Chapter Twenty Five - London Calling!

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The following weeks passed slowly and steadily, leaving the heat of the summer behind and heading for the chillier mornings and darker nights of autumn. Apart from the Skypes and the texts I hadn't seen Frasier for over a month. The good news was that Indecency was on their last week of the tour, currently setting up to perform at  Wembley Stadium. I couldn't wait for it to be over, the boys had done amazing on their first tour and their second album was set to release in mid September, after they had taken a few short weeks break. When Frasier called to ask me if he could spend most of his break with me I was over the moon.

It was finally getting better, the press had calmed down since they realised there was no more "interesting" stories about me, I wasn't partying or underage drinking, my social life consisted of being dragged shopping with Brooke, walking Cheska to the park and lounging the summer away - not the kind of thing people wanted to read about, they wanted fights and drama, breakups and make-ups and I wasn't sorry that I disappointed them. Not seeing Frasier was hard but I understood he couldn't always be around me, I had my own future to think about and boy was that scary. Was it just me who wasn't sure what I wanted to do when I left school? Whenever I thought about it I ended up with more questions than answers.

College was only three weeks away and this was my final year, not only were exams going to be stressful, but it was applying to universities and creating CVS that worried me most, I hated those about me pages, the endless 'what are your extra circular actives? 'questions, was sleeping an activity? I already knew the answer to that....

I looked down at my half answered sheet already I have given up trying to make myself look interesting and was trying not to daydream about Frasier again. I pushed the paper away from me fed up with it, the only other unanswered question was "what are your plans for the future?"  I sighed wanting to screw it up but instead I turned away from my desk. I ended up settling downstairs on the sofa, my laptop on the coffee table waiting for my daily talk with Frasier. As always the TV and most of the lights in the house was on despite me being the only person in. Cheska looked from me to the unlit fire several times, but I shook my head, fire and me just spelled out disaster there was no way I was going to turn it on.

I patted the sofa and waited as she took her sweet time settling down her head resting squarely on my lap. I idly stroked her as her body heat warmed me instantly.

A video chat invite suddenly popped up on my screen and I leaned forward trying to stretch to reach the keyboard while not dislodging the snoozing Labrador. I clicked accepted and dragged the coffee table closer. Instantly Frasier's face or should I say nose sprang into view. I giggle as he adjusted the cam and sat back. It looked like he was in another hotel bedroom and in typical Frasier custom his clothes were everywhere but where they belonged. He spent only a week in these hotels how could he get them so messy? I wondered as took a sip of water.

Hey Gorgeous- He looked into the camera and smiled.

I waved back - Hey Rock star

it was after we told each other the daily news and how much we missed each other that Frasier dropped his bombshell.

Guess what? He smirked knowing how much these questions frustrated me.

I stuck out my tongue What?

How would you like coming to London, I need a hot date for a movie premier?

I laughed as Frasier wiggled his eyebrows, When?  I asked.

This Friday, Red Carpet, limo from the hotel and a hunk of a guy who looks amazing in a tux?

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