your friends too, you'll be fine Willz" she sighs

"Seriously your kids have so many toys, what do you plan to do with when they grow up?" Court comes back sitting with us "Have other babies" I joke "Noooo please no more boys" "Well we can't choose honey,"

Zane comes running in the living room chased by Nolan " I gonna eat you Zannnny!" Nolan shouts "Mama help me eat Zany!" I get up then catch Zane letting Nolan 'eat' him "They're so noisy," Court says watching us "And yet so adorable..." I kiss them on the forehead "Should we eat at some point?" Willow heads to the kitchen

"yeah we should I'm starving now" Court and I follow her so we can make breakfast "I'm gonna take the boys outside so they don't destroy everything" Brad says. We take everything out so we can start making pancakes "You put the milk before the flour?! Who the hell does that Jen? You have to put the flour first"

"You're such a freak Court" I laugh continuing to pour the flour "No, you're so stupid to do that " She answers, teasing me "Excuse me why are you here again?"

"Very funny, I thought I'll come, so when you leave the boys don't feel it too much as I'll still be here" "Aww you're adorable thanks, honey...I love you" I hug her

"Yeah well...I love you too" We get everything ready then have breakfast "what time is it, shit i should go get ready" I get upstairs followed by my two little monsters "Are you guys gonna stay with me while I get ready?"

"Yes mommy, you put this" he hands me the jeans "Thanks honey" I finish to get dress then take my bag before heading back down "Okay guys you say bye to mama?" I bend down then hug Nols as hard as I can without breaking him "mommy too tight" he laughs

"I'm sorry bunny haha, I love you" I kiss him "Love ya mama"

"Say bye to mama" Court hands me Zane "Bybyee mama" "Bye my love, mommy loves you so much"
I kiss him then put him down "Alright Nols let's go play in the garden!" Court says to distract them as I'm leaving

"Thanks honey bye" I whisper kissing her "Don't worry, call me when you get there" "I sure will"

"Willz do you want to come with us to the airport?" Brad asks her as she gets downstairs "Sure!"

We get in the car then leave "Jen where are you going actually ?" Willz asks "Wow you really didn't know Willz?" Brad laughs "Honey I've been saying this for like 10 days, I'm going to Lisboa in Portugal"

"Wow that's sounds so fancy, you have to send us pictures" she says all excited "I will sweetie"

We get to the airport and they walk me to the gate "Alright baby I love you, take care" Brad hugs me tight "I-I love you too baby, I'm gonna miss you guys"

"Jen please don't cry" he says as a tear is about to roll on my cheek "I won't" I smile "Take good care of the boys and Willz , And try not to kill them please?"

"Alright haha, take care and call me as soon as you're there" I quickly hug Willz too "Bye sweetie, take care of Brad" "I will don't worry" she winks at me

"Oh and please don't drive him too crazy with Julian" "Haha I won't bye"

"Bye guys" as I'm about to board he pulls me and kisses me deeply "Now you can go honey"

"Bye baby"

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