Sunday afternoons

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I'm in the bathroom throwing up, what seems to be my new morning routine, Nolan is standing at the bathroom door a little scared as he doesn't know what's going on "I'm okay honey don't be scared alright?" He keeps staring as I wash my face then get him "Mommy okay?" "Yes my love, come on let's go find Willow to have breakfast"

"Morning Willz" I get in her room where she's texting on her phone "Morning Jen! Hey, Nols" she comes then picks up Nolan before kissing me on the cheek. " What do you want for your breakfast?" "waffles would be good"

"And you baby?" "waffles mama!" We get down to the kitchen then she puts Nolan in his chair so we can make our breakfast "Of course Nolan, you want whatever we have" I get in the fridge then have my morning pickle with Willow staring at me with a disgusted look.

"It's 10 a.m Jen" "Don't blame me, blame the baby" We finish cooking then decide to eat on the deck so Nols doesn't mess up the kitchen again. "Do you have any plan for today?" I look at her knowing that if she's asking it's because she has something planned and wants to escape for the day, "Yeah we're going to a barbecue at Andrea's one of my best friends"

"Yeah but..." "...Uh uh you cannot escape that one, I already told her you were coming, sweetie" she quickly gives up knowing that I won't let that go "Will come play!" she follows Nolan who pulls her to the slide in the garden. I stay there watching them then my phone rings. As I see the name of Brad, I immediately smile.

"Hey, baby!"

"Hi sweetie how are you?"

"Well, I'm fine except that I miss you a is it there?"

"It's awesome, the landscapes are beautiful, we managed to put a camera on a hyena's back and we're going to follow her for 24 hours."

"Really? Oh god Brad don't get eaten with George please"

"Don't worry baby we're fine plus we're not alone, we have people who really know the are the kids?"

"Uhm...they're good actually Nols woke up twice last night crying your name, it was heartbreaking, even to go to bed was hard for him, but he's fine and Willz is great, moody sometimes you know teenage things, and with the hormones, I'm really less patient"

"I know honey, just keep it easy and try not to get too much irritable"

" you want to talk to them?"


I call the kids so they can talk to Brad, Nolan gets first trying to answer his dad's question with a language that we don't know as we're making fun of him. "Look at how serious he is haha" "Bye dada, love you!" He starts running with the phone instead of giving it back then Willow catches him and grabs the phone.

They talk for five minutes then she gives me back the phone "Okay honey, take care of yourself, and take care of those three babies alright? I miss you Oh and mostly get rest please" "Okay honey I will try, love you, bye"

Later that afternoon

I take the kids to Andrea's but we decide to first get some beignets to La Maison Du Monde. "Mama the pink one!" "You want this one?" "Yees" I choose box of 20 beignets then wait for Willz and Nol to pick one each and we leave.

"Hey Jen!" "Hey babe!" I hug Andrea as she walks us in her house where all our friends are waiting. "Dre up up !" Andrea presents Willow to her kids as Nolan keeps asking her to pick him up. "Nols don't you wanna go play with Jane?" "No, I stay with Dre" Andrea and I join our friends with Nolan in her arms, refusing to go anywhere.

"Why is he sticking with you girls?" Jimmy laughs as we get there " Really funny Jimmy, shut up or I stick him to you" Andrea responds as she gives Nols a kiss on the cheek, with me laughing out loud.

Willow's POV

"So where do you use to leave Willow?" Rayder asks as we're playing basketball on their court.
"I was in Pittsburgh with my family, they're still there tho" "And why you choose to come to L.A?" "Well I really missed them but also I wanted to see what it was like to be an actress since I'll love to be one" "That's cool, my sister and I were never interested in acting, even if our mom was an actress and that Jennifer Aniston is her best friend"

We play and talk for while then really get along. I like Amelia and Rayder her brother and I think I want to see them again, mostly Rayder.

Jen's POV

"Mommy I hungry" " I know sweetheart , see Willz over there, ask her to give you some meat" "No Drea come and give me" I look at Andrea letting her know that she doesn't really have any choice but to go. "He's so in love with Drea when he sees her, it's crazy" " I know I love him too, little munchkin... come on let's go honey" She gets up as I make fun of her. "You're mean Jen haha" Amanda laughs as well "Hey, for once I get to take a break from him, let me enjoy please"

She gets back with him then feeds him till he's full of barbecue sauce then he decides he wants to play with the other kids. "He's So full of energy, I can't believe you're having another one soon... you're fucked if it's a boy and if he's anything like him haha"

"I knoooow, I want a girl" I touch my belly then whisper "Please be a princess honey" they laugh at me "But I love my boy, I'm crazy about him, and I won't change him for a thing, but GOD he has energy" "Well it seems your bundle of energy is getting tired" Sandra gets up to pick Nolan who's laying on the living room floor.

She brings him back and gives him to me. " I can't believe he was running an hour ago, and he stops everything to lay...on the floor" we laugh silently as I give him a kiss on his head.
"Where's Willow? We should get going cause I don't want him to get in a deep sleep when he's not showered yet"

"Why?" " Cause he gets all grumpy and cries for hours... he hates when we wake him up" Court strokes his head then kisses him "Which is completely funny cause he wakes up everybody at 3 in the morning"

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