Chapter Twenty Three - A surprise for Frasier!

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After Frasier had gone the week dragged by painfully, one of the only highlights being the airing of the interview Friday night, Brooke who had been busy working in the vets up till then gathered around with the rest of my family to watch it. It's safe to say that there was an incessant amount of people ruffling my hair and calling me adorable, my parents however sat tall with a big proud grin on their faces, especially as the personal questions about my deafness hadn't been edited out after all.

Honestly it didn't turn out half that bad however I could happily say that wouldn't want to go through it again despite what Jason said about the first time being the hardest. However I knew that more interviews were yet to come and Karen and Jason were being flooded by requests from producers and reporters wanting me on their show. Sooner or later I'd be dragged into the studio and this rigmarole would start again.

By Saturday morning, I wished I was old news already, thanks to the interest in the interview my name had at least a dozen hits on the search engine, most of the websites that cropped up was Indecency's official channel however websites dedicated to 'Frailey' also popped up. I didn't know whether to be flattered or horrified as these websites splashed pieces of my life all over their pages, from pictures to videos.

 Unsurprisingly a reporter had found the footage from the Song Writers contest and comparing it to the new footage from the fans of  Frasier and I singing on stage, they came up with a nasty article claiming that I was just using Frasier to further my own musical career since mine evidently and to quote the article's word 'crashed and burned with her accident.' I couldn't help getting angry and upset, my lack of privacy was one thing but making up these lies about me was hurtful. My eyes scanned the newest hits and I suddenly got very sick of the same websites that were cropping up now mainly about how wrong I was for Frasier, too plain, too ordinary, bound to drag him down.

I shut my laptop down in disgust, Brooke wasn't having half of this trouble, I told her this when she popped by to see me back from the vets. "They don't pay me any attention because they assume that JJ won't be with me long," Brooke said grumpily, "the only websites other than Indecency's that I pop up on is the ones wondering how long it'll last and how will he dump me."

"I'm not looking anymore," I said, no wonder Frasier never paid any attention to the sites.

Brooke smiled, "same here,"

We sat back on my bed, "so how's the work experience so far." I asked genuinely interested.

"Not bad, it's a lot of hard work and mainly I look after the animals that stay overnight."

I nodded, "it's great that you know what you want to do, sometimes your life seems so much perfect compared to mine."

Brooke shook her head, "it only appears that way, it just crashes down in the end anyway."

I frowned unsure what she was talking about, "is everything okay?" I asked her softly.

"It's fine," she said changing the subject, "anyway how's your planning going."

I didn't want to drop the subject and for all her smiling Brooke seemed...well not herself I squinted closely at her and saw sadness in her eyes, "Brooke..."

"It's nothing Riley, really" She smiled, "Now tell me about Frasier."

I sighed, I may be giving in but I wouldn't forget what she had said, "The plan's in place, all I need is the date and time and it can be settled."

"He's going to love it," she said as she got up to leave, "sorry Ri I've got to go, I've got some things to do."

I said goodbye and watched as Brooke left, there was definitely something up with her and I really wanted to know what it was but I'd just have to wait until she was ready to tell me and hoped for my curiosity's sake that it would be soon.

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